Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blind Item #18

This foreign born A list singer can't get his addictions under control and his actress wife will leave him if he continues along this path. She has always been single minded in her focus and would leave in an instant if he makes her veer from that path.


  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Nicole Kidman

    1. Look up Fiona Barnett. She knows all too well the "addictions" in the Kidman family

    2. Yes. Her father was a horrific paedophile and Fiona claims Nicole also took part in her abuse.

  2. This is using the term "wife" a bit loosely though, don't you think?

  3. My first thought was Keith Urban, too, but doesn't Enty usually describe Kidman as A/A+ Oscar winner/nominee?

  4. Let's just hope his addictions only extend to substances.

  5. "...for better or for worse, 'til death or interference in my career do us part..."

  6. That's why I never started with hair coloring. Hard to kick.

  7. all that plastic surgery they've both had warped them lol..does she or Tom either one pay ANY attention to the grown kids they adopted when they were married cause they don't seem to to me at least....just another publicity stunt using adopted kids as photo ops? she and Keith are both users aren't they so they're enablers.

    1. They were pets as babies/ children.
      In the Adoption World it’s a little trickier
      to love unconditionally grown adults who
      neither look or act like you...😐

    2. omg B626 dumbest comment ever. Clearly you don’t know the adoption world or or you have major issues. Or you’re a troll.

    3. I don't think they mean themselves I think they mean to the celebs who collect these poor children as window decoration ...

    4. Her older kids with Tom are still in CO$. They are disconnected from her because she's a suppressive peraon.

    5. Yikes did you not read the comment B was commenting on???

    6. Yes, I did. It said it is difficult for those in the Adoption World to love someone who does not look like them. In this instance , it is referring to Kidman. However the Adoption World is a very broad term which coupled with the comment makes no sense. Half the planet of biological children tends to not look like one of the parents. Or stepchildren. Or adopted children. So that would make a very large population of the world unloved by your parent/s as an adult. Which is irrational. As for Kidman, I am not going to assume whether she loves her children as adults or not, because , again, usually people do love their kids even if they are shitty parents.

    7. I do, however , apologize for calling it the dumbest comment ever. Because I have seen some crazy shit here.;)

  8. Well, good for her! Nothing wrong with ambition or cutting loose those who keep you from fulfilling yours.


    --my motto

    1. Tea, coffee, soda, food, tv, internet, smartphones… are all drugs.

  10. they also keep llamas (alpacas) as pets just like MJ in today's other blind

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Plenty of regular folks keep alpacas, don't think alpacas are correlated with abuse and addiction.

  12. I don't know Lyla, I thought EVERYONE knew alpacas were the gateway pet to a life of drugs and debauchery.

    No? Just me? Hmmm....

    1. Hunter not just you, I hear they sell baby alpacas outside of schools to get you hooked early.

  13. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I feel sad looking at Nicole these days. She was breathtakingly beautiful when she was young, and now...bleh.

    I hate what Hollywood has done to women...and us for demanding it. (Us collectively, as a culture) Plastic surgery is a scourge, ruining people, and it's saturating into the public, too, I see so many women with puffed up lips and frozen faces and ridiculous boob jobs. It's just depressing. And I don't know how it can be stopped.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. There aren't many llamas or alpacas in SoCal because they are poorly adapted to warm weather. There are lots of them in upstate New York, Pennsylvania and the upper Midwest, as the long-term legacy of get-rich-quick camelid farming scams from the 70s and 80s.

  16. @lyle you are reading far too deep into things :)

    llamas are rare pets and there were two blinds in one day about llama owners, which is kind of random. If there were two blinds about koala bear owners in one day I would find that funny too.

    It was just a funny off the cuff observation, not deep social commentary about the correlation between abuse, addiction and llama ownership. I mean I know people on the internet get offended at every little thing but I cant believe I just typed that last line. It is like something from the Onion. :)


  17. I thought the children were not allowed to see or have a relationship with Nicole because of Scientology.

  18. The older kids are adults. How many entertainers cart their adult children around to events with them?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I find Keith Urban a crashing bore, although I do like, “When we were us”, his duet with Miranda Lambert.

    Hey Keith! 1972 called to say that David Cassidy wants his hair back!

    1. He's fantastic in concert - he can play so many instruments and he seems like a 'complete' person whilst performing... as compared to dead pan we get from his elsewhere

  21. Dear Keith, after a human reaches a certain age, using illegal substances will hasten your demise. You seem like a nice guy and it is time to put your big boy pants on and enjoy your family and fame. Quit cold Turkey if you can or sign up for methadone or whatever will help. Good luck and God speed!

    1. Sign up for methadone!!! Do you have any idea what methadone is? Big Pharma Kills too and pharmaceutical drugs like methadone are a hundred times harder to kick than heroin.

  22. Holy shit @Remie Ross - I had no idea about Antony Kidman. Scary stuff.

  23. Yes, methadone is not even the lesser of evils. Such a farce.

    Bloody hell - why hasn't more of this come out about The kidman family .

  24. The reason the adopted kids have nothing to do with Kidman is because she was labeled a "suppressive person" by CO$

  25. He seems like a good guy. (I use the term loosely.) Never heard anything bad about him from the inside.




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