Monday, July 16, 2018

Blind Item #8

This former A list mostly movie actress is out promoting a huge box office bomb of a movie which will probably not do wonders for her movie career. She talks a lot about certain things, but leaves out two very important things because she does want a career again. She has not spoken out at all about the disgraced writer/director who forced her to have sex for roles more than once. He also forced her to have sex scenes he cut but then showed to actor/director/producer friends who would then call her in to read for roles where they often tried to force her to have sex with them. She is also not discussing the former A+ lister who verbally and emotionally abused her for years and caused an equal amount of years in therapy. She has to stay silent if she wants to keep the career revival going.


  1. Neve Campbell? John Cusack for the former A-lister?

  2. Amanda Seyfried? With her dating history the former A+ could be anyone from Josh Hartnett to Ryan Phillipe

  3. Neve is out promoting her new movie "Skyscraper," which... let's face it, as much as I adore The Rock, the movie looks like pure crap.

    1. 😂😂 exactly what I was saying earlier. Looks dreadful!

  4. Oh, if Neve, then James Toback for the writer/ director.

  5. I couldn't figure out the writer/director. I was praying that it wasn't Wes Craven, because that would devastate me.

    James Toback makes sense. Isn't Kevin Williamson gay? (I feel like I read that a few years back...)

  6. My CD just sent an offer to Neve for my film. I hope she takes it but Agents/Mangers are HUGE gatekeepers - and rude.

  7. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Given that he's worked with Toback multiple times, I wonder if Robert Downey Jr was one of those actor friends Toback showed videos too. That could be the fire he had to put out from the Avengers blind. :(

  8. What is John Cusack's deal? I used to think private meant smart and normal... now I just wonder what they're hiding


  9. Good Lawd, look at this write up on the movie she made with Toback.

    1. That article made me throw up in my mouth a little.

  10. that wild things movie Neve was in was kind of sleazy. not sure if that director is disgraced though

  11. Definitely Winona... movie coming out next month... Johnny Depp for the abusive ex

  12. "Forced... more than once?"

    No, sounds like a voluntary agreement made and now regretted.

    There are lots of other jobs besides movie star. I'm sure women are indeed forced to have sex to keep their jobs at car washes; but sex for leading film roles... repeatedly... that's not being forced.

  13. @Sara

    I wonder that, too. Cusack was a smart actor who made smart movies, then he disappeared.
    The stories about his relationship with Neve came out but that is the only gossip we've had for years on the guy.

    He's life long friends with Jeremy Piven. Other than he and Tim Robbins, Cusack doesn't seem to have any Hollywood friends either.

    1. I had read previously that JC was abusive and mean to Neve. Gaslighter I think is the term. His sister is awesome!

  14. @ J your assessment is ridiculous. You don't think MORE is at stake for a multi million dollar role and/or a rep than can be smeared in seconds by Hollywood VIPs if a woman doesn't do what is asked. Sorry but in what world do you think women screw to work at a car wash? HUH? Just because these women are richer, more high profile, doesn't mean they can't be used or abused. It has been SYSTEMATIC, casting couch expectations, dreams made or dashed... since the BEGINNING of the film industry. And if you suddenly had stardom dangled in front of you, your very passion and dream one screw away, isn't there just as much desperation to it all? Unfair assessment to blame victims even if they 'participate' as cogs in the the evil machine. They are just doing what they think they have to, period.

  15. The woman at a car wash probably can't walk away and say "screw this."

    The woman who headlines Hollywood movies certainly can. And in this case, didn't.

    Which of those two claims is false?

  16. "And if you suddenly had stardom dangled in front of you, your very passion and dream one screw away, isn't there just as much desperation to it all?"

    Well, I guess it depends on what sort of person you are, how much self-respect you have, whether and how you are willing to exercise your moral agency. Those are the questions which are relevant in considering the first time a decision like that is made.

    When we talk about making that choice a second time, you're just for sale. Which is fine by me; just don't pretend you're a victim.

  17. I agree J. All of the women I have known have known what they were doing relative to sex and career moves. If you don't play in certain circles you are persona non grata... I think it's incremental or it used to be. I.E. Doing coke, etc. gets you in compromise territory. From there, you have to get real smart. Or not. All in how you want to play the game.

    I agree the victim shit is gag inducing. As a woman, I am insulted.

  18. "Skyscraper" looks ridiculously bad.

  19. Thanks, momo.

    I'll stress that I find the situation faced by some poor woman at a car wash, or washing dishes, or working in a poultry plant, who has to face being raped to keep her job -- something I'm sure happens a hell of a lot -- is absolutely disgusting.

    And these brainless actresses who didn't become Elizabeth Taylor after sexing a few producers, so later claim they were raped... they aren't doing a damned bit of good for millions of real victims. In fact, every time one of them gets caught in a lie (i.e., daily), women who face real abuse are one step further from being protected.

    1. No, you don't have to sleep with the boss to keep a crappy job. You just get another crappy job where the boss is not interested in screwing you. You know most bosses in low and middle management are now women, don't you?
      So, what horrible fate do these young actresses face if they turn away from Hollywood? Poverty, famine, early death, the plague? No, they can always go back to being barristas or whatever crappy job they were doing before sucking off a Hollywood producer. This is the reason I have no sympathy for them.

  20. "No, you don't have to sleep with the boss to keep a crappy job."

    Yeah, you do. If you are a female undocumented worker, for instance, in the hotel industry there is a huge chance you will be sexually assaulted because there is no one you can go to about it. Same with women who work in the fields in this country.

    There is the potential to trap any woman, at any job, into being the victim of sexual assault. If an actress takes a role on a TV show that turns out to be a hit and she's happy to be there. What happens if she is assaulted by a producer who threatens to fire her otherwise? No, she can't just walk away. This is her life and the chance to be a part of something great. She is "stuck" and there isn't much she can do about it.

    It happens in academia as well, where women think they are succeeding on a path to a PhD and tenure, building their CV and making strides in their profession. What option do they have if one of their superior professors assaults them or threatens them if they don't put out? To quit?

    I'm not saying every case is assault and that some aren't a quid pro quo arrangement. But to frame of of them as convenient for both parties is just wrong.

  21. Yes she can, plot. She can just fucking walk away. And if something illegal happened, she could do something really out there, really crazy, and file a police report!

    There's no inalienable right to be famous written into our constitution.

    I can't be a movie star, so I have to settle for <> a job.

    And there's no fucking reason I should get anxious over those superior beings, the beautiful ones, for whom having "just a job" is something dignity simply will allow.

  22. ...simply will not allow. Freudian slip... I'm having crazy visions, something out of a fever dream, in which Hollywood actresses actually do useful work.

  23. Actresses are aware of what they're doing. It's wrong but it's the whole reason why not very good actresses make a huge success. Us normal folk would say "fuck this shit. This has nothing to do with acting" but they crave success on an unimaginable level. They'd do anything.

    1. Harvey Weinstein would have never got laid if it wasn't for his power. Many women did offer it to him on a plate as women aren't thick, they know how to play it. He got use to getting what he wanted and then became a predator.

  24. @Amy

    "Actresses are aware of what they're doing."

    Some are, some aren't. Some try hard as hell to avoid it.


    Your ugly jealousy over Hollywood actresses doesn't prove your point.

  25. plot, your characteristically simpleminded analysis doesn't disprove my point. Have another go.

  26. J,

    You don't start from a place of rationality and logic. You are making shit up, or rather copy/pasting shit that was made up for you.

    Your deep emotional attachment to this Qanon shittery makes it impossible to argue with you.

  27. I write my own thoughts, plot. Think them too.

    Anyway, you have no substantial rebuttal. All you have is that you wish the world was different than the way it is.

    Me too... but I don't use that as an excuse for talking nonsense.

  28. I've read Qanon and quite a few other sources.

    Those are not your own words or thoughts, J.

    You are controlled. Congratulations.

  29. Neve Campbell, Tobak, Matthew Fox, skyscraper

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Neve Campbell = "Foreign Born"

    Plus, since is is almost certainly the unnamed Canadian actress suing Weinstein, I don't think that if she was that worried she would sue. She has to know it will eventually come out.

  32. The grand old tradition of victim blaming is alive and well, I see.

  33. apparently some around here have never heard of a fucking legally binding contract but those are indeed a thing



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