Monday, July 16, 2018

Blind Item #7

Apparently this former A+ list singer who likes underage sex and molesting young girls has gone from just renting his projects for an hour or a day to outright selling them which is what he recently did for a rapper. The price was $250K with a promise she would never leave him no matter what the rapper did to her. Why is no one stopping this? It isn't like it hasn't been reported to authorities. It is crazy this is being allowed to continue.


  1. Again. Vigilante justice. R. Kelly. STAT.

  2. As much as R Kelly may have people in his pocket, blackmail against them, or maybe they're on his side because they have the same interests as him - I'm waiting for an ambitious person with some power/authority (either law and order side or politically) to step up, even for purely selfish reasons, and get the wheels going to take him down because of all of the publicity they'll get and how this could propel their career forward. I'm past thinking that someone will take him down because it's the right thing to do.

  3. Who is the rapper?? He’s a scumbag too.

  4. It seems like he's mastered gaining parental consent, or at least feigned ignorance, in order to abuse continually without ramifications. That's the only explanation I have.

  5. R Kelly gets away again. He must have major dirt on some VIPs.

  6. If there was ever someone in need of Black Mirror style justice, R Kelly is definitely high on that list.

  7. A couple of organizations I'm involved in have a loose policy: the first person who says "someone should do such-and-such" just volunteered. If you're calling for vigilante justice against someone, the obvious question is: what are *you* waiting for? Go ahead, we won't tell.

  8. Someone needs ot finish thig guy. Honestly if I hear someone killed him I would jump for joy!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. He'll never go to prison for his crimes. He's blackmailing the men who use his services (who are rich and powerful celebs and politicians). He's molesting/raping/grooming young black girls. The police couldn't give less of a fuck about us.

    1. Right. I think a parent will do him in first! Or professional hit.

  11. There have been parents that have complained feverishly but there daughter was agreeing to stay stating it was her will and she was happy, etc.

  12. Sooner or later some other rapper and/or drug-dealer slash pimp will blow his brains out. Such is the life of the thug.

  13. I hate this bastard.

  14. Where is he these days? Post a general location - city, county, zip code etc. if you don't have or don't want to provide an exact address.

  15. @daria

    Like how Hannibal Buress used Cosby's crimes as a stepping stone to greater fame?

  16. To all you vigilantes:

    My mind is telling me no...but my body, my body is telling me yessssss

  17. How is this happening?????

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Besides his alleged ties to powerful people (which is an obvious answer for why this continues) Many of the women currently (publicly) under his hold arent coming forward. There's also (some) in the community who think he should be allowed to get away with it because many men of ...lets just say "other ethnicities" are getting away with it.

    I dont agree with these views, but I think this is bigger than r.kelly. Child victims seem to be getting very little attention in all of this. This shit runs too deep. Too many people turn the other cheek because of money/careers and the ones looking are participating.

    R.kelly was on tape pissing on his own god daughter and convinced a jury that it coule be his own brother. People seen that and were still waiting for each installment of "in the closet". There's never enough outrage for children.



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