Friday, August 24, 2018

Blind Item #11

This is a huge break in the investigation. She was still married to him and she received some new information from three people about the death of this A list celebrity. That information has now caused police in the country where the death occurred to question their initial determination of suicide.


  1. Bourdain was separated so him?

  2. Gotta be Bourdain. Heard rumors (here?) that he was increasingly paranoid toward the end, talking about someone out to get him.

  3. Anyhow RIP Robin Leach, I thought he was a lot older than 76.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As soon as I heard he died, I loudly cursed Weinstein and Mossad.

  6. Nvm just seen the divorced wasnt finalized.

  7. I thought it was known they were still married.

  8. @unknown

    [Bill Clinton, look, the bimbo eruptions—it was f---ing monstrous. That would not have flown today,” Bourdain said about the scandal. “[Bill Clinton is] a piece of s---. Entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, disgusting, and the way that he — and she [Hillary] — destroyed these women and the way that everyone went along, and, and are blind to this!”]


    1. He seems passionate, but doesnt sound crazy to me (at least on twitter). His tweets are worth going through of you're curious.

      Not saying he's right or wrong, just that he seems coherent.

    2. if* not "of"

    3. Just another Clintoncide. Nothing to see here.

  9. Thank God for Bourdain. He seemed willing to tell the truth. I am a liberal but I hate Hillary and Bill and I was appaled at the way that women supported Hillary after she went after her husband's victims. I generally do not post about politics but I love it when someone like Bourdain is not afraid to call it how he sees it. We need more people like him.

    1. I say I'm far left and I hate Killary and Kill Bill. I loved Bordain.

    2. 100% Nor Cal

      Hillary is not pro-women. Neither is Bill, although he "likes them a lot". Yuck.

  10. Is "initial determination" their euphemism for cover up?

  11. Cue in the emotional readers who don't feel the speculation of murder should be considered when someone commits suicide.

    1. Good lord, how true Unknown.
      @Skeptic, WHERE ARE YOU?
      we miss you telling us to Fkoff just for mentioning that bourdain's death was sketchy.

      Its good to see so many reasonable comments on this one today.

  12. Shocking no one who isn't sleeping through reality.

  13. Only 11 blinds today? Is it possible that Enty has been listening to people who are requesting less, but higher quality, blinds?

    1. Nah.... he just had one to many Martinis at lunch and passed out on his futon

  14. Still feeling the pain in my gut over Bourdain's death. From the minute I heard the terrible news, I knew something was amiss in a big way. Let the truth come out, please! For his family's sake and for all the thousands, if not millions, of people like me who adored him.

    Is Tricia not well? Don't remember a day without seeing her posting first. Hope everything is OK down there on her Island.

    My neighbor, who is taking care of my livestock down in New Mexico, just called me to say he has caught my 'creepies' about all the Quakes and eruptions around the globe. Not to mention Mt. Etna going off. He said if I come back I can stay at his place if I feel unsafe. Think I'm going by train to New Mexico this time. What is happening!?!

    1. I believe there is a huge conspiracy brewing.... 1st Melvin had an epic meltdown, and now Geeljire AND Tricia are missing AND Robin Leech is dead.

      Mysteriously, Putin has been eerily silent on all these matters, so I'm thinking it MUST BE THE RUSSIANS!!!@

  15. By the time the Clintons are safely six feet under, all liberals will always have hated them. Maybe the story by then will be that all their votes came from Russian hackers.

  16. @Boo, I believe she said yesterday she was traveling to a different island or something today, I could be wrong.

  17. Bray: Thanks, honey. A day without Tricia is a day without Sunshine!

    1. Hey Boo and Bray!
      Yes was on a day trip to Sint Martin for camp/field trip:) looong but fabulous day... thanks for asking Boo hope all well👍❤️

  18. Anthony Bourdain's estranged wife, Ottavia. What was up with the French authorities rushing to close the investigation into the cause of his death and cremate the body in a hurry?

  19. Not really a blind. Everyone in the world knows the new info. Him paying of AA sexual assault accuser does not = he was suicided

  20. @Boo Hearne-Glad to see you’re back & I hope you’ve recovered from your health problems. (I’ve been off the site getting ready for & then starting a new school year)

  21. Boo, I recall you saying Tricia looked "pure evil" after seeing her reader photo. You also said she must suffer from fetus alcohol syndrome and had the behavior of someone who does because you said she was always so obnoxious.

    1. Sometimes people are wrong in their first assumptions of people, @ladybaus. Boo has been super sweet to Tricia for a while.
      Where you been girl?

    2. Don’t waste you time with that one Rosie lol. Troll(or is it “Turtle Time,Romana😏)-or at least they been attempting to troll me lol... pretty poorly so at that. Probably an “old friend”... poor dear.

  22. They were still married legally and co-parented their daughter. This has got to be Bordain.

  23. Q called this a Hillarycide the day it happened. He would of had to be drugged to strangle him on a doorknob. Maybe not Kate Spade though. Her husband is sketchy as hell. Too many people dying in similar ways. There are no coincidences.
    Just saying.

  24. @Brayson and @Boo, yes, she told me yesterday she was going to Sint Maarten (an island very close to her island) today after I asked about hurricane restoration there, it was pretty much leveled last year.

    1. Happy to report that the Dutch side is hopping and back in bizness,so to speak...some of the bigger hotels still under construction,but restaurants casinos, shops et all looking good. Sint Martin strong LA Native!

  25. @purplepuffin exactly...
    Two things bother me. They say it seems like a suicide; took his blood to run some test, then cremated him. Why do it before the results came in? What if things required further testing?

    They mention that it seemed like he did it on a whim and that makes sense. Im no stranger to suicidal thoughts, but why do it around a time where you're publicly supporting your gf and going after Weinstein as well as publicly discussing other high profile cases?

    Seeing him quote this on twitter;
    "Circumstantial evidence is like finding a fish in your milk. It doesn’t prove anything but it’s mighty suspicious" just weeks before (in regard to something else) really resonated with me.

    Maybe it really did look typical and maybe he just had a moment where he felt done with the world, but why this moment? When I first heard he passed away I didn't think much more than it was saddening.(I kept up with his shows, but not his public/personal life) When I heard about everything else though... Well, it really is "mighty suspicious".

    I hope he's resting in peace where ever he is.

  26. I remember Asia was wearing some shirt with a nasty message in an Instagram selfie - something like "Fuck you! You know who you are." And it was speculated that it was directed at Bourdain and why he might have offed himself.
    What if it was directed at her victim and Anthony realized what a monster she was (might have even learned some other stuff about her by this time) and that he had helped her cover up her crime with his money etc? He really hated that pedo shit as much as most of use here do (not you plot).
    I wouldn't rule anything out though, including murder. Wouldn't have been hard to slip something in his drink with a long time release to give you a few hours so it wouldn't kick in until he was back in his room, and come back later to hang him up. It would have to be something that might be recreational use on his part.
    Have blood and tissue sample results come back?

    1. And I believe the cash he used for the payout was just about half of his cash on hand!

    2. @Neal that's actually a really good theory.

      Before that boy came forward one of the "conspiracies" was that her message was directed to someone who killed him/influenced him to kill himself. However, finding out what she had done (and maybe other things about her)would make sense as a potential trigger for his suicide.

    3. @neal m.....I thought the same thing.

    4. Toxicology came back. No drugs but lots of alcohol in his system.

      I always thought the t-shirt was meant for the paps who took photos of her with the journalist, but it could’ve been meant for her victim.

      In any case, AB supported her publicly, paid off her victim, and then saw pictures of her cheating on him? (And, no, I don’t believe the ‘open relationship’ BS.) The guy must’ve felt like a fucking idiot, especially since his friends had misgivings about her all along.

  27. Once again, there's no ongoing police investigation in France, because it was never a murder.

    That's just something that Enty said in a blind item, just hours after Bourdain's death, to stir interest in the site, and the story has never made an inch of sense.

    Basically, a few days ago, Enty found out the article about Ottavia that Cree had read, and decided to include the widow in his fantasy tale.

    How much do you wanna bet that in a month, there won't be any investigation, there won't be any statement by Ottavia Bourdain, but there will be a blind item explaining why the new developments haven't yet gone public?

    1. You bring up a good point Angela. What Neal said about Bourdain possibly finding out about his gf beforehand might have been a reason he killed himself and Enty does seem to get a lot of "blinds" from newly released articles.

      Its all just weird timing, but I can understand it just being a coincidence.

    2. Yeah, I agree. I get that this site is for entertainment purposes, and we should just enjoy it for that, but there are people who believe the things Enty makes up for drama, and it's not cool to damage people's reputations with this slanderous crap.The fact that Enty gets 90% of his blinds from articles released the same day, and just happens to have "insider knowledge" about every single incident to make news, just points to the fact that he makes most of it up. Maybe not all of it, I don't know if he really does have SOME insider knowledge - but I do know for a fact that some of his revealed blinds aren't true. So that puts a doubt on everything he posts for me.

    3. To add onto that (not sure if there's a way to edit posts, I'm new to this), as for the blind itself, I don't know if Bourdain's suicide was actually a murder. I wouldn't count it out entirely, as making murder look like a suicide is very possible and does happen. Especially with rich people who have the money and the means to get stuff done. I just don't think Enty really has any knowledge of what actually happened.

  28. An Investigation of this nature could go on for years and years, people could be suspects and never be names public. They don't need to report to the media or you so that you understand what they are working on.
    If you were ever involved with an investigation you would understand how fluid and/or dormant these things can be at various times. But you haven't, so you can play expert on the internet without even knowing how ignorant what you are saying actually is.
    Bless your heart though.

  29. @Nor Cal you are annoyed that women supported Hilary after she attacked her husband's victims yet you still like Anthony after he wrote awful things about Asia's victim and paid him off to try to silence him, kind of smacks of hypocrisy.

    I can't believe the people who think he was killed by some powerful paedophile ring for trying to expose them, when he helped cover up his girlfriend being a sexual predator. He was obviously happy to turn a blind eye when it suited him.

    Ask yourself if you found out you partner had groomed a kid and raped them, would you stand by them, would you pay to make the story go away.
    He wasn't the man you wanted him to be.

  30. Neal M-The toxicology reports came back this week and the French press said he had no narcotics in his blood when he was found deceased. His death smells like three day old fish left sitting out on the dock!

  31. Thanks Boo H.
    Well in the absence of drugs in his system, and as fit as he seemed to be, it would be awfully hard to do this without leaving marks.
    Anything on his BAC? Funny how triggered people get at the mere suggestion that you might want to look into if it truly was a suicide.
    It doesn't seem to be the usual pedo defenders though, except Angela, so not sure what is at work here.

  32. My FBI connections say that she is being investigated....

    1. Himmmm ... is she being investigated in Anthony’s death or for other deeds we aren’t yet aware of? I think she’s rotten to the core and I wish Anthony had stayed well away from her

  33. where did his money go?

  34. LEANNE NORMAN, I was not aware that Bourdain disparaged Asia's victim. My understanding was that he gave money to Asia to pay off a man who claimed he was her viictim. I would guess that Asia told Anthony that the boy was lying. However, we now know that there are pictures which prove that she acted criminally. I would assume that Anthony was not privvy to this proof. If he was then my opinion of him will change.

    Assuming that what I surmise is correct, I still think Hillary is worse than Anthony because the sheer amount of victims that came forward lends credence to the allegations against Bill Clinton. In Asia's case, before the evidence came out, it is easier to question whether the claims were legitimate. In today's paper a woman just pled guilty to making false accusations of rape. Unfortunately, false allegations do occur. We do know now that Asia is guilty.

  35. LADYBAUS: I wasn't going to 'go there' after reading your well-timed post, but I think I will.

    I have never seen a photograph of Tricia. I have no idea what she looks like except from the photo she used, until recently, when she posts. I did, however, make a comment about a photo I saw which gave me chills. Are you saying this was a photo of Tricia? I thought a photo of a beautiful woman reclining by a pool was her and was told she was not Tricia.

    You obviously work for CDAN to have access to posts made months and years ago. I do not recall ever making the statements you said I made. Yes, there was a time last year when Tricia and I were having issues. I think I wandered way too close to the truth when I posted my feelings at the time. I stick to those feelings. I don't believe I was incorrect in any of my assumptions.

    That said, I came very, very close to death this year. If you want to know the truth, I have been posting from a hospital in NYC the last days. After I returned from Ireland, I was rushed to the ER where my doctors discovered my cancer has returned. I don't know why I have such an affection for CDAN, but I do. This is so out of place for me on many levels. If you could indulge me until I recover and/or die, I would appreciate it. I don't need Boss Lady making these kinds of statements. Thanks.

    Do you all remember something I posted a few months ago about a conversation that was had at a dinner when I was leaving NYC to return to Mexico? How shocking it was and how it affected the world, not just the US? The answer is in the newspaper every day but no one is seeing it. Look at the last names of the men and women who are falling by the wayside and whose reputations are ruined. Hint: Both Anthony Bourdain and Asia Argento are Jewish on their mother's side.

    I am on this site to tell you things for a reason. This is not the only site I comment on. There are others far more well known than this one. I have been counseling people for decades. Why? My predictions are almost always right on the mark. Instead of trying to force me off CDAN, be thankful for what I tell you.

    In closing, I know who Tricia 13 is.

  36. Oh bullshit. I read what you said, didn't forget it, and don't work for CDAN. Either someone else is posting under your name or you have finally lost all touch with reality.

  37. I know who Tricia is.

  38. @Neal M

    How has anything here to do with child molesting, except the recent allegations on Asia Argento and her 17-year-old former acting partner?

    The official report is that Anthony Bourdain hung himself in a hotel room in France. Toxicology reports won't change this report, and, by the way, they weren't reported by the French press last week, contrary to what Boo Hearne claims. Because the findings were released on June 22, and Bourdain wasn't famous enough for French people to justify focus on him for months, as his TV show wasn't broadcast in this country. Actually, his entire Wikipedia entry is just five paragraph long in French. But, hey, I might have edited it because I'm a pedo defender/paid shill/etc.

  39. Stay well Boo. Glad to see you posting again even if it's just briefly.

  40. Angela-Neal: Boo Hearne said what? I said I did not want to believe he hung himself. This is personal. I have never said he was murdered. Never hinted at this scenario. I believe he did hang himself. Over Miss Argento. Over the photographs of her wrapped around another man that the photographer who took them said he wished to heaven he had never published them. Anthony Bourdain was loved, respected and adored here in Manhattan for years. His friends here are still in great pain and will be for some time. I only talked with him once, as I wrote about when he was found. He could have said hi and walked away. We talked for some time about the reasons he wrote a book about Typhoid Mary, of all people. He was moved at what I had to say about the book and told me so. I was not some chippy who thought he was dishy looking. When I say this whole thing stinks, I am referring to the manner in which it is being written about. I have never thought he died from some misadventure. The same with Robin Williams. Asia Argento, a piece of garbage from her bone marrow to her ugly face, is why he offed himself. Period.

    I know who Tricia is!

  41. @Nor Cal

    He seemed to be well informed, maybe he didn't want to see the reality of the situation who knows, but to me him speaking out against other people is tarnished by his own actions, maybe it weighed heavy on him and regretted it.

    I'm not defending The Clintons for how Bill's abused women or Hilary for attacking them, but I don't think they are killing people in some big conspiracy either.

  42. Oh no Boo! Oh dear. I'm so sorry to hear that.

    If you would like a visit from a cheery young woman who can talk a lot of trash and would LOVE to meet a fellow CDAN'er, let me know. I've been a devoted member since 2008 but often comment so late in the day, nobody probably sees me. I will look for you tomorrow.

    I am starting my own company right now (quit my 9-5) and have some spare time; I live in midtown & would love to make a new friend. Sorry about the shitty cancer, I'd want to read this site on my way out too, lol!!


  43. Oh and we can put our tin foil hats on too and talk about satanic baby eaters if you want, I like to talk about all the things. :D

  44. because it is TRUE TRUE TRUE true true true true true true mostly.

  45. @Leanne Norman that exchange sounds more like he believed what she told him. That Bennett (17 y/o) raped her. Seems like she claimed he was lying to get paid off.

    If anything I'd say willful ignorance, they were talking in private text. If he had openly thought she was lying why pretend? Id bet that he wanted to believe her, but it seems either way that he was wrong.

    It does explain the suicidal thoughts.

  46. Boo- I’m very sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. I have always enjoyed your comments and stories and hope we’ll continue to hear from you for many more years.
    BUT, what’s with the “I know who Tricia is” comments??

  47. Leanne Norman, thank you for the link. I was not aware of this information. I agree with Cree that it sounds like Bourdain belived what Asia told him- she admitted to sex but said that he was the agressor and that she felt "frozen" and unable to stop it.

    Obviously Anthony was not a saint. He had a history of heroin addiction and poor taste in women.

    I do not believe that the Clintons are murderers. I do believe that Bill has sexually assaulted multiple women and I find his frienship with Jeffrey Epstein troubling.

  48. I don't believe for one second Bourdain killed himself - he was in the middle of shooting a series!!!

    He was not acting like a person about to kill themselves. Same for Avici.

  49. Boo, hope all goes well with you. Fight the good fight.

  50. It's bourdain... I wish the truth would come out about Avicii too.. i've looked and read and read and read about his death.. things leading up to his 'suicide ' nothing makes sense.. it's being covered up also.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Boo, I'm sorry you're going through this. Am praying healing for you in Jesus Name.

  53. Boo, so sorry to hear the big C has returned, I always look forward to your posts. Take care and fight hard, so you can post for many years to come!

  54. The comment section really is 100% more interesting than the blinds.

    I don't know you Boo, but I wish you well.

  55. Yes Boo, good luck to you! Been waiting for the big one and still has not happened. Wildfires scare me the most!

  56. Hi Boo, I am sorry to hear about your health problems. I do wish you luck!

    In regards to Tricia, I do think that many here post under aliases to protect ourselves. She could be a stay at home mother whose children are all at school by 9 am. I am a stay at home mother and my child is at school well before 9 am. I wake up early here in California and I start CDAN before my child wakes up. I take care of my child and when my child is safe at school I check back in at CDAN. I could post quite frequently like Tricia but I do not because I so rarely know the answers. I rely on the collective wisdom of CDAN, especially Tricia, for the answers- mine are usually wrong!

    Of course, Tricia could also be an elderly man living in the Bronx. I do not care either way. I will laways look forward to Tricia's posts.

  57. Boo, why is life on the west coast about to turn ugly?

  58. I have often wondered the same about how Tricia can be the first to guess on nearly every blind (for years) as well as find the time to reply to comments all day long while raising a family and having a life. I too have thought she might work for the site, but whomever is in the pictures she posts is Tricia S____(I won’t put the last name she used to post under because I don’t want people to invade her privacy /past). We know this because a few years back, our old “friend” Derek posted a link to a very unflattering mug shot of the same face in her pictures that included her name which match what she posted under at that time and city where she said she lived.
    Maybe she does work for the site, but I don’t think she’s a made-up person.

  59. Ew.
    Okay so...shit just got creepy.
    I feel like I need to put a soundtrack on. And maybe even erase my last comment.


  60. Earthquakes.
    Boo is fortune telling earthquakes
    Shits not that mysterious.Come on guys.

  61. @ boo I wish I could pm you lol. We lived in NM for 8 years & sometimes I would like to reminisce about it. I do hope you feel better and go into remission.

  62. It’s pretty obvious that Tricia is an Ultra MK groomed by the Parallax corporation to run false flag operations.

  63. @Boo Hearne 1. Nobody cares if you know who Tricia is, figuring out the blinds, not who the readers are, is the point of this site. 2. I don't care what kind of cancer you have or how bad it is, trying to dox people who leave comments on a gossip board, is a shitty, shitty thing. How dare you try to put someone else's safety and privacy at risk by trying to figure out who they are or threatening that you know who they are? I certainly hope Tricia is a CDAN plant now because otherwise you are putting another person's privacy and safety at risk. No health problems, no matter how dire, entitle you to ruin another person's life.

  64. @hunter

    How are people about to kill themselves supposed to act?


    "Tricia is not who she claims to be"

    No, not by a long shot. People who live in "paradise" don't post as she does.

    "Tricia is a fictional person who works for CDAN."

    I feel, can't prove anything, that there are at least 2 people posting under the Tricia name. There seems to be an exchange of voice (with less spelling or grammatical errors) when this Tricia has to offer more detailed explanations.

    BTW, Boo, congrats on the well lived life! Cancer nor any other illness can take that away from anyone. You've made it.

    @ Nor Cal

    "I do think that many here post under aliases to protect ourselves."

    Yet the Tricia has taken no pains to protect her children on this board or her location, at least the Tricia who allegedly lives in Trinidad. Not many posters are so explicit about their personal circumstances, for good reason. Why does T, after being allegedly harassed by someone here, still signal all sorts of aspects of her personal life?

  65. @Boo Hearne

    I'm really sorry for the diagnosis, and I hope you'll be able to overcome this bitch like you already did once or even faster this time.

    I was mentioning the toxicology stuff you had raised because a quick search over Google News shows plenty of articles published around June 21, but I haven't found an article from last week, in English or French, about a more complete report. In any case, there weren't any drugs in his system.

    Then, I don't think that narcotics could have entirely explained his death. He had been at some point a heroin addict, but he didn't hide that he had other issues, and they were more likely the cause for this addiction, rather than the result of heroin. Depression can make people go snap and take a sudden decision, there's no simple pattern in behaviors. Actually, when Prozac (and a few similar drugs) started to get used against depression in the 80s, it led to more suicides, because some people had their spirits lifted up after a few weeks of using Prozac, and they decided to focus this sudden new energy into something they had in mind for a long time, committing suicide, before they could get adapted to this energy and this courage for other goals in life. For these patients, a closer monitoring at the start of a treatment may have prevented these deaths.

    That's also the tragedy of many suicides. It may sound more comfortable to put a name on the cause by putting the blame on a single person or on a precise event in the victim's life, but the sad truth is that, most of the time, there is no precise and clear explanation that could be summed up in two lines in a letter. Most of the suicides are not about being blackmailed, or suffering a bad breakup, and even in these situations, there are almost always other factors. When you can't cope with life, logics and simple causality don't work and you can be triggered at some point by something that wouldn't have affected you a day before or later. Dating Argento may have done some harm to Bourdain, but it's also obvious that he had self-destructive tendencies in his life prior to that, and that he could be attracted to her because of that.

  66. (continued)

    In this particular story, my anger with Enty comes up from the fact that he first published a blind item that claimed, without much ambiguity, that Bourdain had been killed by a "special team" on Harvey Weinstein's orders as a collateral victim or as a warning sign to Argento. He wrote and published the blind on the day Bourdain died, within hours. The story made little sense overall, as Argento is not a key witness for the actual charges he faces and is just one of 86 or 87 actresses who are on the record against him. I thought it was an insult to Bourdain, who had spoken about his own issues to raise awareness for various causes. And it was one more "It can't be suicide, it must be disguised murder". Apart from the death of Robin Williams, basically every high profile suicide is turned into a murder by Enty: Cobain, Cornell, Mark Salling, etc. Add to this the fact that Enty suddenly has a network that allows him to know everything that happens in France (and to make ridiculous statements) and it was the last straw to me.

    Also, Enty hadn't realized, by the time he published this blind, that Argento had much more "potential" as the bad guy than his original pick, Weinstein.
    In the early blinds, Argento was supposed to be the other victim of the "special team". It would appeal to the readers that are very much into conspiracy theories, and there were a few people who have definitely made the quite expected connection with the Mossad (I doubt that the Mossad would be that sloppy and let sites reveal some "truth" about any involvement of them just hours after an operation). The special team resurfaced a few times here, especially when there's an accident or death in France, like the FEMEN founder who actually had a long history of depression and suicide attempts.
    But people were quick to call Argento a cheater, and a bad influence in his life, plus there's the settlement with this Jim Bennett, which has caused Enty to change his tune discreetly, so it wouldn't clash with his own old "stories". Two days ago, he tried to connect Weinstein and the "special team" with Argento, so she could be the new lead villain in the story. The current blind is another step in the same direction. I expect, for the next blinds, less emphasis on Weinstein (or France) and more dirt (real or imaginary) on Argento, who is willing to get her accuser offed, and who may have actually been an accomplice to Bourdain's "murder", literate (as it was a murder for Enty from day one) or figurative (as the readers suspect that she played a part in his suicide).

  67. @Angela

    Asia Argento is proving difficult for Enty because her questionable behaviors keep out-distancing his narrative plans for her, going off erratically into areas Mr. "Insider" Enty never anticipates. How the hell does someone know all about French investigations, and the pedophilia on every movie set ever, NOT know that Argento was sleeping with a minor and sending her naked selfies to lots of men she knew? Seems like Argento's behavior should be more readily available and discussed by anyone connected to so many of the world's scandal, no?

    Next, I expect, he'll go completely Vicky Cornell on her and begin building a mafia assassin network Asia is connected to that could somehow enter a French town of 1200 people, unnoticed, sneak through a window and off Bourdain. Either that, or Asia voodooed Bourdain into suicide. Wait and see.

  68. Wow all the questions.... with so little mystery to tell. I. @NorCal is tbe most perceptive one here though... live a good life,kids Ft school(or camp till yesterday) and even when not -their ages are great and the play together now. We beach it,pool it have fun and feel lucky tbh. My pix are the same pretty much -reader photos and avi(not quite sure what’s in question), and I live exactly where it says I do in my bigger profile and have for last 9 months. ...(and it’s not Trinidad), I recently said I have friends there whose homes has damage in quake . Reading is fundamental. @Boo I remember your comment about a refer pix once but had no clue who you meant , so not sure what that’s all about but the Ramona Singer/LadyBaus person sort of trolls me so there’s that(Take it with a boulder of Salt)
    That said thanks for all who nice stuff and the rest -hey is what it is. Seen /heard it before and will again I’m sure.
    It’s all good:)

  69. "NorCal is tbe most perceptive one here though"

    Naturally! Since it suits conveniently.

    Notice, more details about the life. Why? Who is supposed to care? It's almost defensive.

    1. It's almost like you cared enough to respond

    2. lol rosie... seriously why this wierd effort by some to discredit Tricia?? I have only been reading for 8 months (cdan) and am an avid comment reader, and it is vlear to me Tricia reads the DM, and prob has some good LA connects/was on the scene back in the day. It's not that hard people.

    3. Lol Rosie and kelley; yeah being that I’ve never exactly hidden any details and wrote about it quite often here for years, strange ,incorrect and uninformed statements (per usual). All the speculation /bizarre assertions were fairly amusing though gotta say; kinda flattering they took all that time ,but mostly funny😂

    4. *weote about it/my life

    5. Welcome, kelly ☺
      So yes, it is bizarre when you think "all these people here are adults, right?"
      But if you think of it more in terms of adults who didnt get enough attention when they were younger, and now overcompensate for their insecurities, it makes sense.
      In Boo's case, I'm really not sure. This one had me scratching my head. I did think she was being sincere recently(in being nice to Tricia)but I think maybe thats just a person who's used to a lot of attention throughout their life, and now she has to compete with someone else. Which is funny, because NO ONE will ever (consistently) beat tricia to the punch. Occasionally, but very very few times has it happened.
      So what I do is click on the comments and read what tricia says and assume its probably right. Shes human, not anything more, just a very nice woman who knows her stuff.
      And a lot of us love having that inside scoop.
      Every now and then these insecure, jealous people show up...luckily we dont have to deal with it for long, since they don't last long.
      Im bummed Boo shit the bed on the way out. She wont be back, that was her swan song to us. A most unfortunate way to go for such a classy lady

  70. @Plot

    "Reading is fundamental"

    Is she for real? She needs to learn to write like an adult.

  71. @Kelly

    Why ask rosie? Why not read the whole thread?

    1. Because Kelly can spot brilliance when she sees it?

  72. Best wishes, Boo.

    I'm bored, when is the gossip going to begin??!!

  73. I'm a good judge of who's real. Tricia doesnt come off as a troll or shes hiding anything. She's smart, and loves the personal challenge of the game here. Theres no venomous nature, like some who need obviously to find sime happiness. She doesnt attack, though holds her own against those who do. She is not one who trolls.

  74. Boo, I’m sorry for the diagnosis. Wishing the best for you!

    1. Thanks at Best Man🙏🏻As others said best wishes to you@ boo-fight the good fight...@jennifer with you too-I guess Enty on 1 12 noon not 11am schedule today... I suspect smell bacon and tequila might have been part of his Friday night😉

  75. Also, I’m with Jennifer. Should we call Enty and see if he’s up?

  76. Anybody in Cali that can wake Enty up?? Please and Thank you. For this wait no DB blinds.

  77. "being that I’ve never exactly hidden any details and wrote about it quite often here for years"

    Which is odd, for a someone who was stalked and harassed. Posting photos too, hm.

  78. Rosie - I think you hit the nail on the head about this weird Tricia antagonism. Some of these "old timers" think they should be some sort of "leader" here, and the rest of us gather around at their feet while they regale us with their guesses and wild tales. They think Tricia stand between them and their rightful glory.
    I haven't seen her do or say anything wrong or malicious to anyone here.
    I don't know who she is, but she looks hella fine in her new photo. Maybe that is part of it as well.

  79. Preach Neal!! I’m glad you figured it out.


  80. dario directed his own daughter in a movie where she is raped



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