Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Blind Item #8

That celebrity CEO has found a new way to enjoy two drugs at once. Dip his joints into liquid LSD and then smoke away. 


Tricia13 said...

Musk as always

Brayson87 said...

These anti-Musk blinds are getting so ridiculous, it doesn't work that way genius.

Tricia13 said...

Azalea banks comments about him for actuallybreally funny... when a bath salter is calling you whack-you know it’s time to put the drugs down .

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to believe these Musk blinds are made up....there is at least 1 or 2 every day. Not sure what happened to this site, but the blinds are getting ridiculous and boring.

nonyabusiness said...

thought i was the only one thinking that @sandy. a good 90% of the blinds here are boring and predictable.

MDAnderson said...

The Musk, Lohan, and Iggy blinds are becoming repetitive and boring. Just do 10 really good blinds a day.

HeatherBee said...

These Musk blinds are starting to remind me of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

GeeWallyThatWouldBeWrong said...

Never short a story stock!

Jimbonius said...

Not to mention dipping joints into lsd isn't new. Maybe new for him...

Ophelia said...

I've been suspicious that since the uptick in traffic if some PR teams are utilizing the submit a tip function to either get people talking about their clients, or to smear others

MeliticusBee said...

Elon Musk is clearly whack but I’m pretty sure pot ain’t the problem...nor LSD even.
Cccccocaine and mmmmmeth.

plot said...


CDAN has been playing that game from the beginning.

Now, with the uptick a few months ago, Enty can charge PR teams (and others) more. He doesn't want to lose that revenue so every day it's pedo day, Musk Day, DB Day to either stir up the masses or please his clients.

totaji said...

But what type of hair conditioner does he use?!

Unknown said...

You can't smoke lsd...

Unknown said...

Wall St Jew hedge fund managers have been spending tens of millions on a comprehensive media campaign to drive down the stock price of Tesla to shore up their short positions. Wall St runs on coke and meth, the idea we should all be clutching our pearls because Elon likes the odd joint is fucking retarded.

totaji said...

I was thinking about this. Is there insider trading going on here?

Guesser said...

They may be repetitious,but they don't exist without Musk's eratic behavior. The stockholders must be nervous about needing a new CEO, and what that means in the long term.

Tierney said...

It's been a minute since I've indulged, but how exactly does one smoke a WET joint?

totaji said...

Wet means it’s been sprayed or dipped in PCP (Angel Dust)

Tierney said...

"Dipped in liquid LSD" means it's actually wet, and won't light.

Thot Crimes said...

Leave Elon alone with his rockets.

pricksongs said...

I hate Musk as much as the next guy who hates Musk but this makes no sense- you can't smoke LSD

Sal Salington said...

There's money pushing the Musk blinds. This has always been obvious.

Kate said...

LSD doesn’t work like that. I mean, you can dip a joint in it if you want, but you’ll just be wasting it as the heat from burning destroys it.

It’s the kind of thing someone might try once, but no one who knows what LSD actually feels like would do it twice. If Musk is in fact a regular LSD user, he’d have realised immediately that it was just a waste of LSD.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

There is way too much, and often too implausible stuff, on here about Musk for me to take it seriously. And since at least one oil company guy has been caught trying to plant stuff about Musk to affect the Tesla price, it really seems to be a campaign.

Glue said...

+1 Kate ....exactly!

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Also LSD is pretty hard to get these days, at least in the states. Shrooms and X easier and cheaper. But agree with Kate, you wouldn't smoke acid.
I'm convinced Musk blinds are a campaign to drive down Tesla.

dX927 said...

Am I the only one who read this and got a mental image of Elon Musk dipping his joints (meaning his hips, shoulders, etc) in a bath tub of liquid LSD and then smoking a joint?

Anonymous said...

I could buy a rumor of him micro-dosing, like a lot of Silicon Valley dudes are alleged to love these days. But like dancing boy blinds, this is all bullshit. At least dancing boy is just a marketing campaign, these musk blinds are just coming across as childish and vindictive, like they're written by someone Musk fired.

fionafab said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Squee said...

I have noticed a change in content here, too, over the past year or so - the constant Elon Musk blinds/reveals, discrediting women who have supported the MeToo movement, rappers in general, baiting people into potlitcal finger-pointing over sexual's almost like Enty partnered with AJ Benza or something, sounds exactly like AJ's podcast. Hmmmmmmmm.

Unknown said...

Like someone else said, you dip pcp not lsd. Besides that Musk can get way better than that shit. I'm sure he can get all the 2cb, 2ci, and much better hallucinogens than lsd.

laganja estranja said...

lmao this is not how drugs work. what suburban mom wrote this

Unknown said...

probably the same person who said Demi got oxy laced with fentanyl.

annieroo said...

In the meantime all this nonsense must be hurting the sale of cars surely?

schweetyfleety said...

Are there any mid altering substances this gut doesn’t do?

Morninglorri said...

Sounds like something that wouldn’t work, wasting good acid.

Halloweenie said...

@ophelia , this is exactly what is happening. When I see an outrageous blind that's supposed to be angelina jolie I remember that she is engaged in a custody battle with her ex husband. Brad pitt has clearly removed the gloves and hired some pit bulls. As is evidenced by the across the board ( tabloids, gossip sites)smear campaign targeting Jolie right now. Makes me kinda sad because he was supposed to be one of the good guys in Hollyweird. Is there any such entity though? If he's been a part of himmm in the past then enty would owe him one, wouldn't he? ( not saying that's what happened). well the cesspool continues to pool and fester. As far as musk goes, an electric car that's very stylish and not embarrassing to drive? Do we really think the powers that be that are in control of big oil ( with their orange champion now in power) would allow tesla to thrive? And possibly threaten our nations crack like addiction to big oil ( hi Saudis!) . Like most visionaries and geniuses way ahead of their time, musk is a fricking mess of a human. Well I guess we'll keep sucking at the teat of big oil till we've drilled every bit of oil we can out of the land and environmental damage and disaster descends on us like a final curtain. Not too melodramatic I hope lol.

papaya said...

This is obviously JESSICA ALBA.

gauloise said...

Musk is sounding more like a character from a David Lynch with each passing day.

Stupidpervs said...

Nothing new

Dannette said...

I haven't heard any big interviews or statements the past few days...They must have put duct tape over his mouth and taken the phone away.

Jay said...

Another 100% FALSE blind. Anything that claims to be about tesla or musk is just trying to damage the stock and written by deceptive short sellers. Don’t believe this nonsense.

GentleBreeze said...

dx927 "Am I the only one who read this and got a mental image of Elon Musk dipping his joints (meaning his hips, shoulders, etc) in a bath tub of liquid LSD and then smoking a joint?" No, my dear, you are not the only one. Hahaha!

hunter said...

That's funny Squee, because I've never seen your username before in my life.

TELL US MORE about how much things have changed in the last couple years.

All these new names bitching about the content. Why don't you head over to Perez Hilton and drink from that shit fountain? We like how ours tastes.

Unknown said...

My teenage self is ashamed of my 46 year old self. I read, "dips his joints into liquid LSD and then smokes" and thought, "Huh?" I couldn't understand how he dipped his body's joints into liquid anything. Did he somehow just soak his shoulders in LSD? Or his hips? Hahahahah!!!!! I am so far removed from that world... Anyway, way to show how cool you are Elon! All the teenage burnouts would be proud of you. *insert giant eyeroll*

Glue said...

lol! @ papaya

Anonymous said...

Oh God, what an amateur. Joints dipped in formaldehyde, now THAT use to be fun! Back in the mid 90's of course..


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