Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blind Item #14

Date night last night with his long time boyfriend for this married foreign born closeted A+ list mostly movie actor. There is no PDA, but he has not been shy over the past year about doing things together in public. 


MDAnderson said...


MontanaMarriott said...

Hugh Jackman???

Tricia13 said...

Hugh Jackman

sandybrook said...


Mahogany1 said...

That picture of the guy in the movie with Rami

Jimbonius said...

Huge JacksMen

IanPhlegming said...

Hugh Jackman may yet single-handedly save the musical as a legitimate Hollywood genre, so I try not to think too much about how Bryan Singer gave him his big break or how many movies he's made with little kids.

Brayson87 said...

He's done with X-Men, now he can be a seX-Man.

notthisagain said...

of course hugh jackman. love him!

Anonymous said...

Just said his fav piece of jewelry is his wedding ring!

peawry said...

i don't know if he is gay or not, but i do know his driver, the one he uses here in Montreal when he was filming Xmen. And while he was here the entire time, so was his family. The driver, let's call him
David, actually still keeps in touch and as far as this insider says, he is not gay. So take this for what it is worth.

plot said...


Nice! Throw Hugh in the fire for your Great Pedo Hunt!

No one is safe from the Great Pedo Hunt of 2018.

GeeWallyThatWouldBeWrong said...

@plot is on a mission for the Pedo Protection Unit. He's actually being proactive.

Amy said...

I don't care what Hugh gets up to. His wife seems content and he is a lovely man to everyone from what I've heard.

MelRose said...

Hugh Jacksaman?

Are we there yet? said...

He was at the US Open last night with his wife.

Unknown said...

High posts pictures of him with his wife almost daily while they are out together. So, whether he’s gay or straight, he spends the majority of his time with his family it at least seems. Therefore, I don’t understand why he’s always the go-to married and closeted guy. His career wouldn’t suffer if he came out of the closet either, so why stay closeted?

Guesser said...

@Ddonna,considering the gay rumors have been around forever, we likely would have heard something. The early Singer connection,possibly.

rachelpasqua said...
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Unknown said...

I’ve heard through people in LA that Hugh is a loyal husband who loves his wife, and doesn’t have a gay bone in his body. He doesn’t want to come out and say that because he and his wife don’t care and he doesn’t want to shade or shame the LBGTQ community. He also does a lot of undercover charity work that he doesn’t want accolades for.

parissucksliterally said...

I have never ever heard one bad word said about Hugh Jackman. I love that man. Beautiful physical specimen, and all around good guy. AND talented too. His wife if lucky as hell - whether she is sleeping with him or not. :)

IanPhlegming said...

I want to believe the best about Hugh Jackman. But boy, when you talk about lying down with dogs--Bryan Singer, Ian McKellen, John Travolta, Dominic Sena, Woody Allen, "Movie 43," "Pan," "Real Steel" and so on--I just find it hard to believe he's flea-free.

hunter said...

Okay DDonna - and please outline for us who a person could work with to develop a squeaky-clean career that would rival Hugh Jackman's.


No, the answer is no.

HDNYC said...

My standard comment anytime Hugh Jackman is brought up: Two of my friends have met him a total of 3x in unrelated situations. He had no reason to be overly nice to them, and yet they both said he was absolutely lovely and the nicest man. Until proven otherwise, I am going to continue to believe that he is a lovely, polite, kind, talented person!!

Stephie said...

HDNYC, this is the first time I wish I could "like" a comment on this site. I believe the way celebrities act when the camera is not on them is truly who they are. I've never heard a bad word about Hugh.

plot said...

So DDonna, anyone who worked on any film with anyone of those people is open to guilt by association. Movie sets aren't busy work places, where most the time people are stressed and working hard, they are pedo pits of sin.

All the grips, lighting, sound, props, catering, extras, assistants, producers, casting, 2nd unit directors and crew, design, costumers and wardrobe, makeup, special effects, visuals, stunts, cameramen, animation, editors, music, transportation...all need a thorough going over by the Great Pedo Hunt of 2018 if not automatically guilty simply for working their jobs.

Or is it just the hunky actors with big names since they ring more bells for you?

Unknown said...
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Sarton Bander said...

My friend's kids love The Gayest Showman.

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Sara, Making It Work said...

Gay or not, he may very well be happy in his marriage and in love with his wife. There are many reasons to be married.
Look up "mixed orientation marriage". It's a real thing.

The Raving Badger said...

Dude seems happy. Wife seems happy. He's genuinely nice, talented and doesn't have a ton of drama around him other than the "is he or isn't he?" He's a non-story and his life is his to live.

VikingSong said...

I agree with Stephie and Plot.

How a celebrity behaves off camera is very telling of their character. I've only heard and read good things about Hugh. There is no evidence that he is a paedophile and I think it is disgusting that individuals like Donna who hide behind computers believe they have a right to falsely accuse people they don't know of paedophilia without a shred of evidence. It's sick.

As for being gay. Why? Because he didn't dump his lovely wife for a woman barely into her twenties like other actors have done?

The thing that makes me laugh about Donna and her ilk is that they happily accuse people of being paedophiles without any proof, yet defend violent criminals like Amber Heard who has a long history of theft, fraud, DV and substance abuse etc.

IanPhlegming said...

You can usually tell how true a comment is by how hard Plot-TWISTED and the sub-plots attack it. This distresses me further on the Hugh Jackman front.

plot said...

How very rational and intelligent of you, DDonna, to allow my posts to pervert your thinking.


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