Friday, August 31, 2018

Blind Item #5

As I wrote here several months ago, one of the reasons this A+ list mostly movie actor took a role in an ensemble movie was for the chance to hook up with this foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Apparently the husband of the actress got wind of this and has tried to be around as often as he can. Probably not often enough.


MDAnderson said...

Brad Pitt Margot Robbie

Tricia13 said...

Brad Pitt/Margot Robbie?

Tricia13 said...

And Tom Ackerly

Jimbonius said...

Couldn't this be Leo D. as well? Or did I miss something from the earlier blind?

notthisagain said...


leo d is closeted. brad pitt is not.

HeatherBee said...

Good thoughts, jumbo opus

MDAnderson said...

Leo and Robbie already did a movie together so he would have had a chance during that movie.

HeatherBee said...

I think I’m having mini strokes! Jimbonious- maybe Leo wants to be around Margot again

AwkwardTurtle said...

I remember the Brad Pitt/Margot Robbie blind. Apparently he was told by his people not to work on the Tarantino movie, but he did it anyway, partly for the chance to hook up with Margot.

Jimbonius said...

Maybe Tobey asked Leo to do the movie so he can borrow Margot for a few hours.

Nerf Poodles said...

Sorry buckaroo, Brad Pitt is gonna fuckyerboo.

Laslo Spatula said...

If this blind was from the Seventies the star would be Ryan O'Neal.

Because Ryan O'Neal was A+ in the Seventies. Don't scoff: Love Story, What's Up Doc?, Paper Moon, Barry Lyndon, The Main Event.

And the actress in question would be Tatum O'Neal.

Because people in Hollywood did that kind of f@cked-up shit in the Seventies.

Oh. The ensemble film was "Nickelodeon", by the way. Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, Burt Reynolds, Brian Keith, Stella Stevens: ensemble.

And Ryan gave Farrah cancer because she knew too much.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

Don't get me going on the true story of where tatum O'Neal was REALLY born.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

I have heard that if you say the phrase "Pretend I'm Mommy" around Tatum she has horrible flashbacks.

However, I cannot vouch for the veracity of the people I have heard that from.

But: people.

I am Laslo.

B626 said...

I can’t see A+ actresses around Hwood chasing after Brad Pitt after Angie has soiled him

Jimbonius said...


I think I'm going to change my name to jumbo opus. I can work with that!

mooshki said...

Hey, Laslo: Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

How is Brad Pitt "mostly movie"?

Unknown said...

Brad Pitt is closeted.

See how easy that is? Lol I can’t

Unknown said...

Seriously. He has like 18 kids and his ex is a psycho. Dude saddled himself up with so much baggage for no reason. What a moron. That’s why he drinks. What accomplished and successful woman would want him?

AwkwardTurtle said...

@Roja1970... He's labeled as "mostly movie actor" because he has done some TV and produces a lot, but we know him best as a movie actor.

pwal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stupidpervs said...

Oh wow your a tinfoil hat wearer lol ..btw it's 2018..

Stupidpervs said...

Everyone knows already ..where ha e you been hiding

Brayson87 said...

Is Brad Pitt so hard up for a$$ he has to hit up his coworkers? That doesn't sound like the Tyler Durden that I used to know.

Fifi LaRue said...

Brad Pitt is no longer a prize with all those kids that require parental visits, parental duties, heriditary incomes, clothes, shoes, educations, vacations, toys. Do they read books? Probably not. He got himself saddled with a whopping mess for the rest of his life.

News said...

am i the obly one to see margot robbie as manlike, thanos chin, and not desirable at all!? I remember when he colored her hair brown and looked so masculine.

waterlily said...

It's not Leo, as Margot has been there, done that. She was heartbroken when Leo moved on. Must be Pitt.

Sd Auntie said...

Your late to the party lazlo. We already knew what a dirtbag RO is!

Paul Saint John said...

Not to mention that Brad Pitt will soon turn 55 years old. He's no longer a catch.

Unknown said...



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