Sunday, September 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 2, 2018

This former tweener turned A- list singer/former network reality star has been scaring people closest to her a lot when they see her. Apparently she has been repeating the fact she only has to make it 400 more days. That is her thing. 400 days. She says it several times an hour.

Demi Lovato


Danilo said...


ladybaus said...
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ladybaus said...

The 27 club doesn't want you, boo. Amy Winehouse blurting out "You can't sit with us!".

AC said...

Hopefully when she is sober again, she won’t be so self-destructive.

IanPhlegming said...

She's never coming back is what I've heard.

UniversalEnergy said...

Demi sounds out of her mind. She doesn't have to make herself die at 27. I don't see why she's so scared. Maybe she'll be murdered by the Illuminati.

VikingSong said...

I couldn't name a single one of her songs. Who are these people?

pixiegothy said...

She doesn't belong to the 27club along with real talent like Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones, Basquiat, Kristen Pfaff, Richey Edwards, Robert Johnson, Amy Winehouse.. No offense to Demi fans, but she is delusional

pixiegothy said...

+1 @Ladybaus lmao exactly!!!!

Ambrosia said...

I really don't care if Demi never goes on another tour again ,never makes another music video again. She just needs help and if leaving Hollywood is "help" then so be it . Something is making her miserable and until they figure out what it is then can any progress really be made

Sd Auntie said...

She has talent unlike Derek Baus above.

Unknown said...

I’m not even a Demi fan but to say she doesn’t have talent is ridiculous.

OKay said...

She can sing, but she is most definitely NOT 27-Club level quality.

Amy said...

Bit harsh saying a person doesn't deserve to be in a group who tragically died through pure self destruction. They may have had talent but they were emotionally fucked up it's not something to admire.

zerooptions said...

I read on another site that she might have some permanent damage.
Not a fan but pretty sad.

Anonymous said...

I also can't think of any of her songs although as I recall she has a decent singing voice.

Bibi on the road to...... said...

If I'd be her, I would also want to die soon AF.
#DisneyKid #TraumatisedasHell #NumbThePain #HerBodyBelongsToDisneyAndProducers #PoorKid #MyLifeIsGr8t

Fifi LaRue said...

Heath Ledger, too.

Is the repetitive wording d/t brain damage?
400 days in rehab/hospital?
Or, if she makes to 27 then she'll live?

Too mysterious.

PayThemDust said...

She better be careful, never a good idea to be worth more dead than alive in Hollywood...

piglet said...

There is nothing glamorous about suicide. Shoot yourself and there's blood and brains everywhere,hang yourself and your eyes bulge out and your tongue leaves the usual confines of your mouth .I took a heap of pills chased down with vodka in an effort to top myself. Woke up covered in vomit cause pills. Thirty years on I'm really glad I was found in time.

Anonymous said...

If there's a 'rehab' to repair the soul, Enty, you need it.
Spreading gossip, about this very sick young lady?

Unknown said...

sounds like brain damage

memyselfandi said...

I swear I thought this was already revealed.

Unknown said...

If she dies at 27 that's it. She's in the club. Doesn't matter whether you like her or not. Hell, I can't name a single Amy Winehouse song and only recently discovered she was from England. Of course I can't name a single Demi Lovato song either. None of that stuff is my kind of music. If you want my attention learn to shred.

Doesn't matter if Demi is "great" or not. I'm sure there are planty of other artists who died at 27 who we haven't heard of or wouldn't be considered amazing by a lot of people. It's such a weird thing anyway. Because there are many more who died at other ages. But the 27 thing sticks with people due to the amount of legends who did die at that age through self destruction.

Hope she can get the help that she needs before she ends up dying somewhere tragic like a hotel bathtub and TMZ plasters the story all over their site like a badge of honor just for reporting it.

Paul Saint John said...

If she's so eager to off herself anyway why not name all the names in Pedowood and Pedodisney? She's got nothing to lose Give us names, evidence, etc, Demi Lovato! Your Italian half needs vengeance, vendetta. And then blow your brains out. Or not. You'll feel better either way.
Who would want to join a daed junkies'club, no matter how talented half of them were? ( Cobain, Basquiat, Morrison Weinhaus? Give me a break! They're only famous because they're dead!)

Boo said...

+1 Amy, Adrastia, and Paul Saint John.

hunter said...

She has been 26 for almost a month now so she would need less than 365 days to officially make it to the 27 club, 400 days seems weirdly specific.

Osh1tSon said...
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