Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blind Item #4

The female married celebrity offspring of a celebrity who really has to use that last name more and more to get any kind of job got trapped in a corner. A reporter asked our offspring her thoughts on Chris Brown's history of violence towards women. The offspring expressed her condemnation. Then the reporter told her all of the times her husband publicly supported Chris Brown and the offspring said there were lots of positives about Chris Brown too. 


Tricia13 said...

Hailey Baldwin/Bieber?

Tricia13 said...

It thought they technically not married yet?

Ksmith said...

They are married but they keep delaying their second ceremony where more family are invited.

parissucksliterally said...

I have to say it amuses me that Hailey went so far as to change her name, yet any posts about her on any site, she is referred to as Hailey Baldwin.

J said...

Well, Rihanna dated him and defended him after he tenderized her face a bit.

hunter said...

I bet Hailey has seen Chris Brown at his finest between all those parties, I'm sure she's seen his super scary nasty side.

Freebird said...

It’s very common for an abuse victim to show support for the abuser & deny the abuse was all that bad, after it happens. (Speaking from personal experience). It’s all part of the brainwashing that goes along with the truly feel you are the problem & that you caused the person to get so angry that they lost control. It’s only after you have been removed from the situation for a long period of time and have fully escaped that Hell, that you can see things clearly.

Hence, my nickname...Freebird. And why my photo is of a bird escaping a cage and on it’s way to flying FREE. ☺️🕊

Flashy Vic said...

"I was against this sort of thing until I was for it."

parissucksliterally said...

Freebird, I am glad you got out of that situation! xoxox

Freebird said...

Thanks! ☺️ Me, too! 🙌🏼

Chillax said...

Good for you 🙏🏻✌🏻🌻 @freebird

Tricia13 said...


anonymous said...

Their is a movie called Gaslight, some people are very good at manipulating, they made you thought it's your fault to get hit or cheated, you just thought they have bad temper or anger issue but they really LOVE you, you are the one who is not good enough, you couldn't accept the truth and refuse to admit the person you loved is changed , so it takes long time to give up

parissucksliterally said...

Gaslight is a GREAT movie!!

Freebird said...

Thank you! 💗

Freebird said...

I’ll have to check out that movie! Abusers carefully choose their victims. I was prime pickins, coming from a home w/ a verbally abusive father. I went through a lot of DV counseling & did a ton of research, to understand how a smart girl like myself could have been so easily fooled. blogged about DV for many years & unofficially counseled many people. The one thing that stands out to be still is that STRONG WOMEN are the ones who get hit. The ones who know deep down that it isn’t right & stand up to their abuser. I had to quit blogging about it because it was keeping me “in that world.” I needed a complete separation.

Freebird said...

Ugh. Typos. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Freebird said...

@Tricia 💗

Astra Worthington said...

Would you want to have a big ceremony and be picking at your meth scabs and twitching to hit the pipe? Or stoned to the gills on heroin or whatever Bieber was supposed to be on? Lol. That’s probably the reason they’re not doing it yet. For some reason I don’t see them breaking up for a while, but I could be wrong.

Krissie said...

Damn I think heroin is the only drug Bieber hasn't tried yet. Once that's on the table he's a goner. Sad. Age 27 is coming in a few years

Brayson87 said...
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Krissie said...

Contrary to popular belief (/s) I don't actually think Hailey has any opinions, or critical thinking ability, so this sounds about right

Brayson87 said...
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Brayson87 said...

Some people will say anything to win points with what they perceive as a weak audience, this is probably not the first time she's contradicted herself.

Brayson87 said...

Oh and about the blind and Hailey, how is she supposed to keep track of what her meth head husband said in the past, this is probably one of the few times I have sympathy for her ;)

MountainMama said...

These kids think SM is just a platform to air drunk and drugged up grievances. So much drama by some can anyone really keep up with every drunk tweet and every drugged up IG post? I know there are folks that have all of it on lock down but its a lot. Way too much for that wife to keep up with while trying to keep her man medicated to a point of semi-consciousness. Stand by your man and all that why feeding his demons. That is all her brain has the capacity to keep up with and that is a lot.

Paul Saint John said...

Women like bad boys.


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