Thursday, May 23, 2019

Blind Item #13

You are probably not going to get either of these, but I wanted to tell you about a new scam. There is this actor/writer/producer who makes a steady living making a few crap movies each year. He is far into middle age. He likes the casting couch and since the whole #MeToo movement has changed his approach. He has a couple actresses, one of whom is his latest barely old enough to drink protege who goes to screenings and events and hits red carpets and finds out if someone is willing to hit a casting couch to get a part. If they are, the actress introduces them to the actor/writer/producer who then knows he found someone who is willing. His movie are always filled with no name actresses, all of whom have slept with him.


  1. Patiently waiting for Tricia....

    1. Hah. Eli Roth came to mind but seems to obvious not to be known?

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    This should have been and probably has been the approach of most of the casting couch Lotharios. Where it gets creepy is when you have the guys who want to surprise an unwilling victim. Just go find girls or boys who are sophisticated enough to handle the pay for play transaction. There are plenty of them. Also, actually reward them or at least give them what you offered them. Screen test, real audition, part in movie or tv show, etc. Deliver on your promises. Pay for a procedure, cosmetic or dental. Pay a month's rent. Heck, anything to make it less smarmy.
    We would not be hearing about 90% of the MeToo junk we hear about if the people in power had come through on their promises.

  3. How is this a scam? Both sides fulfill their end of the bargain.
    And if the actresses are willing and of legal age, I don't see a problem.

  4. If the movie gets made and they get paid, no scam was committed.

  5. Hey local idiots, the scam is 99% of them get fucked and no movie role as promised. Thats the casting couch you dumb shits. Sure 5 of them get in the movie. The 99% of the rest don't. Fuckin morons

  6. It is called arbitrage.

  7. That's not what he wrote shithead learn to fucking read or teach him how to write precisely what he means

  8. What kind of a loser comes to a gossip website to insult the posters? A fucking asshole loser, that's who.

  9. Here we go with barely drinking age again.

    Am I the only one who believes women, like men, become adults at 18?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Enty EXPOSED YOU GUYS!!! If you are a reader and/or podcast subscriber, think twice before giving money to these people.

    1. I don't doubt at all that most of the stuff here is bullshit. It's just entertainment. So on that front I have no problem.
      The problem is when people come here and read these, take them seriously, and post on other sites or tell their IRL friends and family. To me that just sounds terribly pathetic, dragging this make believe place into reality.
      People just need to get a fucking grip.

      That being said, please spill it when you have more TamwellSully

    2. Hi Rosie- are you afraid that your little fantasy world will come crashing down because the person who oversees your entertainment has been duping you poor fools, to the sums of over $22k/mo from Patreon alone. What’s the point of reading “insider” gossip, if it’s all a farce? Who are you? Might as well be playing D&D.

      Follow the links and look into it.. it doesn’t look good for enty and his enterprise. Bye biatch!!

    3. Who cares? It’s not any more of a rip off than paying to go see a movie or for cable tv. I don’t buy either of those things and I have never paid for shit from this site, but I also couldn’t care less how others choose to spend their money. And I damn sure don’t feel as strongly as you over a website. You aren’t really coming across here as the sane one 🤷🏼‍♀️

    4. My goodness, TamwellSully sounds seriously
      butt-hurt! What happened, TS? Who hurt you? Whoooo?!

  11. Oh god someone has their tin foil hat on a little too tight there eh Tamwell?....

    1. No tin foil here- enty is the one with a tinfoil hat, pandering to the Qanon crowd. More people are starting to believe:

  12. Roth is 47-not him

  13. Are we supposed to guess the actress too>

  14. actor/writer/producer

    far into middle age

    barely old enough to drink protege

    His movie are always filled with no name actresses

  15. This isn't a new thing in Hollywood.
    Years ago, I worked a few productions that (I knew that) the producers were doing this.
    Most of these films ended up direct to video.

    I worked on a Roger Corman produced film titled: 'Hard Bodies.'
    There were a lot of beautiful women in that film who never truly had a chance in Hollywood. i had my suspicions about how they were cast.

    And, I knew of an agent who only represented "Starlets." For him to represent you, the woman had to have sex with him at least once a week.
    None of his clients ever got famous.

  16. This doesn’t sound like a household name type. The only names I could come up with were Ben Stiller, Billy Bob Thornton and Edward Norton.

  17. Zach braff and joey king

  18. This wouldn't be Brett Ratman...I mean Ratner?

  19. From the "few crap movies every year" I immediately thought of Tyler Perry. He's 49. But he also directs most of his crap movies. I don't know who the protege would be. It feels like it almost just about fits, but I don't know enough about him to say with more certainty.

  20. @RosieRiveter - Couldn't of said it better myself. It's entertainment based on an industry that makes money from fake. If you take it too seriously then it's on you. I come on to this site knowing half of it is shite but I also know that some little nuggets slip through that are spot on. And I know this because I know someone in the Biz. Didn't mean to get off topic just have been seeing Tamwellsullys comments.

    1. Hi Gnarfcat- then you are literal trash for engaging in gossip that (for the most part) you believe to be false. You then proceed to speculate and spread info online about people- without considering the consequences. And yes, writing in the comments section of this shitty blog counts as spreading info online.

      For the record- Jen from the True Crime podcasts confirms that @TheHimmmm is all bullshit. None of what I’m linking is false. Adios motherfucker

    2. I did read both links.
      It's just underwhelming, which is why I said keep posting if you have more.
      Pump the breaks there, sis

  21. @Tamwell, Do you have links to anything besides twitter, or is that the best place to start?

    1. @Brayson87 how this isn’t damning enough is beyond me..his right hand podcast collaborator admitting that Thehimmmm is a farce still isn’t enough for you guys to open your eyes then by all means- keep talking about Beyoncé’s baby factories and ignoring how cut & paste everything is from Dailymail. Fools!

  22. Actually those aren't the great, got anything else?

  23. For the blind I thought this was how every sh!tty actress was cast. They're really easy to pick out among regular actors and actresses.

  24. @TamwellSuly yet her you are engaging with us fools. We have all been warned by your superior knowledge, now please let us fools have fun in peace.

  25. Answer me this. Tamwell, why do you CARE? Did Enty steal your teddy bear?
    Or is he making somebody uncomfortable so they're paying you to make some noise?

    1. @Low Key- you are so desperate that you easily go with the “they must have been paid to make noise” card! Ha! You mean, it could be someone like icky-vicky.. or perhaps, Harvey Weinstein (lol). Unfortunately Enty is fucked, cause I’m doing this with the sole intention of bringing him down. Byeee

    2. Yeah ok I'm sure he's fucking terrified, Tammy. Can I call you Tammy? Ok, Tammy. You have a great night now.

    3. Hahaha omg can you imagine being so fucking pathetic that you are spending your time trying to bring down a website that you are so assmad over?


      This person seems familiar though....

  26. I just broke up with a guy because he freezes leftover sushi. There’s that. Lol 🤷‍♀️🤭😇

  27. lol this could be anybody.

  28. Make me? Dear Jesus quickly transported to my elementary school playground. Thanks for being the impetus for that. Sticks and Stones does seem rather apropos.

  29. @Tamwell, I think we're all aware that this site may or may not be true. You've been all over here today tho, which makes me think you have another agenda.

  30. Yeah, Enty clearly gets a bunch of his "blinds" from the Daily Mail. This isn't a Ronan Farrow article in the New Yorker. I don't think enty magically has an inside line on 95% of what gets posted here. It's mainly something I read for entertainment. But I like some of the commenters and get a good laugh from a lot of what both Enty and other folks post. No need to take anything too seriously.

  31. Yeah, this is the first day I decided to comment (hello everyone!) but I've been reading for a while. I enjoy it here and like getting the dirt. Don't necessarily believe everything but Enty's been right on the money more than a few times and it's just not that deep.

  32. A few crap movies each year and middle aged makes me think of Adam Sandler but not sure if it's him. This comment section is a shitshow.

  33. Maybe this is "Boo Hearne's' daughter " getting revenge for being caught.

    1. At least you’re freezing your left over sushi 🍣 LOL 😂

    2. Could be guesser!!🤣🤣🤣or Derek Harvey!

  34. @astra-worthlesston: you can suck my tit. You are a willing participant in the vicious lies, rumors and speculation that is written here, and you cannot begin to understand the type of damage this has done to people. Imagine your marriage falls apart, all because you are in the public eye and some bored blogger decides to use you in one of his “stories”. Once a seed is planted, there is no telling how far it will grow.

    Like I said, you can suck my tit cause you are just as sleezy as this blog. She’s a cold hearted cunt, look into her eyes- uh oh- she’s been tellin lies😘

    1. Still don’t care. You can take that righteous outrage and cram it up your ass. It’s boring, nobody gives a shit, you’re just another in a long line of retards that post about how they’re gonna be the ones to take this site down. It’s not even original and you’ll fade away like everyone else.

      What gives people like you the impression that anyone gives a fuck about the opinions of some random nobody on the internet? Oh no some name on a screen called me a mean word! Lol it’s so pathetic and I just don’t get it.

  35. @mountainmama, is your itchy snatch bothering you so much that you decided to chime in for no apparent reason so that you could take your mind off it? ☠️

  36. @da fresh prince- my agenda is to spread the truth and get as many people to see it. It’s quite transparent really.. you guys really are dense

  37. @lowkey- uhhh, sure. I’ll go by Tammy if that gets you off

  38. @astra- I’m beginning to worry about you- get some rest dear. Smooches

    1. You can also take that concern trolling bullshit and cram it up your ass 🖕🏻

  39. Tam is just in a snit because he named his daughter Khaleesi five years ago and Game of Thrones ended poorly. This site is no different from the old Hollywood Confidential or National Enquirer. It's gossip for entertainment purposes only.

  40. @Tamwell your twitter links are pretty weak. Like a few others have gotten at already, if you're trying to take someone down put all that energy into the subject. Berating us readers isn't going to help at all. Goodluck on your quest, I look forward to reading the comments. But if you post it here - I wont believe it, based on your own advice ;)

  41. @Tamwell - You've done such a good job here, that I will never read any of your posts again.

  42. What the hell you guys it's barely 11am and y'all at each other's throats.

    You guys are funny.

  43. @ Guesser: "Maybe this is "Boo Hearne's' daughter " getting revenge for being caught."

    What? What went on with Boo's daughter? Is Boo alive?

  44. Tamwell (orrr.... Tammy or Jen).... Yup! You've educationed all us fools on here. You're smart. We're all idiots. Can you please shut up now and exit stage Reddit? Nobody fucking cares.

  45. .......... she keeps saying "byeeee" yet she's still here. I'm guessing she's 12 or 13 and mom doesn't know she's on the computer. Someone should put that one in a corner.

    (That oughta rev her engine)

  46. @dahling- your current guess is as good as your efforts to be the sleuth to figure out the blinds of all blinds. It’s weak- but I love you too!!

  47. Has anybody said Harmony Kormin? He has always been a creep and fits this to a tee.


  49. It's common knowledge outside of the regular readers here that the site is basically a lot of bollocks now. Just check a couple of threads on the Data Lounge, they've read through the way the site operates and how it basically prints what the readers want to read. A few blind items from 2016 have even been wiped out from the site because Enty, at that point, would stil publish blind items about someone popular here. And the juicy stuff, if true, would find its way into the hands of some honest cop or would be sold for a premium, rather than landing on a blog.

    It's also very obvious to notice that the guy behind Himmmm is basically a poser who loves to pass as some Hollywood big name rather than acknowledging he's a failed screenwriter and musician with a documented history of substance issues. When I got a glimpse of his actual life, it was basically pathetic. Decades of delusion, of putting all the blame on other people, and desperation for attention.

    That said, the accusations made by Tamwell here and featured on the tweets lack substance. It's the same two or three pictures in a loop. No direct testimony, only other people who believe he's a fraud. Tamwell, the "You HAVE to believe me" angle won't cut it as you're addressing people who WANT to believe Enty's blinds, because they hate the liberal entertainment industry and assume it's full of degenerates and perverts. You need to provide some documentation, some evidence about his misconduct, because that's the thing Enty is unable to roll out for his own blinds. Some post with just a first name on social media isn't enough.

  50. @angela- we’ll said. However, I don’t run a website, I don’t have a blog, I don’t have a legion of online followers that I “Have to” present more info to. I owe nothing to nobody. His Patreon subscribers have dropped a bit since this started coming out.. that pleases me.

    I too once visited this blog multiple times a day to get my fix- if you will. But I can’t stand by silently as former readers are bullied online and made to be stalkers as soon as someone calls out enty, Himmm or JohnDoe. Watching Jen gang up on people and chiming in to bully grew tiresome a well- she’s a fucking bitch..

    As an entertainment industry reader-fan-consumer- I want to believe that the salacious topics discussed here have substance to them, otherwise- where is the fun? It’s pure fantasy at this point. Why even bother speculating at all. It’s a complete waste of time. I respect a true gossip queen that stands by their sources and would never knowingly leak false info. Love B. Scott is one of those!

    As more enty tea drizzles out, I will continue to spread the word.

  51. Yet both of you are still here! It sucks so bad, you’re so above it all, BUT YOU NEVER FUCKING LEAVE! Who is holding you hostage and forcing you to keep coming here, do you need someone to call the authorities and rescue you?

  52. There she is, using Caps again.. it’s @Asstra, who I knew couldn’t leave this thread alone for long. Missed you too, boo.

    Why is this striking such a nerve, hun? Nobody should get their panties this twisted... nobody.

    Also, I’ll never leave- so stop banging on that keyboard with those hooves, we might not hear from you until you replace it.

  53. @Asstra, maybe lay off on using the curse words.. there ARE children in here. Smh

  54. @chelpo- welcome to the party! Why are chelpo’s always showing up late? It’s like the kid that never got picked for dodgeball who desperately waves their hand but to no avail.

    Chin up!!

  55. @enthusiasm quotes- thank you, I have the strength to carry on today. So nice.

  56. Don’t call her Asstra, it’s degrading. Call her “White Power Astra” to show some respekkkt.

  57. It's sad that some people continue to call the regular posters all kinds of names,losers who have nothing better than to comment here. However,in their thirty page diatribe,they reveal they not only know everything here word for word,for years,they have endless amounts of time to read dozens of other blogs,and doxx anyone who they feel needs to be exposed,apparently for our greater good. I mean,I would have thought there was a much more interesting ways to spend time in France. @Angela,why not give us some tea on the Cannes gossip, or any other news out of your home turf. We would very much appreciate it.

  58. @guesser- whoopsie, I ‘guess’ you’ve been triggered. Heh- see what I did there?

    -many blessings

  59. @TamwellSully said... "Enty EXPOSED YOU GUYS!!!"

    I've decided I do have a couple of questions for you after all:

    1) Explain what you mean by "exposed?"
    2) see number one.

    /Thank you for your valuable input.

  60. @thot whines- my apologies, I didn’t realize where your development level is at, as you clearly require spoon feeding.

    Say it with me: If thehimmmm is a known fraud, enty is a fraud. Again children... if thehimmm is a known fraud...

    I heard Abc Mouse works wonders!!

  61. @fatwellsullen - "Exposed" was and is the question.

    Let's assume you are correct in all your assertions regarding the hmmmms, enty, and all the blinds being fake and frauds; how does that "expose" any of us consumers of this site?

  62. If by "regular readers", Guesser, you mean the people who even subscribe to Enty's Patreon at $5 a month or more, they deserve every bit of education or ridicule addressed at them.
    There are apparently 5,000 of them. Which makes at least $20k a month in revenues (plus ads from the website) in exchange for rants that basically confirm biases they already had (and minimal expenses, given the hosting costs for such a podcast). While anybody with a functional brain would realize it's a mixture of old and documented stories with some made-up bullshit that supposedly expands on the stories, all under the pretense of noble cause such as the fight against child exploitation.
    It would be easy for Enty to send some of the evidence against all these "criminals" to independent publications? The independent press has been able to expose Richard Nixon, the Catholic Church, Harvey Weinstein and many more. Even the Bryan Singer piece found a title willing to publish it. Isn't it weird that most of the good fight Enty claims to fight basically consists of regaling the regular readers and posters with more horror tales?

    So, yes, it's very entertaining to remind people that they're basically getting conned by someone who provides some gossip porn tailor-made for their tastes in exchange for a small monthly subscription.

    Also, in Cannes, this year:
    - the director of Blue is the Warmest Color flopped big time with his new film that's 3h30 long, because it's principally shots of asses, interrupted by an non-simulated cunnilingus he's actually coerced his actors into (he threatened them, he got them drunk on the set until they were too tired to ask for a simulated scene instead)
    - the jokes at the opening ceremony fell all flat
    - for once, the prizes were awarded to the best received films. Almodovar was a serious contender, with his best film in ages and a newly-found humility, but Parasite had received rave reviews during the second week
    - the most controversial announcement this year at the film market (which is the actual thing the festival covers for) wasn't the new Robert Bronzi (the Hungarian actor who's a Charles Bronson lookalike) but the relaunch of a franchise. Some people complained about "Mandingo 2: The Enslavening", a mysterious project produced by Astra W. Studios

  63. @angela did not come to play. I think I love her.

  64. @twat crimes, hee hee, it’s funny right??! -the play on words. Choose your own troll language, I’m feeling a bit like you are trying to steal my identity.

    But really, nobody cares about you, silly.

    Where the hell is mah girlfriend Asstomouth Worthington??

  65. @fatwellswollen - If you're unable to answer one simple question, and unable to admit it, what's your/the point? (at least support your argument). Do you need to be reminded of the question?

  66. @twat- my Lord, since spoon feeding wasn’t enough, looks like You require tube feeding- which is above my area of expertise, I’m afraid. Perhaps reading S-L-O-W-E-R will assist in a speedy grasp of a simple explanation.

    Best of luck!!

    P.s.- Angela’s post does a brilliant job of elaborating on how Enty’s particular form of manipulation works. I know you won’t understand at first try, but just grab Astra and you guys can take turns sounding out the words, etc.

  67. @Thot Crimes

    Himmmm is definitely some kind of con artist. The IMDb entry for "Talley Griffith" features an extensive biography, submitted by "Anonymous", which is eight lines long, while the guy just has ONE credit, the 1995 amateur film (shot for $5,000 lent by his father) that he wrote, produced, directed and edited. The film gets two rave reviews, including one by something who had seen it in 2014 in France with French subtitles. It was never released here. The bio also states that he sold a pitch with director Renny Harlin attached (it's true but the film was never produced, and it was 20 years ago) and that he was an original partner in BOTH Legendary Pictures and Anonymous Content, two production companies that are either very powerful (Legendary) or highly esteemed (Anonymous, even name-checking Steve Golin). Of course, there's no other mention on the web of his involvement with both companies. And if we know one thing about Himmmm, it's that he's never modest about his own accomplishments.
    Basically all of his other personas on CDAN (like the successful indie writer-director, the reformed junkie turned A-lister, the brokenhearted lover, etc.) represent the human being he'd like to be, but he isn't.
    Given his decades-long lack of involvement with the film industry, it's a given that Enty would have known Himmmm was definitely not an insider, yet he decided to promote him as such during years, even allowing him to pitch a script, by pretending that Christopher Nolan and half of Hollywood were eager to shoot the real-life story of a former porn star who had managed, decades after she had retired from getting creampied, to escape a hit job by mobsters, as she had negotiated a clever clause in her contract. How could any of you assume that it was indeed one of the "best scripts in decades" as Himmmm claimed, while there's not a single riveting thing in the entire description of the plot? No outstanding character, no promising action sequences, even not a single theme that matches what Christopher Nolan brings to his stories.

    And there are the many stories about Netflix, about Tesla, that reek of manipulation, as if somebody was trying to short sell shares of the companies by starting Internet rumors.

    So, the regulars who are happy to send their five dollars every month, to support the site in other ways and to repeat this gossip to as many people as possible, deserve to be revealed as idiots. CDAN at this point is like porn. The blind items are designed to make the readers climax. Mulatto Meghan Markle is a former yachting girl and a controlling bitch who is a disgrace to the entire British Royal family. Liberals routinely kill people to keep their secrets safe, as they're a bunch of child molesters and shameful homos. Hillary Clinton has a brain cancer-inducing pill, and that's how she got so far in the race. Rock musicians never commit suicide, they're too cool for that. It's always murder due to their wife.

    So, I have a more interesting question for you. Why are you actually reading a gossip site about Hollywood, while you obviously hate Hollywood's guts, and assume that 90% of actors and directors are monsters?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. @fatwell - Angela is intelligent and explains her points, whether I agree with them or not. Unless you're one her Alts, piggy-backing on her logic still doesn't explain how this site "exposed" me, which according you, it did.

    How hard is it to answer my original question?

    Can't you at least try?

  70. @Angela says: "Why are you actually reading a gossip site about Hollywood, while you obviously hate Hollywood's guts"

    That is a neat assumption that your cut&paste bot-tomes are not accurately able to predict.

  71. While I do not subscribe to Enty's podcast,$5 is a bargain compared to cost of Comcast cable,which is a life-changing amount. $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks that's inferior to the coffee at McDonald's,Wawa,Quickchek,or Duncan Donuts. This is a far worse crime.I wish someone would use their energy on these issues.@ TamwellSully,@Angela is a man,according to his profile.

  72. @twat, Angela feels very strongly here and is well versed in enty history, that’s great- and I’m elated that they’re sharing. I personally don’t care enough- heh.

    In regards to the question.. you truly are a dumb twat. Did I say those words? I’m pretty sure that’s what you read from the Twitter link. Are you hung up on a grammatical error??! BWAHAHAHA.

  73. @guesser/ Angela will always be a fierce queen- no matter the gender.

  74. For the record, for years, every blind item written by Himmmm had to be taken as the undisputed truth, the Gospel from God. An actual A-lister was blessing us with His presence, us, mere mortals...

    If somebody (and I actually wasn't part of that crowd for a long time, stupid me) was challenging his claims, the person was a party-pooper and these negative comments were scaring Himmmm out of giving us more first-hand stories about the real players in Tinseltown. The regulars from years ago would give the dissenters a really hard time, using exactly the same arguments. Why are you here? why can't you spend time on something constructive? Etc.

    Of course, Himmmm is a fraud, a nobody who mostly has the cojones to imagine what it's like to walk into Robert, Paul or Kiefer's shoes and to base long blind items on his own wet dreams. It took time, but I'm glad that some people are finally seeing him for what he is. I was also glad to see that nobody was taking Dancing Boy seriously, even if he deserves at least some kind of concern given his obvious mental issues.

    Of course, the next logical step would be to have doubts about the mothership, Enty himself. Yet, you'll give him a pass. Basically because he provides you with your daily fix of "they're all degenerates, give or take a good guy" you love to hear.

    Anyway, it was the right thing to challenge Himmm's credentials. It was the right thing to mock Dancing Boy's "blind items." And it is the right thing to call Enty a fraud and a liar, who's taking advantage of people's credulity to make a business out of it.

    1. @Angela, I have called out Himmmm several times and even got a clapback from Himmmm. I also pointed out that it was impossible for this person to be RDJ, given the personal information he gave prior(example, saying during the Britney Murphy/ Chris Cornell story, which is not a blind,he mentioned having a daughter with the same name as Chris,) RDJ didn't have a daughter at the time. He also did a complete 180 on Vicky Cornell, even though he had said vile things about Susan Silver in the aforementioned comment (s) Enty has always put up with us calling him out, many regular commenters have and we are not blocked. I have made comments on other blogs/sites, very carefully worded,and if you don't toe the line, they are blocked. And then there are other sites, which basically go all out hate speech, political diatribes,etc. The community here can get out of hand,but eventually,it gets reeled in by ourselves. By the way, your logic is if Himmmm is a Fraud,Enty is a Fraud. Does that go for the people who work with say, Polanski and Singer? I don't think so either.

    2. Enty is a fraud because he willingly let Himmmm post stories that were complete fabrications, as he knew right from the start. He was happy to let people think that Robert Downey Jr supported the site and to use these rumors for publicity.
      Besides, it’s obvious that some blind items attributed to Enty himself are typical Himmmm tales. All the Natalie Wood/Robert Wagner and Chris Cornell stories reflect his real life obsession with these celebrities.

      The main difference is that most of Himmmm’s stuff is some humblebrag, a definite “isn’t it cool being me?” vibe that’s most of the time harmless, unless it’s about the people he blames for what happened to his personal idols. He didn’t go through the QAnon road, with the child molestation rumor industry, the way Enty did.
      For instance, the long stories about Spielberg raping child after child is some Enty business. The story about Spielberg being lucky enough to watch some actual footage of aliens is goofy and old fashioned enough (since people can shoot in high def by just using their phone, they have stopped reporting UFO sightings) to be something that Himmmm could have overheard or made up. Yet, they coexisted within the same week, without having anything in common.

  75. @Tam & Angela the man - So what you're trying to say is, the only thing that Hmmmmmm & Enty being frauds (or not) "exposed" me to is your stupidity.

  76. Dear Thot.

    Sarcasm is like masturbation. When you don't know how to direct it, you get the end result in your own face.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Why would anyone freeze sushi? Eww

  78. No sex, no job.

    It's not an equitable arrangement, it's exploitation.

    It wouldn't be okay for an accountant or a factory manager so it's not okay for a film producer.

    Weird how many guys refuse to accept this.



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