Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blind Item #3

I'm looking forward to when the foreign born A/A- list singer gets busted with coke and how fast this foreign born A list singer pretends he never heard of her after all this fake romance crap. 


Tricia13 said...


Natsu said...

The Aussie Chick?

I wonder who knocked Epstein off?

Flashy Vic said...

To paraphrase Black Sabbath on their classic War Pigs: "Hillary laughing spreads her wings ..."

Bibi on the road to...... said...

My thoughts exactly.
Wondering who killed him to make the proof go away with the body, maybe he was willing to talk.

gauloise said...

I feel like the first suicide attempt was to get people used to the idea so they wouldnt be outraged. The 2nd one is fake and he is off in some comfy pedo friendly corner of the world.

Also, why is G. Maxwell free?

Anonymous said...

I don't even know if I believe Epstein is dead. There was just something off about the picture TMZ had of him being wheeled out to the hospital. Why would a high-profile prisoner like that with so much at stake just be tossed into the prison? It's just all bizarre.

Mel Pas said...

This will be funny. But they can come up with an ending before, like "alpha male, straight, shawn mendes cheats on Camila cabello with 500 women"

Natsu said...

He could very well be in the program..

There is a picture of him on a stretcher.

Natsu said...

Like a ruse... To make people think that this time someone knocked him off while on suicide watch.

Smart move, if it's true.

Natsu said...

There are two pictures. Maybe they want his clients to think he is dead.

Dumblesnore said...

They look like brother and sister.

Sd Auntie said...

so should Epstein been kept at a country club with ankle bracelet? there is no club med prisons in NY state but it is mind boggling that he had bodybuilding tough guy murderer as his roommate.

Drewholtaus said...

I love it when he calls her coca senorita!

8ana8 said...



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