Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Blind Item #8

I'm waiting for an intrepid reporter to not point out the new love of the foreign born model who was also a reality star and is the parental unit of meh celebrities to ask her why she doesn't have to spend mid six figures a year now on hocus pocus cures like she did when she had access to big money. Was it all a big scam directed towards her ex or was she scammed herself. 



    1. That Yolanda always lands on her feet....

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Yolanda Hadid. I think she was probably scammed and then "cured" herself. There are a lot of people especially in L.A. who make their livings from "healing". They can become quite rich and respected. We even have one of them running for President as a Democrat.

  3. Yo lied so much it was her breast leaking causing all the problems..

  4. She's mentally ill.
    She's also holding onto that poor man for dear life. That Instagram post "I think he loves me" is just so cringe, I'm embarrassed for her. Pathetic.

  5. LOL it is like Spencer Pratt and his "healing stones."

  6. Yolanda is thirsty and vile. She also claimed those meh kids of hers had Lyme disease too.

  7. Yolanda and Foster married when she was hired for RHOBH. Pretty sure she didn't love him and obviously didn't want to sleep with him so she faked ill or actually had munchausens because she's one of those weirdos who wants her husband to feel sorry for her and have all attention on HER. If you watch how that all played out, you will see she was perfectly well during the "years she couldn't get out of bed" until she finally actually took to her bed in the final year of their relationship. They were only married 3 1/2 years before their separation and the marriage took place right before filming started for RHOBH.

  8. Didn't she say at least two of her kids were sick too? They seem to have recovered miraculously as well.

  9. I wouldn't be so quick to judge her. I have/had Lyme Disease, and it's not fun. (I got it before she did, and had never heard of it before. I thought I had MS.) I spent almost 5 years on antibiotics ($800.00 a month AFTER insurance). Once it hits the neurological stage, it's awful. I had to leave a very high paying job and there were days I couldn't walk. Lost the hearing and eyesight went bad on my left side. Threw me into early menopause. A lady I know that also had it when I did is still paralyzed.

    That said, I think she was conned by all these out-of-country cures she tried. But when you're desperate, and have the money, yeah, I would have tried anything. I found a good Infectious Disease specialist. I can function now, but will probably never have my old energy back.

  10. Yolanda appears extremely stupid and naive to me. I pick option #2.

  11. @Sunkist They lived together for something like nine years before they got married. Their relationship wasn't for the cameras, but I think fame went to Yolanda's head and David likes his women available to him on demand.

  12. @MothMoon I am so sorry you went through all that. But save your pity. Yolanda lied about ever having Lyme disease in the first place.

  13. @MothMoon: So sorry to hear about your experience, but glad that you were able to find a specialist who could help you. I’ve heard of many cases such as yours, which, for me, makes Yolanda’s lies even worse.

  14. I don't think Yolanda lied.

    People who are sick enough will try anything in a desperate attempt tot get their life back.

    I think people attacking her for lying when she was CLEARLY ill were cruel.

    Lyme can be cyclical and like anything chronic hte peron can have a good day and then a terrible day or month.

  15. Mr. Ent: No, she was not scamming her ex. How? She didn't keep the money.

    Her being ill and 'no fun any more' led to the divorce, when she seemed happy w/the marriage.

    What's more fun, being in a marriage/lifetyle you like, or being sick, shunned and single?

    What's more fun, being sick in bed, trying potions? Or shopping and going out and having fun?

    Chronically ill people/spoonies get that a lot. It just adds suffering atop suffering.

  16. Syphilis is a good comparison. If they catch syphilis or Lyme early enough, it can be treated with antibiotics.

    If it's not caught in time, it can lead to all sorts of permanent damage. And I think antibiotics can't stop its progress after a certain point in time.

  17. Mothmoon, so glad you survived this. I have a friend who went through two years of hell with it, and that's nothing compared to what many people go through. She spent two years on antibiotics after she found a European specialist. What was fascinating is that people can have Lyme Disease, but the testing can come up negative, because.....wait for it.....there are different kinds of it based upon the tics in the region! So, US service members overseas, may only be tested for the tics found in the States, but there are different ones in other places! It is life changing. I hope that you continue to make progress.



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