Friday, August 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 8, 2019

This A- list actor who is a self described desperate narcissist is married to someone higher on the list. Our actor essentially said the women who called out the Oscar winner who is a sibling to someone higher on the list all lied with their stories.

Dax Shepard/Kristen Bell/Casey Affleck (Ben Affleck)


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Summer Phoenix is probably just waiting for all this messing to be over lol

  2. how did kristen bell end up with a dipshit like dax sheppard?

  3. So which one called themselves a narcissist?

    3 out of 4?

  4. +1 Samantha, I was gonna say Kristen is higher on the list as a narcissist?...

  5. Dad Shepard is A- list? No wonder most modern entertainment is so shitty

  6. HOW in the hell is Dax considered an "A-list" or even an "actor"?? Unless it stands for asshole. Come on.

  7. Not trying to get into a debate but Dax and Kristen vacation with Mila and Ashton who are still good friends with Danny Masterson. They are all in the same circle so this is not that shocking. But, Dax A-? I would say B/B+ lol.

  8. One thing I like about Dax Sheppard is that if anyone asks you what "Douche" means you can just answer "Dax Sheppard" and they understand right away.

  9. I've never liked Dax Sheppard. Now I know why.

  10. Casey admitted it! FFS.

  11. Anonymous10:37 AM

    In the case of Casey Affleck he may be right. This could be another Dave Franco situation where the women were just flat out stupid and got taken advantage of. They didn't realize until later just how stupid and taken advantage of they were until the follow up calls or offers never came. No doubt Affleck is smarmy AF but I would not bet on his being an actual predator or criminal.

  12. Big stretch to call Dax Shepherd A list.

  13. I definitely would call Casey Affleck a predator. He climbed into a woman’s bed when she was sleeping FFS.

  14. If you listen to his podcast that isn’t what he said. He said there’s no good solution if you’re accused because if you say they’re lying you look like a misogynistic asshole but if you say nothing than people just believe whatever is said without due diligence.

  15. on what planet is Dax Shepard A list

  16. I like Dax Shepard. What's the problem? (I'm highly suspicious of Enty's interpretation of events on this particular blind.)

  17. Dax Shepard Alist? Nope.

  18. Who came up with the name, "Dax"?? It's such a stupid sounding name. It's a brand name for an appliance or automative product not an actor. Sometimes I wonder if parents think of what these names will sound like when the baby is an adult. "Apple" is cute but if you're working in corporate? A kid in my son's school is named Messiah. Wth? Seriously, it's hysterical hearing the Mom scream for him on the playground, "Messiah, it's time to home!"

  19. Dax is A-? Whut?!

  20. if this is referring to the podcast, I listened to it and he didn't essentially say that. but his co-host straight up said it. then backtracked. I was hesitant to listen, but I thought dax handled it mostly well considering he basically 'falls in love' with all of his guests.

  21. I tried listening to Dax's podcast a few times. It is shocking how much he talks about himself while interviewing somebody else. And every episode is 2 hours of that crap. Narcissism really just scratches the surface as a description.

  22. Uh, women being "stupid" doesn't excuse away predatory behavior. Go back, do not pass GO, do not collect $100.

  23. From Wikipedia:
    According to Shepard, his mother named him for the rich playboy Dax (Diogenes Alejandro Xenos), in Harold Robbins' novel The Adventurers.



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