Monday, October 28, 2019

Blind Item #10

Apparently the serial abuser of women who used to be an A list comic/comic actor is just saying screw it and is coming back full force. He is sending out mass emails to his old email list again to let everyone know about his tour dates and merch for sale. He thinks people just don't care any longer and won't call him out.


  1. Surely #MeToo will protest his shows?

  2. Pound Me Too was a hilarious twist of irony :)

  3. hahahhahaha harassing/assaulting women and then calling yourself a victim, lolol

  4. Louis CK is a lowlife.

  5. Sorry but this is what happens when "me too" gets overplayed and everyone with a dick is accused of something....
    For every Louis CK who may be a violent jackass and gets let back in...there is an Aziz Ansari who got trashed because the girl who gave him a blow job wasn't impressed with his "after"
    A lot of the accusers are psycho, accusations have clearly been calibrated - good for some, not for others, coverage has been lopsided and tons of people who did nothing or very little wrong got screwed in the process of becoming woke - while others still walk...

  6. Too selective to be credible.
    Believe this woman, but not that one that's accusing my good friend and source of funding.
    Also, the ever-present very strong possibility that there was an agreement (if it was between adults) and the lady is now reneging, sometimes years after the fact and long after she received her bargain.
    Not near enough focus on stopping current and ongoing behaviors.
    But then that would upset a lot of apple carts and rice bowls, so....
    Was CK "violent" or just a jackass?
    All Aziz Ansari did was point at his dick.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. As we've seen from Lauer and others, many news organizations had a vested interest in keeping these stories under reported. It does almost look like a conspiracy against women.

  8. Hey I think what Louis did sucks but in comparison to Spacey, Franco, Weinstein accusations at this point he must feel like he is tame. He was a voyeur at the worst - not to diminish, but he didn't psychically force or rape. He must feel low man on the totem pole. And in some ways, he is.

  9. Louis CK at the very least jerked multiple times off in front of a variety female coworkers whether they liked it or not. That is grounds for termination, incarceration and lawsuits.

  10. Looks like Louis CK and Antonio Brown have a lot in common...

  11. So - he got terminated - but I am not sure if jerking off in front of someone...not exactly in public is grounds for incarceration, it's not public indecency if he wasn't in public. If he didn't force them to isn't assault, false imprisonment or any other crime. Termination - sure, lawsuit - fine but he doesn't have any money since he hasn't been working so....

    I don't even know if the guy is funny - but I know that there are way, way, way worse things than an unattractive jackass being a disgusting jackass.
    I am a little more concerned about actual rape and coercion of minors.
    Adult women should take care of themselves.

  12. @Mel, It's not like women kept opening an unlocked bathroom door and repeatedly walked in on him whacking it. It was deliberately planned. It's worse than a public flasher. Sorry you don't feel that women in the workplace deserve the same protection as people on the street.

  13. I still think he's a brillant comic. I watch his old stuff on YT. A pig sure, but still funny. The Kubrick blind from a while back really made me sad, but i still watch his movies...the guy was a genius. I can separate art from the artist.

  14. hope he keeps his hands out if his pants.

  15. People making excuses for a guy who spanks his primate in front of unwilling participants are weird and very wrong.

  16. Oh no! But what about the rock-solid, watertight claims of VICTIMS like Rose McGowan and Asia Argento?

  17. Louis asked permission to jerk off and then jerked off. I don't see the issue. The broads could have said No.

    1. Maybe by this point they were too afraid to open their mouths.

  18. J, Rose was paid, so she is not a victim, she is a whore.

  19. It fails the daughter test, which is simply how would you feel if it was your daughter confronted with that situation? A guy jerking off in front of her at work?

    I DGAF if he's the Leonardo da Vinci of comedy (which is silly because it's comedy there are no geniuses), he's either going to have trouble telling jokes with a broken jaw or jerking off with broken fingers, maybe both.

    1. The story i read was 2 broads in a hotel room after a show, he asked, they didnt say no, so he started fapping.

      If anything, he should have told them earlier. "You 2 can come hang out in my room, but i am going to jerk off, so if that is a problem, hang out somewhere with out me."

  20. @Count, Sometimes he asked, and sometimes he got permission. Not all the times for either.

  21. @Count, Harvey didn't ask, without consent it's still rape even if the victim is a whore.

    1. Brayson, if you dont pay a whore, it is theft of services. Broad judge in PA caught hell over her ruling on that, but that was the ruling.

  22. @Unknown The Kubrick blind was maybe the most telling proof that the site is bullshit.

    Kubrick moved to the UK to prepare Lolita (he didn't enjoy having producers on his back, and journalists pestering him because of the book), and stayed there for the rest of his life. There's no way he could have for instance used Sue Lyon to scout underage girls after shooting was finished, as she was by then back in the US, and about to marry Hampton Fancher (screenwriter to Blade Runner).

    Also, this:

    Then, Kubrick casting a lot of women in his films to rape them? Oh, please... There is ONE single female character in Dr. Strangelove, ONE in Paths of Glory (and he married the actress), and three in Full Metal Jacket, all Vietnamese characters in small supporting parts. That means Kubrick was so obsessed with raping actresses that he didn't really make a film featuring many actresses between The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut, which were 19 years apart.

    Also, Kubrick was ridden with OCD, and he would have been the last person on Earth to let young kids roam on a full set full of props.

    But, hey, if that means that some crazy conspiracy theory enthusiast gives up on Kubrick because they take the word of this blind over anything else, it's a win for humanity.

  23. You fail the "daughter test" if you raise a girl who can't either leave, laugh, or do both simultaneously under these circumstances.

    1. I think you've failed if your daughter doesn't amputate, castrate or decapitate the perverted fucker.
      You get the sword out
      My daughter will get her's out.

  24. Anonymous12:49 PM

    This is why Count is the only good commenter on here. Brayson, take a break dawg. You use to be the only one who made any sense

    1. I think Brayson makes a lot of sense.

  25. @Amartel, So you're saying those women should have quit their jobs or stopped doing stand-up, or just laughed? Or that women should be forced to walk away and wait outside a door at their jobs every time a man needs to whack it? That it's no big deal as long as he isn't raping them?
    What decade is it supposed to be?

  26. Remember reading Silverman hooked up with him after his mess. What a pathetic bunch of losers

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. No, dummy, that is literally not what I'm saying. That's your projection of what I'm saying and it's not the same thing.
    You and like-minded feminists who keep insisting that women have no agency and no autonomy, and can't handle life, and are always and forever at the mercy of men are the ones that are holding women back.

  29. @YoSoy, Where's the love dawg, you going to try to do me dirty like that? Over some jerkoff comedian?

  30. @Amartel, Do you think Louis CK was beating off around men? Like it was sneeze thing he just had to let out? None that I've heard off. So he was either doing it because the women got him off or because he thought he could get away with it with them.

    Agency or autonomy, what are you talking about, no one wants some schmuck jerking off at their job, women or men.

  31. If some ugly old dude randomly jerked off in front of me I'd run out of the room right after I high kicked his working hand and called him a pig.

    If a man that looks like swollen bubble gum rolled in cat hair asked me up to his room, even offering me money/an acting job, unless I am a hooker, I say no. If I happen to be in a room with him and he asks me for a massage or takes his clothes off, tries to keep me there, I scream bloody murder (like a dragon from the bowels of hell) just to annoy the fuck out of him, but only after I tell him he is the ugliest guy on earth and no thanks. Fuck an acting job. Acting for women is now a low-profession. I want more for myself.

  32. @Sunkist, So your strategy for the old half naked flasher is to make physical contact, and your strategy for the big fat dude in an enclosed space is to scream for help while enraging him with taunts?

    Just stick to pepper spray, getting away and calling 911.

  33. You sound like an absolute hysteric. It's a dick. That's all. You don't have to look at it. Nobody forced these ladies to look at it. In fact if it's behaving inappropriately, you probably shouldn't. Giving it attention only encourages it. And don't change the topic and call this rape because it was not. Changing the topic and embellishing the circumstances does not help your argument or your credibility. People, women and men, in this day and age should know how to deal with crazy.

  34. Brayson 87..."It does almost look like a conspiracy against women." Fascists do not like women and children. Since our media is owned by six corporations that make money off of war....Yes.

  35. Also......description of America/Best kept secret in modern times...

  36. Amartel Oh I get what you're saying: women should have to change their behaviour or their location, or risk being assaulted by someone most likely stronger/bigger than them (and hopped up on hormones to boot) by taking physical action (ie kicking the aggressor in the balls)... all to accommodate a sexually aggressive, inappropriate jerk at work. THAT MAKES TOTAL SENSE, YOU GENIUS. I think these weak, pathetic women (someone's daughter, ha!) should go a step further and wear something more covering (maybe like a stifling black polyester garment that covers their faces), so as not to stir the beast. I think you'd like that world order, Amartel, because, obviously, it's on the women to completely deter this behaviour. Men like CK should be given free reign to wank, block exits, intimidate and assault whenever, wherever they want! Viva la dick!! Wrap your daughters in black so they don't wake the beast! -- because it's THEIR fault if they can't handle aggressive, intimidating, completely inappropriate behaviour in the workplace! Amartel, you are the new Prince of Saudi Arabia. Congratulations.

  37. I got that email. I had completely forgotten I had signed up for his emails since it was years ago and I never got anything until now. Idk, I was a fan of his. I'm not offended by peen, just peen in the workplace. When it occurs during a work situation, I cant blame or criticize any woman that isnt ok with it.

    I dont think hes quite as bad as someone like Lauer or Weinstein. But I do find it hypocritical that he has banned cellphones from his shows because he thinks recording his material is a violation of consent and devalues his work. Really?!

  38. "It's a dick. You don't have to look at it"- Amartel, 29 Oct 2019

    Obviously, you should politely read a magazine, then clean your pant leg when he's done.

    Don't show your dick to your coworkers, guys. Just...please stop doing that.

  39. Al Wanker, err Franken?

  40. Louie didn't just "ask for permission to wank because he's got a weird fetish", he also ran about doing things like grabbing Jen Kirkman by the back of the head and whispering in her ear that he was going to fuck her. She's pretty big in the comedy world so what do you think he was doing to the lesser-known women?

    If you watched his show, the line "Louie, this would be rape if you weren't so stupid.", should have made all of you fanboys realise that he knows exactly what he is doing and is playing on the fact that men will just put his behaviour down to stupidity. Do you realise how stupid you sound when you say, "OMG! This guy is a comedy genius! He understands psychology like nobody else does. Oh no, he doesn't know what he's doing when he does predatory sex stuff though... he's too dumb to understand that.".

  41. Louis CK is scheduled to perform in my rust belt town soon, and today's newspaper had an editorial by a minister asking for all citizens to call those that run the venue and demand it be cancelled. (To be held in a city run property.)

    The villagers are polishing their pitchforks!

  42. Travelgrrl-- Please let us know if anything happens!

  43. Sadly, I don't think his fans actuality do care that grew a serial abuser. I think his comeback will be successful. Scumbag.

  44. Nope, not Louis C K, it’s old wankin’ Al Franken. I was reading local news online and saw a mention of him touring a comedy show, and it’s coming to Boston.. googling revealed he’s touring a new comedy show and expecting crowds to bow down and applaud his rapist a$$

  45. Not Louis CK, he's already done shows and as far as I'm concerned he's back. Plus the blind mentions he's been sending messages to his existing email list, I'm on that list and haven't had anything for a long while

  46. The way he career has gone down the toilet since his behaviour was exposed shows how people think about this thing.
    Some of the thoughts processes on here are worrying.

  47. swollen bubblegum rolled in cat comment of the day lol

  48. @Count, He also beat it in backstage areas, in dressing rooms, anywhere in a club or theater a woman could be present. And not to groupies, to female comics and others who were just showing up for work.

  49. I'd say people not caring is doubtful. Till now it sounded like he'd been relying on performing sets unannounced. Just because the audience didn't walk out on him after they'd already paid doesn't mean they're going to pay to knowingly see him.

  50. the aborted man fetuses (feti?) on here would be wise to learn that shit like mr ck vomits into the world of entertainment will not be tolerated by the next generation of women. if any man gets his dick out around me i'm biting it off and chowing down MMMMM AL DENTE AS FUCK



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