Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Your Turn

Do you ever fly in your dreams?


  1. Yes.....as a child I levitated.

  2. No. I'm afraid of heights so flying in a dream would be a nightmare for me.

  3. Only when I’m falling from a very high place and wake up before I smash into the ground

  4. Once truly flying like a bird, but most of the time it's a type of limited levitation. It's funny because the levitation always feels like something you've always known how to do.

  5. No, but I often dream that I’m late for the airport. I’m desperately trying to pack, but I can’t find anything.

  6. I dream a lot that I am falling from the bed! Then I jolt my whole body and suddenly I m awake!

  7. Not very often but I've had the occasional flying dream, usually not more than a few feet off the ground.

    I've had more dreams about being on a very high flag poll without a way down or dangling my feet over the side of a tall building when missiles start hitting the building.

  8. No only in Real Life...in planes of course !

  9. No. I don't think I've ever done that.

  10. Yes, but more in the out of control swooping and chaotic way that is more in line with my lack of coordination on earth. Given my fear of heights, I consider them nightmares. Big huge periods of freefalls that make my stomach flop. No soaring eagle surveying the beauty below for this bird.😵

  11. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I fly in my nightmares. And I'm stuck back in coach. With crying babies.

  12. all the time... lots of car wreck dreams lately though.

  13. I fly. All the time.

  14. I recently had a dream where I was a passenger taking off in a small plane and I was nervous as we were taking off and flying up into the clouds. Then we were flying and I felt happy- and then I realized I was on Air Force One with the President.

    I've been trying to work on making some positive changes in my life so I took this dream as a positive sign.

  15. Y E S! My favorite dreams.

  16. Yes. Not as much as when I've practiced lucid dreaming (you should try it!), but flying dreams are a trip.

  17. No, but I fell out of a helicopter once.

  18. The best dreams. I usually think, this is so easy, why don't I do this all the time?!? But thinking that wakes me up!

  19. In my dreams, I am usually flying a Lockheed P-28 Lighting. I fly is good weather and in storms, both day and night.
    Once, I dreamed that I was flying a Japanese Zeke fighter. Freud would probably find this dream interesting.

  20. I have only been able to do it once and the feeling was unbelievable. I wish I could do it again.

  21. yes, it is usually like swimming in the air (breaststroke) to get higher. Aquagirl, I also have that type of dream a lot. I also have a lot of end of the world dreams.

  22. Shakey-- Good Lord! In a dream or for real? If real, please tell the tale!!!!

  23. Molly-- Levitated in the dream, or in reality? Explain, please!!!

  24. I meant to say yes, in private jets, a few times a week... but Elton John offsets all the burnt fuel.

  25. Yes, I fly about 20' off the ground but it doesn't last long, maybe a few blocks but it's so much fun while it lasts.

  26. Yes, but weirdly not in a Superman horizontal position but basically vertical, sometimes with my arms outstretched sometimes not.

  27. Yes. A lot. I'm either flying or fighting.

  28. No but when I was in labor for my first child, I had an out of body experience and was looking down at myself thinking, "Poor little thing is in so much pain." In an instant, I was back in my body.

  29. I have had some crazy ass dreams but flying has never been in the repertoire.

  30. As a kid I flew a lot in my dreams, but I didn't necessarily like it. Sometimes if the wind was strong I found it hard to get back on the ground. As an adult I float horizontally. That I don't mind, at least its controlled. Strange stuff.

  31. Not that I can recall.

  32. Does it count if it was on a flying horse?

  33. Yes, but in the dream I don’t enjoy it. It usually provokes anxiety and fear. IRL, I do suffer vertigo when confronted with heights.

  34. As a kid I flew a lot in my dreams, but I didn't necessarily like it. If it was a windy day in the dream I found it difficult getting back to the ground. As an adult its floating horizontally. At least its controlled. Strange stuff.

  35. yup. 2x. body raised to ceiling and put my hand up to stop and jolted up out of bed. 2nd time in glider flying over India with ex. it was the mountain area..not the city.

  36. I'm in a swing 2000 feet in the air. It feels great. I decide to jump out. It's a terrible feeling. Falling and I never hit the ground.

  37. Vita......levitated in a dream...years ago as a child. Felt very natural.

  38. Interesting comments here. I am kind of amazed. When I was young.I could fly, but I sucked ass at it. I got better over time. I describe it as -riding the wind-. and the secret? Fully committing to the act of jumping off the ledge and trusting that you can fly and -ride the wind-.

    My life is a shit-show. So I Wish I could follow what my dreams are tugging me towards.

  39. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Only while doing astral projection exercises.

  40. Not so much anymore but when i did dream of flying it wasnt like superman,it was more like i was like i was driving a invisible car,moving at a high rate of speed just above the road ..other times it was like i was in a tractor beam and was being pulled through the air with no control

  41. Vitamin, definitely not IRL. In my dream I was in my nightgown and the copter was flying over a hospital. It suddenly tipped sideways and I could see my body in my nightgown on a small patch of greenery.



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