Monday, October 28, 2019

Blind Item #12

The most recent ex of this A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee keeps sending her photos and videos of him with much younger women who are in various states of undress. Apparently he thinks this will make the actress jealous and want to take him back.


  1. Replies
    1. And that Doyle douche...Bramhall

  2. Hopefully this isn’t Brad Pitt sending shit to the Sainted One

  3. He must be a complete moron if he thinks a man can ever win that game, just wait until she starts sending him the d!ck pics she gets.

  4. super immature who ever it is

  5. this makes the guy sending them look desperate AF. he wouldnt bother if he didnt care

  6. also....he's a literal nobody and she's a movie star who will likely be nominated for best actress across the board (and already has an oscar). lol good luck w/that

  7. Chicks totally dig stupid guys!!

  8. Amartel. Oh no we don't. Well this little duck certainly doesn't.
    No matter how wealthy or good looking a man is, if he opens his mouth and he doesn't have a brain, everything else is waste of space. I find intellect, wit and manners SO attractive that it's an absolute deal breaker. I don't understand women who say "just ignore it". I can't and won't.


    PLAYING DUMB Six in ten women admit ‘dumbing down’ on dates so ‘less intelligent’ men aren’t scared off

    1. It probably makes them seem smarter actually.

  10. Every time she gets one she must be so happy to be rid of such a tool. Maybe they help her if a settlement pending
    Just block him

  11. Notthisagain at 12:26-- Well said! So petty, and Im sure she's labelled each pic Exhibit A-Z of why she's happy to be rid of him. Ugh!

    That being said, Im not sure who this is, but Renee or Naomi could fit.

  12. Oh, gurl! I was joking.

  13. @Tricia +1... probably Renee Z... gah.. she has atrocious taste in men

  14. +1@Goodau: You are right about intellect, wit, and manners. I’d also add the need to weed out men who pretend to be single but are really married. That is very common.

    @Brayson: I don’t consider The Sun to be a reliable source, and I have no desire to date a ‘less-intelligent’ man, let alone being afraid of ‘scaring them off.’ Actually scaring them off would be an excellent solution; then they won’t keep asking me out & I won’t have to ignore their texts & ultimately block their calls.

  15. @Aqua, Hey I've always been a believer in that old saying about how you'll often see intelligent men with unintelligent women, but you'll rarely see an intelligent woman with an unintelligent man.

    That's why I was surprised by the article. Although I have seen women on first dates try to hold back the wit like someone had told them to take it easy on new people. ;)

    1. @Brayson: Thanks for your response. Yeah, I don’t believe in hiding my light under a bushel (or whatever that saying is.) I’ve had 2 very serious relationships in my life so far, and I knew within 10 minutes that I wanted to be with them (and they wanted to be with me.) Other than that, my friends call me ‘Queen of the First Date’. 🤣

    2. Talking about personal experience, if there is a guy my age I like I try to dumb down as much as possible because I was very sad when the boy I liked in middle school told me he couldn't like me because I was too scary (don't know if he intended I was too ugly looking or I was too much for him brain-wise and he felt like an idiot...I think it's the former lol because I am not that smart and he was all but dumb). With girls I like I try to impress them more, even though, always based on my own experience with female bullies, they are wayyy more vicious than men when they feel inferior to somebody else. With older men and women (I mean old enough to be my parents or grandparents) I feel much more comfortable, I guess because I am not romantically interested in them. These are just my two cents, but I am pretty sure that extremely insecure women that have been judged for their above-average brains and are in extreme need of love and affection have acted like this at least once in their life.

  16. @Brayson so how do women who are dry and boring as shit getting second dates? Men are NOT picky? She looks good and she is quiet so much be deep and mysterious? yawn! Guys audition on a date. Be interesting enough I'd want to taste another 90 minutes on you. Life is too short!

  17. I hope this isn’t Renée. What is that ex thinking anyway?? She looks so much happier without him

  18. aqua, I am the same way. Three relationships since the nineties, and I knew right away. It's either yes or no from the get go. Can't say I regret my choices, but I ALWAYS stay too long.

    1. @momo: I love that—‘Yes or no from the get go!’

  19. I once had an ex turn up on my doorstep at night wanting to show me on his phone that women send him photos of their tits & he banged one in a dirty alley (not a euphemism).

    Weirdly that was his way of trying to get me back. I think he thought I'd be jelly & want to bang him maybe? Idk. He was furious at how happy I was for him. I kept congratulating him on his success & I meant it! Thank you, Lord he ain't coming back! I was thrilled.

    I doubt he realised that however much success he was having I was having far, far more.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  20. This doesn't seem like something Doyle would do. He's pretty famous in musician circles, but he's never been the thirsty/revenge-y type, so I don't think it is Renee.

  21. I am thinking Renee since it fits the creepiness of her ex that this site's narrative is about....who knows if true. There have been a lot of Renee blinds recently especially about her phone calls so that is my guess.

    Also, did you guys hear that a second democratic aide was sentenced in the Kavanaugh doxxing case. He got 4 years.
    Friendly reminder that in the States and probably the UK/ Canada as well doxing falls under criminal codes of harassing/ cyberbullying/ stalking, etc. So, if you are thinking about doing it....just don't. It is illegal and you could end up in jail/ with a record.

    1. But if I wound up in jail, would I get to choose the record? Or do they only offer certain genres in jail? And is it a 45 or an LP? So many questions!

  22. He also stole her big knickers off the washing line
    So he could sniff them

  23. @Goodau
    Comment at 1:18pm

    Preach!! I absolutely agree!!

  24. intelligence in a woman is very intimidating for most men.

  25. there is NO way Pitt would keep instigating Angelina and sending these. She would PR spin, find a way for her team to release them, further make her angry and no kid visitation.

    No one should EVER dumb themselves down for a man. You would have to spend your WHOLE LIFE being an idiot then. I guess if you care more about companionships than that I get it but please. WHO could keep this up? If you don't want to OVER talk or come on too strong first date I get that first impression strategy but otherwise... just NO.

  26. @squirrel, What do women care more about, whether a man is smart or whether he is an a$$hole?
    Men generally feel the same way unless they're really insecure.

  27. I don't know if she's won an Oscar but I want to say Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale.



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