Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blind Item #7

This foreign born permanent A++ lister is about to reveal he is HIV+.


  1. Elton John. This weekend there were articles written about him saying he's not well.

    1. Oh man. I read his article on George Michael but didn’t see anything suggesting this... wow.

  2. It came off like foreshadowing.

  3. And literally no one will be shocked.

  4. i played russian roulette and shot myself, wah.

  5. elton on terry gross / fresh air recently said he was lucky to have not gotten aids when he was younger..but guess that doesn't rule out getting it when he was older

  6. @S.S. -- One time with the wrong person is all it takes. No respecter of age.

  7. Paul McCartney
    Heather Mills gave him AIDS
    And woodworm.

  8. Thought of Pete Townsend but also see this as Elton john

  9. Prince Andrew
    Some deviant must have got to his young ones first.

  10. At the end of last year Bono was talking about some mystery illness that made him confront his mortality:

    “I was on the receiving end of a shock to the system,” he wrote. “A shock that left me clinging on to my own life. It was an arresting experience. I won’t dwell in it or on it. I don’t want to name it.”

    1. biking accident.Leg fractures will do that to you.

  11. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Elton John makes sense. I wonder how long he's known and what he did treatment wise? It's going to start coming out that many people who have been HIV+ for decades have lived normal lives with it. The initial AIDS epidemic was something else. What we will probably never know.

  12. If it’s Sir Elton it’s sad .

    1. Why only if it's Elton? Shouldn't it be sad for anyone to have this awful disease?

  13. Queen Élisabeth.

  14. McCartney and Clooney both have that wasting away appearance but Clooney American

  15. I smell a fake blind with an endless wait see

  16. If it's Elton John, then Darius Ferdynand too has it !!!!

  17. I really hope it isn't Elton.

  18. Sir Elton was saying he was “unwell” because his mother-in-law, David Furniss’s mother, had died. I hope this isn’t him but will certainly be a bit ironic given the hundreds of millions he has raised for the Ryan White AIDS Foundation.

  19. Elton John. He had been open about this in circles in London.

  20. So Elton just publishes a book in which he reveals he battled prostate cancer right before the start of this tour, but wouldn't reveal he was HIV+? I find that a little hard to believe. The book would have been the perfect time to bring it up.

  21. Hmm, just a permanent A++ lister, prince andrew?

  22. Christina Aguil-her-with HIV.

  23. It's Elton, he just cancelled some tour dates saying he's extremely unwell.

  24. Elton John has a new book - he was on Fresh Air and told interviewer Terry Gross that despite a past which includes a lot of drinking and drug use, he engaged in very little human-contact sex because he was more of a watcher. He said he was late to the game and didn't even know he was gay until he was well into adulthood. It seems he was squeamish re the idea of sex. If I remember correctly, he said or at least implied that he was fortunate to not have HIV. I listened to the interview but not too intently as I was doing other things but did come away with this impression.

  25. I have a lot of gay friends.

    MOST of them (80%) are HIV+ and you'd never know it (they're healthy) - they're also all in their 20s, 30s, 40s (young).

    Many many many many gay men are still getting HIV all the time, it's just a more manageable condition now.

  26. And I guess it´s the tax payer that´s paying for all their treatments. Let them die I say, dirty bastards.

    1. Your idiocy knows no bounds. We could apply that argument to any number of conditions contracted through voluntary behaviour. Broke a leg playing football? You're on your own. Got fat eating terribly? Die scum DIE!

      The fact is that 1. no one's perfect, 2. we're humane and 3. by ensuring proper treatment you vastly reduce the chance of a communicable disease spreading. Healthcare benefits everyone.

  27. I would be surprised if this is Elton due to his dedication to raising money for research, etc. He has often spoken of his grateful shock at not contracting it, but don't see him hiding it if it should happen. Why would he not have included it in his newly released book? It would be particularly sad if him or any of the others with young children, but sad, period. Treatments have improved tremendously, but as with any disease, it is scary to be dependent upon medicines that come with no guarantees.

    Gauloise-- that's a disturbing quote from Bono. I didn't even know he is/was ill.

    Did any further information come out regarding Sting? He abruptly cancelled an entire tour earlier this year due to unspecified illness. I never heard if that was updated.

  28. @hunter, 80%, wtf?

    Just remember that ladies next time you date a bi-guy.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. How is it that notorious playboys Hugh Hefner, Mick Jagger, Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, et. al. none of them got AIDS?

  31. Elton John said he was unwell, but then it turned out his mother in law with whom he was close had died.

  32. Simon Cowell he looks so sick

    1. he dod cancel his party. lots of great RX for the disease! EJ does have lil kids thouggh

  33. Prince Andrew. The HIV rumours about him
    have been circulating around the UK for years.



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