Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Blind Item #13

This killer has spawned a great deal of love from the public. It hasn't stopped her from joining that club of women who are killers and use sex to make money.


Tricia13 said...

Casey Anthony

MDAnderson said...

Cyntoia Brown?

sandybrook said...

Icky Vicky?

sandybrook said...

I picke her because this site says she's a killer, as is Courtney Love.
No definitive proof of either though.

ladybaus said...

Yes the public just LOVES Casey Anthony.

Thia said...

Amanda Knox?

gauloise said...

That cheerleader girl who buried her baby in the garden.

She had a lot of sympathy from a lot of the public

kiki71 said...

Got to be Amanda Knox per an earlier FB post on an interview with here where EVERYONE said they thought she was innocent. Italians framed her etc. Inept police force. She is far more considered a media victim and darling than Casey Anthony who was hated by EVERYONE and still is. Anthony had to go into pseudo hiding. Amanda Knox has a fundraiser for her wedding (GOFUNDME or something) so no way is it Casey.

Or maybe that cheerleader is right since it is said STOPPED HER FROM JOINING whereas both Knox and Anthony have been rumored members for years.

SlimKeith said...

KiKi, no offense but you're high if you think Knox was a, "media darling". (actually I'm high but let's not quibble) She was relentlessly bulled, espeially by the British Press ("Foxy Knoxy" wasn't great the great branding opportunity one would think) She was on the cover of the tabloids every week in England; the Brits hated her because they believed she killed another Brit plus they're just nasty scum bags with no conscience as it as. The worst was in Italy - the prosecutor slandered her on a daily basis, slut shaming her and trying to tie to her devil worship which translated into a shit ton of publicity for him and a lot of prejudice towards her.
Casey Anthony IS the devil so she deserves a lot more public shaming then she currently receives. People move on too quickly with the 24 hr newscycle.
Oh yeah, definitely high, sorry if Im pontifiating. Happy Christmas Eve!

NoNoNoNo said...

Amanda Knox is definitely NOT a killer

Queen Daddy said...

This is Amanda Knox.

Bill Beard said...

Courtney? - "This killer has spawned a great deal of LOVE from the public."

YummyBoogers said...

Jodi Arias?

flyingtiger said...

Not Pamela Smart. She is innocent. Did the New Hampshire parole board send a Christmas card to her husband's killer? They love him.

drkodos said...

Caitlyn Jenner

Superfly said...

Amanda Knox is a psychopath. She was doing cartwheels while the police was putting tape around the dead body of her flatmate. She accused an innocent (Black) man who wasn't even at the crime scene of killing poor Meredith.

Who, but the actual killer, would do such things?


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