Sunday, December 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 10, 2019

The former A+ list rapper met with people to talk about his own cable channel so he can ask for money 24/7. Do people realize he is keeping all this money for himself?

Kanye West


  1. He's so great.

    I loved his amazing wedding where the most famous guest was a maybe 11-year-old Jaden Smith.

  2. Enty just tells lies about Kanye. Nothing he has said about kanye has been true.

  3. If they don't realize this by now, they are too stupid to live.

  4. KON is the Velvet Jones and Jim Bakker KON of his day, always hustling and peddling overpriced merchandise. Anyone that buys his outrageously overpriced "Christian" merchandise, is a fool. But blacks let these KON's run amok in their community.

    Maybe KON can invite Jussie Smolett on stage at one of his events, asking for help looking for the "real molester" last year of KON Smolett...

  5. When someone around money has a Messiah complex......

  6. I miss tammy faye baker!!

  7. Tammy Faye was sweet, a kind funny lady who made fun of herself. She was not the villain. Jim Bakker was.

    Last week, the Washington Post ran an exclusive from a whistleblower that over one BILLION dollars fundraised in the Mormon Church for humanitarian projects was never spent on those projects. They just kept the money.

    It's only due to the whistleblowers that any of the wrongdoing is exposed in these ministries, and that includes the recent revalations about Falwell's Liberty University, business deals with a handsome "pool boy", etc.

  8. I like Tammy Faye too.

    I saw a news report this morning about the LDS financial scandal too. I hope they get all their assets seized and the government spends that money on social welfare programs like student aid, food stamps, housing, etc. Poetic justice.

  9. Yes something fishy with LDS but they have that giant wall around them with limited contact with non members so it will take time. Used to watch Tammy on Tv and she used to cry while singing. And her bubbly personality too.

  10. When I watched the Surreal Life and saw Tammy Faye bond with Ron Jeremy I became a huge, huge fan of hers and of them as pals. What a sweetheart.

  11. God’s gonna smote Kanye’s ass.

  12. No, but then people are fucking stupid - just look at his fat ass wife’s popularity 🥴

  13. Gotta pay the camel back some how! If his vain wife really loved him and was worth what PMK claims then she would just pay it off and be done with it! Obviously she doesn't love him or have the funds either!



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