Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Blind Item #12 - "Pink Cocaine"

There is a drug dealer in town who has seen his revenue increase 100 times over what it was before the quarantine. It is not because everyone is inside with nothing to do, but because he has something super special. Everyone wants to be able to say they tried pink cocaine, which is not actually cocaine. He is the only dealer in town who currently has it. Because of its cachet, the price is steep and is many times the multiple of cocaine. This former A+ list actor who is a shell of his former self, managed to convince some women to come party with him because he got the pink stuff. This former Twilight actress was gifted some by a "friend," and she lets everyone look at it but has yet to try it for fear she won't be able to find any replacement for it.


  1. Mickey Rourke and Kristen Stewart?
    or maybe Sdhley Greene?

    1. ENOUGH.....we are just to gossip, even you are wasting your life here! And yes we love Tricia!
      You seriously need help!
      Stop calling yourself a Lady,you're far from it!

    2. Wow. I’ve read lots of shitty things on the onternet but @ladybaus, you’re hit a new low. You’re disgusting.

      @Tricia13, you have a lot of fans here, for your kindness and intelligence as well as for the way you stay high when these pitiful idiots go low. We stand with you here.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Ladybaus, go clean your nasty place and get rid of that rat and insect infestation you have going on. How can you live in such nasty conditions?

    5. Ashley Greene, who ho burnt down her apartment and her own dog.

  2. Ashley Greene for the twilight?

  3. Sheen and Kristin Stewart?

  4. Sounds like Charlie Sheen.

  5. Pink coccaine has been around since the 70's. This is a complete opportunism and price gouging.

  6. Actor could also be Depp.

  7. I doubt it. Pink cocaine is actually a drug called 2C-B and it's a psychedelic similar to LSD or a low dose of molly. It's not even addictive cause it takes a few days for tolerance to reset. Story sounds like BS.

  8. Anonymous11:40 AM

    It's amazing that people will blindly inject unknown substances from shady dealers into their veins or snort up their sinus cavity, but are cowering in terror at the possibility of contracting a respiratory virus.

  9. Should just mix meth, procaine and pink food coloring.

    1. Pink laxatives should be included😅

  10. Tucibi...is the drug im no genius
    I had to Google that

  11. When they find out they paid big💲 for Himalayan sea salt they will be really mad.

    1. As if they are sensible enough to find out.....lolz!

  12. Depp/Stewart....
    This is too much for me!

  13. Yeah I think it is Depp after I reread"_shell of himself", Indie .Thats what he looks like post Amber.Truly a shell

    1. Luv you babes....do visit my country,stay for a month!
      I'll show you around leisurely!
      P.S: Sheen don't have so much money left I think!

  14. food coloring lol. Sheen is a shell of himself.

  15. That’s a good way to get your drugs stolen. No way would I be showing my exclusive stash to anyone who comes over.

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    1. They still sell cleaning products at the store, ladybaus. Go get some and clean your nasty house.

  17. I remember Pink Snow from the ‘70’s.

  18. I think it’s Sheen because of the phrase ‘managed to convince some women to come party with him.’ Sheen is known for hanging out with a bunch of women.

  19. :) Indie
    the irony Indie, as someone who has never done a drug stronger than pot and am unaware of them or what they do (they have a color)?, is that all these rants over 7 years come for the protypical drug addled mind of a user who is either out, or just out of a 50/51 hold)which anyone here long enough) assumes
    Derek/Kristin have been under multiple times. Hated to even have to say that much, because (although I rarely say this, it's such a cliché)-it is beneath me to even have to comment on something like this-there ya have it.I did.

    1. Hey @ladybaus. Have you ever heard of datalounge? I bet you could be a rockstar over there. They love troll opinions. Tell them I sent you. Kisses!

    2. @Trishy
      I admire your patience and I wish I had so much! Iam trying to be decent with my langauge but don't know for how long!
      Just coz she ain't a Lady don't mean I should be a Pimp!
      Again Luv Ya!

  20. Exhibit A-Z,Your Honor😂👆

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  21. Cant be Depp he is on lockdown in southern france. He got stuck there when the coronavirus restrictions started to hit. It came out in London High court that was the reason why the sun trial was postponed until after the lockdown

    1. Ohh thanks.... didn't know that.
      I've not followed Depp recently.

  22. Kindness blind for sharing?

  23. Yeah @indieraga i follow the case because its some real gone girl shit. Poor guy. Hes no angel he has his faults and all that but fuck me she fooled everyone with her act. Plus i was pissed at the suns lawyers that day in court. They hailed her as some kind of heroine for being brave enough to travel from la and ‘risk her health’ and called him a coward for deciding to do what everyone in france was saying and self isolate. And by 5pm on the Monday that the case was due to start the whole of the UK was on lockdown. So its stuck in my mind.

    1. I agree....his addictions worked against him! And she stayed spotless in the press! But Iam now happy Karma came full circle!

  24. This Lockdown brings all the trolls in the yard.....
    And their life is sewage canal !

  25. Or ruin this site for everyone else. Useless vermin.

  26. @NubianPrincess.... Babe you're gorgeous! Just saw your pic today properly!

  27. Indie :) even I can manage to have some sympathy for someone as evidently broken & twisted as that. I’ve been dealing with their harassment for 7+ years and am
    Immune to it because their myriad ,incessant lies can’t equal my simple truths. That said-to bring my kids in repeatedly,is a special kind of degenerate.They possess more joy,integrity, and class in their toddler years than it could ever hope to in that lonely life.

    1. Yeah I hate when he-she brings your kids into all this,you be careful about safety and security !
      Iam just very sensitive about kids!
      Take care...see we all luv you!

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    3. Ladybaus's father left for a pack of smokes one day and never came back.

  28. Thia and Nubian😂Yeah I think 3rd tier Datalounge may know the D lister.

  29. PinkMeth was a great revenge porn site. I wish a-holes hadnt put contact info on those ex gf sites and ruined the genre. If the just kept everything onsite, it would have been great. The arguments in the comments sections were amazing.

  30. sounds like it might have some adrenochrome in it

  31. jfc ladybugg fly the fuck away

  32. The only way I know about anything about coloring drugs is through Breaking Bad. Maybe it is pink due to chili powder?

  33. @TeeHee lol you and me both but I never watched that show! I was one of the few that didn’t.. but the subject matter was if no interest. I do love me some Brian Cranston though. Total pro. Great guy

    1. Is it isn't you? It looks like the pic you used to have on here?

    2. Wow stupid phone. Apologies for the stupid wording.

      It is you though, isn't it?

  34. Always will and thank you Indie💜

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    1. I showed my mom Malcom after Breaking Bad....she couldn't believe it's the same guy Walter White(that's what she calls him!)
      Good Actor!

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  37. Thanks @Roman :) I know that. It’s all good in my world- always is. Tee hee🤘You rock too!

  38. How Bout Nic Cage?

  39. He likes to ‘party’😐

  40. Omg Anon is an apostrophe nazi just like me, it warms my heart.

    Get outta here ladybaus, nobody likes you.

  41. Wait. Tricia invites people to visit her? WFT, Tricia. I can work from home, which means I can work from your house! ….waiting for my invite. :D

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  43. This most welcome 🙏 still here and the travel restrictions just came onto okay this week...very few cases but we and and the BVI s put the travel out of business for a bit:( stay safe and diligent up there. This too shall pass ,be sure 💜🙏

  44. B626-- Nic Cage is a great guess! Both for the "shell" description and I could see him really talking up the rarity of the drug.
    Guesser-- Himalayan Sea Salt, perfect, lol! My juvenile brain went straight to strawberry jell-o or Kool-Aid crystals. Much less convincing!

  45. ladybaus, you fucking cretin, you have ONE THING to say.

    ONE FUCKING THING. Over and over and over and over again.

    Do you have the slightest idea what a useless shithead you are?

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  47. J :to be fair-they have other things to say,like "Get me out of this rubber room". We just don't hear it because thank god they strip them of their electronics at the institutions they frequent.

  48. Who gives a fuck how many times she’s been arrested? Seriously given the fact you are a doxxing psycho You should have a few felonies to your name. Two weekends ago the whole world wasnt in lockdown. Its only in the last week that the majority has been. Im fairly sure the biggest cunt on the planet ladybaus is you. Just fuck the to the back of beyond. And when you get there. Fuck off some more.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Ladybaus, put down the keyboard and go pick up a Bible. Jesus has something he wants to say to you.

  49. Tee Hee-my kids pix are never her-backs to camera flipping off epsteins island and ive literally had to change every setting possible to make sure they no longer stalk me on FB.If yoy suggest I shouldn't put my kids pix on FB for my stateside family well-that's kinda the only reason im on it.So my family can see them.
    Twitter is tricky.I post them once /twice last year in avideo and I block every new follower I think could be them.'what a way to live,eh?

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    2. Hey @Tricia13. I’m new here well been reading for a couple of yrs but never ever comment. But I have to say this @Ladybaus person/thing is just going to far. Do t know what her problem is except jealousy so pls don’t pay her any attention. So you have to go through crap like this for trolls.

  50. What the F? I wish Enty would block ladybaus period. I am SO sick of these vile low posts and personal info on here like the is ESPECIALLY low. How about we ALL make a pact to ignore ladybaus, period. NO ONE address his/her responses or posts AT ALL. Piece of absolute trash with a black hole for a soul. Not worth on ounce of ANY of our time.

    Tricia, love you are such an enthusiastic poster and quick on the trigger. We all appreciate you chiming in. I am SO SORRY you have to be exposed to this sh*t-stain that is a semblance of a human being.

    LD, to say you are an a$$hole worthless piece of sh*t is a gross UNDERSTATEMENT.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. the crazies make themselves known Teehee-abundantly so (see above).
    no worries.

  53. Thank you Kiki71.I appreciate you:)

  54. we had pink coke back in the day. it was from bolivia. bolivian pink.

  55. The Samaritans: (877) 870-4673 (HOPE)

    Online Hotline Services
    Some people feel uncomfortable talking on a telephone for help — and that’s perfectly okay. Depression hotline numbers are not for everyone. If you’re uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can try one of these free crisis chat services online or by texting on your phone instead:

    Crisis Chat
    Crisis Text Line (on your smartphone)
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


    At the risk of sounding like a PSA, there is always hope. We are in this crisis together. I have never used it, but, a family member worked tirelessly for mental health.

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  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I have to ask.. Is ladybaus undercover Carole Baskin?

  58. I really wish we could block people on here.

  59. Im in england you dumb fuck and we werent on lockdown two weekends ago. We went into lockdown after the weekend. Sweden hasnt been in lockdown at all and the following locked down after england hungary, singapore, dubai, uae, panama, peru, thailand, russia, south africa, new zealand, saudi arabia, columbia, india, australia and more. So stop spouting bullshit. You respect authority yet you are stalking someone online.

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  60. Why is everyone always harassing Tricia?
    I like when she’s on here because I’m terrible at guessing who’s who.

  61. @Hannah - "Everyone" isn't picking on Tricia. It's Derek Harvey/Kristin from Ohio who has a zillion usernames. Then there is THE Angela from CDaN who thinks you might have heard of her. haha

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Ladybaus is boring as boring can be.

  62. All I learned from this post is that “ladybaus” is an asshole, a bitch, has a 1980’s hairstyle and looks like a crazy person... and somehow is obsessed with another woman named Tricia. Lesbian ex lover ? Or are you in love with her... either way, she’s obsessed with her and that is really the biggest story of this post . Hey deranged Lady— get a damn life. Jesus.

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  65. Damnit Derek, quit doxxing people on here! If somebody hasn't narced you off to Enty, I'm about ready to. Grow up and quit acting like a lithium soaked asshole. I'm sick of constantly being modded because YOU have no self control. Fuckhead.

  66. So did I miss anything this afternoon LOL

  67. No, @MDS, why do you ask? :D

  68. Same shit,same “lady” @ MDS 🤪😂

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    2. Is that all you got, ladybaus? So flipping boring. Yawn.

  70. @Tricia You know you're doing something right to have someone that obsessed with you :)

  71. Meh. @LadyBuas has an handle. There is no way an "unknown" could be a handle when no one likes you...LOL whatever.

  72. I have been enjoying this site (for most part) and its commenters for over 10y. Tricia has been an asset and a friend to us. She is fun. She is smart. She is reasonable and kind and grounded. It’s a bummer fact of life that there are imbeciles and jackasses everywhere. 99.9% of us here know when someone attacks Tricia or any other here-for-fun readers / commenters, it’s just miserable and ugly human being needing their hate and jealousy heard. It’s just sad and pathetic. Tricia, thank you for spreading your joy and fun and not letting the turkeys get you down. You’re awesome and appreciated and your above board responses, even to haters crossing lines, are to be admired.

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  76. Thank You Lucky Dog,Unknown (the nice one lol) and @Tee Hee( again) I think your kind efforts are lost on that person (from what ive been told by people here that knew her ID all along.Big problems,lives at home.And that was a years ago-hasn't seemed to have ameliorated, either.

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  77. You all should know that some kind of something went down in the Cumberbatch fandom today so there will be a blind coming soon. Those sad women are getting very restless in self isolation.

  78. So here I am, I put the kids to bed, I told my husband to fucking leave me alone for an hour, I poured myself my second glass of wine, I made myself a huge salad, ready to read CDAN, and I see 125 comments. I know immediately that it's psycho ladybaus and her/his Tricia-crusade.

    I win.

  79. btw, ladybaus, way to make anti trumpsters look sane and not at all like unhinged deranged lunatics...

  80. Adrenochrome...

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  82. "ladybaus said...
    I live alone, asshole."

    Quelle surprise.

    You know 'lady', you remind me of this bitter single, pushing-50 woman in NYC. She's so angry at the world, she so self righteous, so convinced that she is right about everything. She has a twitter account that I follow for laughs. It's so entertaining. She rants and spits at Trump and shit, it's like she's a hamster in a wheel.
    She has no idea how the rest of the world sees her. She's super sad.

  83. Jesus Christ it must be funny as hell when futureless, friendless, insane ladybaus is alone and can't help but know the cursed shitswamp of a life he/she's moping through.

    Worse than an assworm on a plague-infested shitrat.

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  85. good Lawd Superfly /Teehee lol!
    Thanks Billeye4) When someone spews lies about you all day, easier said.I still speak with the the person it mentions via email and she still disdains yours Truly "Kristin Wiglet/LadyBaus/Derek" on a cellular level lol.Distort facts much?Course you do-Youre a liberal..We had 2 different sites(apparently you followed naturally, stalker)and the only reason I stopped my site was because my daughter knocked over a coffee onto my laptop and we just didn't get one right away because we moved.Rodan and Fields was something my cousin did and I never even sold it-just bout the products.Wow-thank god I changed my settings a long time ago on FB That was 2013 ffs lmfao. As if I need to even explain this to someone who cant hold onto a job based on their their drug addiction and need for intstititions.

  86. Lots of guesses, but what we had 'back in the day' was "Peruvian pink flake"

    And, yes it was awesome!

    Or, so I've been told ;)

  87. On tomorrow’s episode of “Leave Your Comment”, we find out that Ladybaus/Derek is actually Meghan Markle.

  88. lolMoose.oh for the the "Francophile cineastes"
    as I've said multiple times

  89. And the one I was part of

  90. Wow the 🎶 Cherif 🎶 has been busy today!

    All we need is our DataLounge celebrity bro log in and the circle (of) jerks will be complete!

  91. lol E.
    oh THIS JUST IN: AVIGNON WAS ALSO A WELL KNOWN FILM FESTIVAL!(not to be confused with its theatrical origins).Just thought id clarify that for the simpletons.

  92. @ladybaus@3:13. You actually ARE breaking laws. Trust me on this. I had someone stalking me several years ago and I went to the police, they tracked her down, went to her apartment and she was led away in handcuffs. I also called her employer and got her fired. She was a visiting nurse, and I felt that someone with no impulse control (such as yourself) should not be in the homes of the sick and elderly. It took me several months to get it all done, but she lost her job (and her career), incurred tons of legal bills and basically ruined her life, all because she was jealous of me. I have never even met, spoken to, or had any interaction with this woman but she was obsessed with me. She was breaking laws, just as you are, so I took her down. In my own quiet way.

    @Tricia, and @Everyone else, please don’t engage. It’s the only way. I had this woman’s name, address, and phone number(s)—she kept changing her phone number thinking she wouldn’t get caught. Must have been a big surprise when the cops showed up at her apt. But I never contacted her and I never will. I suggest that you all do the same and just ignore LB from Toronto.

  93. I am too ,trust.Thank you for the share.They have no idea how much I know about them. Authorities do though.

    1. Happy to hear that. This shit is not a joke.

  94. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I'm not sure if Number 1 is Johnny Depp - But it certainly wouldn't\t surprise since there has been stories in the past about Him doing drugs.

    Number 2 though is definitely Ashley Greene.

    Because I know there has been stories before about Her doing Drugs in the past also Kristen Stewart is usually not referred to as just The Twilight Actress when there is a Blind Item about Her.

    But also Ashley is someone who in Her mind has always seen Herself as bigger then She really is.

    So Her bragging about having Top Level Drugs to Her Friends and showing them off sounds like something that Ashley would very much do.

  95. @Tricia it was the Avignon reference that made me post...

    I've been singing Rock the Casbah since last week!

  96. too fuckin awesome:)

  97. Pink cocaine brings back some memories.

  98. Filmfanb It was pretty, right?

    Not like the iffy shit that's out there now!

    Or, so i'm told

  99. I started reading this site right before so many posters left for that new Anarchy gossip site. Derrick had the guy with a baseball cap as his avi and was talking aboutt an upcoming Halloween party with celebs that he was going to spill about afterwards in Toronto. Never knew about the Tricia hate and I was so sad not to hear about his celeb gossip.

  100. not sure how much celeb gossip you may have been anticipating form Cincinnati,OH Hardly a hotbed of la crème de la creme

  101. Fair.enough, but what happened? Why did they all leave?

  102. ask them. Maybe they saved all the Derek Harvey meltdown threads., and can provide them for ya

  103. Just want to say we got your back Tricia! You're by far my favorite around here.

  104. 💜Thank you Uber Driver/I’m grateful for that:)

  105. An I Derek from Toronto or Kristin from Ohio. Pick a lane, OLD (Tan Mom) wise one.

  106. I trust you’re not calling me tan mom Derrick.

    1. Sorry babe. Le Sigh...you know what I mean. Anyways going to bed

      Current Watch list: The Plot Against America and The Act. Both great shows for us in the real world. Stay safe.

  107. HAHA. This is a riot. Do you remember when Kristin/Derek used to try to guess first on a post and then if (s)he guessed right, on the reveal (s)he would post "Nailed It". I think that his/her basic hatred of Tricia. She's right more often. Kristin/Derek..take your meds. You are a hot mess and are literally OBSESSED with Tricia in a way that is impacting your life. Get a therapist and find someone to talk to about this because you are becoming unhinged.

  108. @Tricia hang in there. I'm an oldie CDANer since like 2006? God I am old. And you just gotta roll with the punches from the lunatics.
    Thanks all for making this quarantine bearable!

  109. I leave this place for one day and that’s when y’all get interesting around here?

    Also, where’s Brayson? Hugs and kisses

  110. lmfao I forgot about the "nailed it!"

  111. Thank you @UnicornsRReal!

  112. @Scarlet Peaches I also wondered where Brayson has disappeared to. With the current events, I hope all is well.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I always enjoyed his contributions. I hope the Kung Flu hasn’t claimed him. We need laughter now more than ever.



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