Thursday, January 14, 2021

Blind Item #2

I have told you for years how the celebrity CEO cut corners, which caused safety issues, and just ignored them.  Remember the viral video of that celebrity actress’s car catching fire?    I told you Federal agencies were going to come down on the celebrity CEO’s company.  Very recently, another one just did.  Manufacturing experts have been talking about a problem with the celebrity CEO’s product for years.  One even wrote a book about it.  The problem was caused by the celebrity CEO trying to save money, using a poor quality material, rather than the quality of material used by everyone else in his industry.   Failure of this critical material is not just a nuisance, it can cause a safety problem. The material failed for thousands of customers, and the celebrity CEO refused to upgrade to the higher quality, industry standard material.   After a few years, finally a Federal safety agency asked the celebrity CEO to voluntarily fix this major issue.  The celebrity CEO refused, and now the Feds are moving to force him to do it.

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