Monday, August 08, 2022

Today's Blind Items - The Kid

If you are a fan of 80's teen movies, than you have definitely seen this one (MM) that stars an actress that died very prematurely (AA). There were several other actresses who co-starred with the lead actress, but one (BB) had a very prominent scene which is very memorable. Now, let us fast forward a few years after that movie to another movie (NN) which BB was not involved in, but her actor significant other (CC) was. What is remarkable about BB and CC is they share a similar literary feature about their names. 

CC was not a huge part of NN. The main lead in the movie is an actor who was A list then and is now A+/A list (DD). In addition, there was a director (EE) who also shares the same literary feature as BB and CC. On the set, BB would often visit and DD was a big fan of her work and wasn't shy about stating it. It got to the point that when CC was filming a scene, more often than not, DD and BB would be hooking up. That went on for the entirety of the filming. It was not long after the filming wrapped that BB gave birth to a child who CC was convinced was the offspring of DD and left BB. A couple of decades later BB remarried, but she has never denied the child belongs to DD and CC has hated everything to do with DD to this day.

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