Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alec Baldwin on SNL

Alec Baldwin made a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live last night and it was not just to watch Katy Perry doing quick changes. Alec apologized to himself for the American Airlines incident that has received way more attention than it probably should have if Alec had just let it go instead of bringing it up repeatedly and then invoking 9/11 as to why he can't play games on the plane. Last night's appearance was funny, but, I'm not sure it was actually an apology.


Now! said...

Hate NBC for blocking this outside of the US. Is there really a big international market for most of the lame jokes on Saturday Night Live?

surfer said...

He wasn't apologizing. He was acting as the captain, who was apologizing to him for what happened. At least that's how I viewed it.

G said...

I didn't view it as an apology either. @Nutty ... there are always lame jokes. I rarely find anything funny on SNL anymore. I tape it and fast forward in the morning. If I'm lucky I laugh once or twice.

Moosefan said...

He's an ass. Period. Turn your stuff off. Your game will be there at another time. And BTW-other people on that flight had to do the same damn thing.

timebob said...

Alec has gotten it pretty down pat then when he screws up A. write an article and B. go on SNL and take the piss out of yourself so everybody laughs and he can go on being a bloated angry man he always is and stay employed on 30 Rock.

Jessica said...

Of COURSE it wasn't an apology, he pretended to be the captain from the plane apologizing TO Alec. He really needs to let it go.

Bit dams said...

the airlines are bullshit. i fly about once a month, and there are different rules for different people depending on which flight and which flight attendent is involved. i've gotten through security w/ full bottles of shampoo and a wine corkscrew, and been FULLY patted down because i wore a scarf (not over my face, around my neck and i took it off). on the plane, the flight attendents are frequently on their hand held devices long after everyone else (except the men they are hitting on and other airline employees) have turned theirs off. i had a flight attendent take my iphone once because she didn't believe i had turned it off. this was as i was sitting down, getting my seat belt on, etc., and the rear of the plane was doing the same. i have a friend who is a pilot for delta (international) and she and the rest of the cock pit crew carry mace (mace!) and their own regular flatware to use during flights. that means a fork and a steak knife. the airlines should either enforce the rules for everyone, or drop the hand held deice all together.

annabella said...

I love alec, but he seems like a real bully who has to always get his way. I don't imagine that the snl people were thrilled to have him on for that, but I would guess they were strong armed because of what he has done for them. just a guess.

The Black Cat said...

Good lord! It's really in poor taste to encourage this bad boy behaviour, Lorne Michaels must have a man crush on Alec that's all I can say.

Sherry said...

I saw this and I thought it was hilarious. Seth Meyers kept calling him Alec and tried to "stop" the apology. It was a huge joke on Alec. And honestly, SNL is NEVER funny but this one thing actually made me laugh.

Bleu said...

Asswipe. And that SNL gave him their forum as a bully pulpit to YET AGAIN piss all over the airlines and refuse to at least let it go if he's not going to apologize really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Lelaina Pierce said...

This was not an apology. He doesn't think he did anything wrong, so why apologize?

I heart Seth Meyers.


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