Monday, September 18, 2017

Blind Item #13 - Emmy Awards

This late night actor looks kind of foolish when he is talking about love and how much he cares for the actress he thinks is his girlfriend at the same time she is having room service in a hotel with another guy she is seeing.


This and That said...

Scarlet Johansson and Colin Jost

JudgyBitch said...

Scarlett Johansson, Colin Jost and Chris Evans.

Evans and Johansson are both shooting in Atlanta right now.

V. said...

Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost
Chris Evans

la tortuga said...

Why is he commenting on it though? All of her past relationships have been super private and here comes this dude. I have found it weird that a lot of this "relationship" has been in the media well rumors I guess. Maybe he wants her to annoy him so he said it publicly?

Kim said...

Who would be able to resist Captain America! I wouldn't Chris Evans is so hot! People in Hollywood seems to really get around, so I hope both wrapped it up! Safe sex is better than gee, sorry sex.

_AE02 said...

Both have been keeping in touch with each other since their first movie and has been really close with each other (you can see it in their interviews too)

Unknown said...

I secretly want Scarlett and Chris to get married and have babies


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