Friday, September 22, 2017

Your Turn

Every so often in this space come questions that divide us all. This is one of those times. Is it as big as the toilet paper over or under? No, perhaps not. But still, this is important. When placing silverware in the dishwasher, do you put the silverware handle up or handle down in the basket? I prefer to be able to empty the dishwasher by getting a handle in my hand and not the blade of a knife or the tong of a fork. Your thoughts?


Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

I brought my kitchen utensils to the charismatic church, because Wolfie told me everyone there speaks in tongs.

Tyler said...

Ditto.. I'd rather not touch the end that's eventually going into people's mouths with my fingers after it's been sanitized, so there's a hygienic component to this too.

Jack said...

Dishwashers are the most useless garbage consumer idea evah. They are noisey, run forever, you have to pre-rinse, wastes water and utilities and the soaps are caustic. I will nevah put one any future house I build again.

Tyler said...

@Jack, Bosch dishwashers are pretty good.

PhyllisWhitweed said...

Well I'm disabled, so my dishwasher is staying put. I'll never go without one again. Always handle-ends up. The water shoots through the utensil basket and cleans them better, instead of just spinning them around. And like Austin said, why touch the other end when it's clean?

Gator said...

Handle up, after an unfortunate knife stabbing my hand episode.

meagan said...

I rinse all of the silverware before I put it in the dishwasher. Handles up, because I also had an unfortunate knife stabbing my hand....10 stitches. Yep, learned my lesson,

Gatorgirl said...

All knives down but the rest heads up, only because I feel like the water is hitting them better when they're out in the open?

just sayin' said...

handles up for the grabbing reason, but i make sure there's lots of space between fork tines and spoon bowls so they can get clean.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Handle up. Dangerous.

Unknown said...

Knives handle up, spoon and fork handles down, but grab them out from below the head for hygenic reasons....that's how I learned it from my mother.

Lawdy Miss Scarlett said...

Handles up, no stabbing or spiking from forks/knives.

Spiffypaws said...

I'm a professional; you are supposed to stagger them; some up, and some down for max cleanliness.

Kim said...

I hand wash dishes especially while I'm cooking to clean as I go. I've never used a brand new state of the art dishwasher and the ones I have didn't seem to get the dishes very clean or rinsed. Handles up since they spray from the bottom and I want the part that go in mouths and food closest to jets. I don't care which way the tp goes if someone else actually put it on the roll! I'm the only one in my house who does.

Tamarast said...

Handle down - it's the law of the Dishwasher


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