Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #49

June 13, 2018

Pretty short and sweet for this blind today. The things this musician saw over the years just added up. He tried to ignore the underage women that were constantly around. For a long time he joined in on the drugs but stopped when they tarted damaging him. When one band member tried to get off, then the lead singer would force that member to start taking them again just so the singer would have someone to party with. The lead singer would always try and steal any woman you were seeing and then if he was successful dump her the day after having sex with her. He would then brag about it or share photos or talk about it on stage. Just an A+ list a-hole and sometimes you want to be in a happy place and that band was not ever going to be a happy place.

Tomo Miličević/30 Seconds To Mars


Unknown said...

Leto's eyes are too close together. He always looked like a sociopath to me.

Anonymous said...

I just realized it's only 9PM in California - the hits just keep coming!

Lexi said...

Leto is such a douche.

KittensRUs said...

Everybody knew something had gone down when there was no formal statement and Tomo disappeared from Twitter for months. I always heard he was the nice guy in the band. Glad to hear he left of his own choice.

HelloGoodbye said...

"underage women"



Underage = not a woman

underage = girl

Froggy04 said...

Exactly, bok choy.

Brayson87 said...

Leto's luck has to run out someday, when one person comes forward it will be an avalanche. You'd think some of these other scumbags under investigation would toss him to the MeToo mob for distraction, I can't imagine Leto is that well connected.

T. W. said...

+1 @bboy bok choy & @Brayson87

lizness said...

The stuff I have read about Leto on Groupie Blogs is crazy. Also he is besties with Teri Richardson. So you know he is a total creep

lizness said...

I also just googled Tomo Miličević and he is SO HOT


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