Monday, October 14, 2019

Blind Item #7

The longtime former boyfriend of this A/A- list actor will testify to many of the same things put in a recent court filing. 


MDAnderson said...

Jeremy Renner

Brayson87 said...

+1 MD

Unknown said...

I wonder if he ever shot him in the mouth.

LUCK U said...

yeah,with a very small derringer

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is why Renner ventured into country/pop music territory, thinking in his head that audience would be a little more forgiving of minor domestic misunderstandings like a gun in the bitch's mouth?

Rosie riveter said...

He put the gun in his mouth, and tried to kill her.

That sounds like a terrible idea if u want to kill someone else

Anonymous said...

Well congratulations to Disney/Marvel for keeping the lid on this until all the money was made. Finally someone is thinking first and foremost about what is really important, the money.

Brayson87 said...

The reports might be a little suspicious:

The docs claim Ava told Sonni various women would come and go from Jeremy's house, including "Tayler, Kelley, Natalie, Summer, Faith, Christina, Naz and Jessica."

Now maybe if it had been "Taylor, Keith, Nathan, Sully, Frank, Christopher, Naz, and Jesse." I still don't know what a Naz is.

Vita said...

No bueno.

Anonymous said...

Hey group, I know this is not the subject matter of this particular blind, but guesses on who the big star that groped Naomi Harris at an audition?

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

@rosie, all I can think of now is that scene from Blazing Saddles..

sandybrook said...

Lady Sabre Enty made it a blind already last week

Stupidpervs said...

Ikr...he's doing that all wrong but she also claims hes got all kinds of snatch around their daughter

Chris said...

So this is the answer to the blind that Enty put out in April about the Marvel actor with a big scandal looming, causing Disney to push up the release of Avengers to try to beat the news.

notthisagain said...


The weird thing is in that blind which I vividly remember, there were ‘three fires’ but Renner only counts as one of them

Also did Disney *really* see This coming w/Renner? cause Renner has his own new Disney+ show called Hawkeye (obv)

notthisagain said...

Entry revealed the blind but it never came to fruition, plus he mentioned Downey & Hemsworth in the reveal which makes no sense.

‘ Blind Items Revealed #5
March 6, 2018

There are many reasons being floated for the push of the massively major action adventure fantasy movie from That movie company. One that is not being discussed is closer to the truth. Yes it was moved because of the foul mouthed movie and the solitary hero movie. Yes, it avoids the problems with the fans and online spoilers but those haven't bothered That movie company before. Three of its actors have fires that can't be held off forever. Two are set to leave after this movie. The third still has movies on his contract. Push the movie and contain the fires. Then let all three out at the same time and hope the third one is lost in the noise over one and two. It has worked before. One was even in on the promotion of the pushing of the date!

Massively major action adventure fantasy: "Avengers: Infinity War" (Robert Downey Jr.)
Foul mouthed movie: "Deadpool 2"
Solitary hero movie: "Rampage"
Two actors set to leave after movie: Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans
Actor with movies on his contract: Chris Hemsworth’

TeeHee@U said...
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Brayson87 said...

@TeeHee, I often wonder if being the same gender makes violence more natural, like there's less taboos with guys hitting guys or girls hitting girls. I remember seeing two guys in a quick fistfight, next thing you know they're making up and making out.

TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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Freebird said...

Saw some old Hollyrood photos today with descriptions. One was if Jeremy Renner. It said he used to be a make-up artist to the stars.

Guesser said...

The new macho image isn't helping much, is it Jeremy? Is this what is going to out him? He claims he is drug tested to see his daughter. If what his ex wife pains is true, he is a dangerous man.

MattDaddy said...

If this shit is true, he's an idiot for letting it get to court.

Aquagirl said...

So yesterday or the day before, Jeremy and Kristoff were fighting, but today Kristoff is already a ‘former’ bf?

TheBPlot said...

Im not buying Renner is gay. A complete nut? yes! Gay? The texts ans legal filings make this more than just rumors and buzz.


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