Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Snooki Isn't Living In Jersey Shore House - This Will Be Last Season

This is going to be it for sure for Snooki and Jersey Shore. The mom to be is not even bothering to live in the Jersey Shore house but will just be dropping by to offer words of wisdom and to pretend to work at the t-shirt shop. Actually I don't even think she is going to go through that charade anymore. She says it is because she is pregnant, but I heard it was because her boyfriend doesn't want her anywhere near the Situation, especially overnight. There is no reason Snooki can't be at the house. It is not like they have wild parties at the house. The producers wanted her at the house. They agreed to let her be at another location only because they wanted some type of closure. No more Snooki. Also look for a replacement or two to be introduced this season which the cast is not expecting. The producers want to show the cast how easy it is to find another group of people who can party.


Patty said...

So what? So she's pregnant and would like to not be in what is potentially an unhealthy envrionment (physicall and emotionally). Sounds like she is maturing a bit with the pregnancy.

hunter said...

Well she DID make a comment awhile ago about managing her money wisely and not blowing it all lilt the Situation. I really don't think she's as dumb as we're led to believe, just young & immature.

Tempestuous Grape said...

I think she doesn't want to be tempted to party.

seaward said...

I have always kind of liked Snooki. I remember reading about her making fun of the Situation because he's blown through most of his money and she socked most of hers away. I'm glad she won't be living with the rest while she's pregnant.

NernersHuman said...

I don't mind Snooki. She and JWoww are both savvier than a lot of people would think.

Amber said...

Oh, good! MTV is going to encourage even more kids to be alcoholic shit shows in order to line their pockets. I feel bad for the kids that get sucked in by the allure of "instant fame", because they don't have the foresight to see how much this crap hurts their futures. The novelty wears off eventually.

Rose said...

They may not throw parties, but they party constantly at the house.

New Life and Attitude said...

Snooki really does seem to be taking her pregnancy much more serious than most people would have thought. Sometimes that's all that it takes.

butternut said...

Agreed, look at Nicole Richie.

Cassiopeia said...

What's with enty today? First zanny the nanny doesn't deserve justice, now there is no reason snooks shouldn't stay at the house.
obviously enty hasn't been pregnant.
who in their right mind would want to live in a house full of drunken idiots whilst with child?

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

@Denise: I'm thinking that he's being sarcastic, at least about Snooki (haven't gotten to the other story yet). If she's really serious about her pregnancy, and has been saving money, then good for her--it shows she's not as dumb as she's led people to believe, and hopefully she'll be a decent mom to boot.

Cassiopeia said...

Robin, I'm crabby today. I didn't detect the sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

hopefully snooki will fade away

shakey said...

*Now* her boyfriend doesn't want her near the Situation? Heh.

I don't think she should be back on the show, period. She's no fun sober.


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