Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 13, 2017

This foreign born A- list dual threat actor had to pay his wife to go with him last night. His studio would have been out of their mind if he had showed up to the BAFTAs without his wife. Things have not been going well for the couple at all. This is a whole new level of not going well.

Jamie Dornan


sandybrook said...

His career should be over soon. 50 Shades series is no good, and he's awful in it.

Guesser said...

@sandybrook, the sequel did pretty well, it's only for the fan base, and judging by She's not letting go, they can keep it for the next film. I believe it's already done. He's not in the same league acting wise as Cumberbatch and Redmayne, so at least he gets paid.

French girl said...

So he also paid her to go at Oscars'pre-party with him ?

Celina said...

Hopefully he's paying her well. Don't know if its true that the Dornan marriage is on the rocks, but they always look miserable. Even when they are trying to looked loved up, it looks scripted. Dornan isn't that great of an actor on screen and in real life. I'm not saying you have to be all over each other, but you can act as if you want to be with one another. Yesterday at the Oscar pre-party he looked like he wanted to run away. She just looks defeated. They both wanted fame, now they got it. Maybe he should just go back to living his quiet life in the countryside. Just don't get why so many HW couples feel the need to stay together if they are not happy. But the sad part is that they do. Guarantee half of the couples you see on the red carpet at the Oscars tonight aren't together because of love, only together for money, contracts, bearding, etc.

Sheepie said...

Theyve got 2 little kids too. Pretty sad. FSoG is such a crap frnachise

Everly said...

FSoG is a terrible franchise but Dornan is a good actor. I suspect that the direction he got lead to his wooden performance.
If he could brought the intensity that he had in the Fall, his performance could've been much better.

Sd auntie said...

If he were smart, he'd let go of this franchise.

Zilla1 said...

To be fair, Christian Grey is supposed to be a fairly stiff character, so I think Dornan was doing fine in that role. That said, FSoG is complete shit, as books and as movies, and I hope he gets better roles. I think he is much better than what this role allows him to demonstrate.

Redhead said...

Well it made money so unfortunately it'll probably be back like a bad case of the herps Lol.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Boo-hoo-hoo... I feel so sorry for all these Weinstein-manufactured couples... Not.

Sandy said...

Yes well he should pay her to stay home. She looked like a train wreck at the Oscars.

Jamie needs a bit of acting lessons before he takes on any project. I know FS wasn't a great script, but Dakota was as decent as one can be while reciting those horrible words. With a few lessons, he could be decent.

Erin Pennington said...

He is stellar in "The Fall". Magnetic, charismatic, and nuanced performance. It's why they cast him after Charlie Humman dropped out. He is a skilled actor, despite the flat-eyed performance in FSoG.

!!! said...

Everytime they're together they look like the most miserable couple ever, even though they try so hard to show how happy they are, but it just looks fake!! Last night they went to one of those Oscar pre-parties and It was so embarrassing! He literally left her behind, with paparazzi putting cameras in her face! Both times, arriving and leaving the party!! He just didn't care! But then today he was on the red carpet posing for pics all happy and touching her butt, like they're super in love, but in reality he can't even walk by her side!! There's no connection between them, it's sad to look!

Fluff said...

Fake BI, obviously sent in by those nuts who ship him and Dakota thingy, believe his kids are fake, and viciously harassed and abused his wife to the point both were driven off social media. No idea what their marriage is like in reality but I never listen to a word of 'gossip' about them. The 'Damies' are giving the Cumbercrazies a run for their money.

Glamourboy said...

Don't understand...why would his studio have cared one bit if he went to the Baftas with his wife, alone, with his mom...whatever?

Paula said...

They look like they are divorced already. They are just playing the cards that they are dealt with. PR 101. FS is shit. He should invest in acting lessons it will help him down the road.

unknown said...

Paid her so good he got her pregnant, again! These two have been known to fight, kiss and make up. I think she is his Dom! (hahaha) Or she is stupid. No way she does not know about her husbands activities away from home. I am not referring to Dakota Johnson.(he has f**ked) many more. His blinds speak for themselves and look at his actions with her. If baby #3 does it, it will be temporary. He cannot seem to keep his dick in his pants. Look at him and Rosemund (enough said)


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