Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 13, 2017

BAFTA Awards

In case you shippers are curious, yes, there was a meeting between the former superhero and the Academy Award winner/nominee the night before the awards. It maybe could have gone somewhere but our actor got drunk which leads to things no one wants to see, let alone the actress.

Andrew Garfield/Emma Stone


sandybrook said...

He puked?

david said...

Didn't they purchase a Beverly Hills home together?
I can't remember where I saw that awhile back.

makersmark said...

I gotta admit I'd like to see them back together. But apparently he was a hardcore alcoholic and she a frequent coke user. Either way, it would be nice because they genuinely seemed to have a fondness for each other. Plus she might still be fucking ryan gosling. I wonder whatever happened to the kid rachel mcadams got pregnant w/and gave to her sister in canada to raise as her own (it's gosling's baby...)

Naeicey said...

makersmark, You actually believe this tripe? hahaha

Glamourboy said...

Speak for yourself...I want to see what happens to him when he gets drunk. If it involves him getting naked I'm all for it.


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