Monday, February 27, 2017

Blind Items Revealed

July 14, 2016

If you are someone who watches YouTube videos then you know this guy. He is one of the biggest YouTubers in the world. Like many YouTube stars, he can be an a-hole. I hear more stories about male YouTubers taking advantage of women than any other celebrities combined. The bad behavior by female YouTube stars is much less than other celebrities, although i did have one yesterday. Anyway, the number of assaults I hear about by these guys is awful. Conventions and other gatherings where they are adulated by young women turns into degradation and humiliation really quickly.

One of the worst offenders is this foreign based YouTuber. He readily will admit he thinks he is above the law and thinks he is the greatest celebrity in the world because of all his followers and their undying love to him. Well, he basically cheats on his partner every second he is not with her. He has thousands of videos of his fans stripping for him or performing sexual acts he ordered them to do. he then shows these to all of his friends or posts them to free porn sites. At least two women I know of killed themselves after videos they made for him ended up on the internet. He does it for kicks. He thinks he is the king of his universe. His universe might come crashing down in a hurry though because of all the income he is hiding or because of the woman he raped at a convention who tried to file charges in her own country but was told she needed to file them in the country where it happened. You would think the YouTube star would care about this but he has taken to social media and said she deserved it and other nasty things. The guy is awful.



  1. sandybrook2:40 AM

    As it turns out he was revealed to be an even bigger POS and got banned from Youtube

  2. AyyyPapi2:41 AM

    Where's the proof of the "she deserved it" Tweet?

  3. JustReading3:56 AM

    Nice try, Felix

  4. AyyyPapi4:49 AM

    Asking for proof of something that's supposed to exist publically = me being Pewdiepie? Mmmmk.

  5. Eucryptic5:04 AM

    Pew has not been banned from YouTube. He was banned from Disney Maker.

  6. makersmark6:04 AM

    he's lost everything now. he will NEVER make the money he was making again. I love it

  7. texasrose8:22 AM

    Youtube star blinds.........can't get enough of them:(

  8. YouTube stars make millions (yes) a year. It's this whole online media empire and there are some great entertaining channels on there. This guy needs to be banned from YouTube.

  9. No he wasn't. He was banned from some Disney site, but YouTube still loves him. I know all this because my son loves this whole world. He used to be really into Felix, but he's over him now.

  10. Dumblesnore11:43 AM

    Who? Like did 8 year olds watch this back in 2009?

  11. Scandi Sanskrit11:55 AM

    Somehow, I knew it was PewDiePie (I know him from this "joined ISIS" tweet controversy—but when you Google him, the top results are for anti-Semitism). I can never ever understand people like him (or Milo Yiannopoulos) who just stir crap up for attention.

    I can still understand general fame-hungry people (the ones who call the paps, play the media for attention/play PR games, casting couch, trap some famous guy into a 18-year paycheck and permanent name-recognition—I don't condone that type of fame-seeking, but I guess I can understand the motives behind it: they want attention and admiration, it's mainly the narcissism).

    It's the people like Milo Yiannopoulos and Amy Schumer who rile people up on purpose that I don't get. I have unpopular opinions that I'm dying to share (but I'm too scared too cause a stir) and I have feelings to vent/let out (but I'm often reluctant to because I don't want the attention, or worried I might be accused of 'misogyny' if the subject happens to be female) so I have to be creative in the way I express myself. I'm aware you can't please everyone in the bigger picture, but I'm too scared to launch my YouTube series in case I cause a controversy... Mostly scared to unintentionally offend (I recently discovered that "collecting tarot cards for non-spiritual purposes" is frowned-upon and considered offensive by the spiritual community). But to stir that shit on purpose? For kicks? It's like asking to be hated, and actually enjoying it. How can you get off being so hated?

  12. Why do men always blame the victim? Blame that DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT!

  13. CriscoNabisco10:56 AM

    wonder how he has been able to keep this hidden for so long. can we get some names of the suicide victims

  14. This is the most disgusting and bullshit defamatory blind I've seen on this site. Pewdiepie is an idiot, I won't deny that. He made many mistakes last year that could've ruined his career. He also made plenty of rape jokes in his early days. So to say he's untouchable is bullshit. The reason he is still popular is because none of his fans are stupid enough to believe he's racist...probably because he isn't.

    Also where is proof? Apparently Pewdiepie is going on twitter bragging about raping this girl and saying awful things to her. Does anyone actually have it? Do you honestly think the youtube community is going to let this slide? You don't think SxePhil, DramaAlert and Scarce are not going to be all over this? Ricegum, another popular youtuber, can't live down his disgusting comments. Don't get me started on Toby Turner's allegation. There are tons of people who would love to take Pewdiepie down a peg, and somehow they never found this ammo?

    I think Pewdiepie is getting easily dismissed because he is seen as a tween thing and the culture surrounding the internet celebrities, or this did happen but it was someone else. Where are the twitter posts of him blaming the victim? Have you seen the porn accounts? Are there actually police reports being filed? If these things actually exist, then maybe you should go to the people I mentioned and his career will be gone by the time you pronounced his name correctly.

    Fact check. Fact check. Fact check. This shit isn't funny when theres people in Hollywood right now doing horrible shit.

    1. It's always funny to visit old blinds and see an example of Enty making shit up.

      2018, still have seen nothing come from this "piewdiepie" is a rapist accusation. Had it been true, the press would have had a field day.

      Suicides connected to him and constantly cheating on his gf? The drama community would have been all over that.

  15. Nice to see this dispshit's trolls post for him how obvous do you have to be noone in the world except for himself would right such defensive bullshit or your someone who has his dick so far up their ass your just talking for him.



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