Monday, February 27, 2017

Today's Blind Items - They Could Make A Movie About This - Part One

“Go, go, go. Get the f**k out of here right now.”

I had just watched JG run across Vine’s multiple lanes of traffic at a full sprint. He was alternatively looking back over his shoulder from the bar where he had been to me, sitting in the driver seat of a car belonging to an actress currently asleep in the back. What JG was not doing while running across the street was looking out for any of the cars using the street. There was no honking. There were a lot of slammed brakes and strange looks. The way he was running, they probably thought he robbed the club. Nope, but it turns out he had robbed someone inside the club.

“Seriously, we need to get the f**k out of here right now,” JG said as he looked past me at the club door.

Never wanting to be an escape driver, I still managed to understand the need to get out of there and ask questions later so pulled away from the curb and into traffic. Nothing crazy, but I could feel myself shaking. What had happened?

Meanwhile, in the backseat, I heard “Did you get it?”

The voice didn’t belong to the owner of the car, but another actress who was seated behind the passenger seat and was wide awake. Let us call her RG. At that particular point in time, she was the highest on the list in that car. She was probably A- list. Mostly movies. All of you know her. Honestly, you know who JG is and the actress sleeping behind me in the car too. Let’s call her DD.

JG turned to face RG and held up multiple glassine bags, each about the size of half a finger, and each filled with powder. In the rearview mirror, looking to see if we were being chased, I saw the eyes of RG light up and her tongue quickly lick her lips as JG handed her a few of the bags.

As JG took a glance out of the back and side, I asked him why we had to get out of there so quickly.

“I punched the f**ker in the face and grabbed the stuff.”

“Wait, what? Why did you do that,” I asked.

“We were in the bathroom and he was showing me the stuff and I just decided that I didn’t want to pay so took it from him instead.”

“And you think you can get away with it?”

“Hell yes. I’m a mother f**king movie star man.”

After he said that he rolled down the window and screamed it to some people on the corner of Sunset & Vine who all yelled back. JG was in his element.  This was not where I expected to be four hours earlier.


The original plan for the night was for a dinner with me, ZX (look it up), JG and probably DD, but that was not a given. The original plan lasted about as long as it took for ZX (who I love to this day) to say she had a fitting and would meet up with us at the restaurant.

Have you been in a situation where you are only friends with someone through someone else. It is not like you would ever hang out if the other person wasn’t around. That was me and JG. We knew each other through ZX. We hung out a couple of times but he was not someone I was going to ever seek out on my own. But, there we were, two guys at a restaurant trying to make the most of it waiting for ZX, who never did show. Someone who did show was DD though. I was kind of surprised. I actually met DD through JG because they had worked together. Everyone was at some party together and DD and I ended up talking a lot that night about Hollywood history. Apparently she was a fan. When I met her, she was already on the beginning of a downward slide. She had ticked off too many people too many times and was a craft before commercial kind of person which made things even worse. At one point, she was probably considered to be someone who would be A list for a long time. For whatever reason, she and her management team just really rubbed people the wrong way.

I was glad to see her and JG was too. I think DD was just excited about being out of the house and doing something fun. You never saw her out. Literally within moments of her being seated, JG was asking about one of DD’s former co-stars who also happened to be a former co-star of JG. Whenever you would spend more than 30 minutes with JG he loved to share with everyone the fact he hooked up with that co-star. She is just about A+ list today. Back when this all happened, she was B+. Let us call her LT. At that point in time, I probably knew her better than either of the two at the table, but there was no way I was going to say anything. See, JG was a little obsessive about LT and was basically always a phone call or e-mail away from a restraining order when it came to her. If he knew I had any contact with her, he would literally hound me for hours, if not days for her new phone number.

I’m not talking about the every so often asking for it. I’m talking about 24/7 bugging me about it in a way that I can only describe as the same way he would chase down his drugs every day. Just determination.

If I remember correctly, I think the waitress had just come over to take our drink orders and was talking to DD because they had worked on something. At that moment, RG walked by on her way to the bathroom and saw JG and made a beeline to him and whispered in his ear. He reached into his pocket and handed her something I couldn’t see. She kissed him on the cheek and walked back towards the bathroom. It was when RG emerged from the bathroom that the night changed like no other night I had experienced or have since began.

Part Two tomorrow.



  1. So CDAN has basically turned into a fan fiction site now?

  2. sandybrook2:26 AM

    Re maybe be Rose MacGowen played a character named Debbie Dinsdale in a movie called Vacuums.
    That would probably make Shannen Doherty ZX since Enty loves her.

  3. sandybrook2:27 AM

    *DD* not Re.

  4. Nasty2:33 AM

    JG=Brad Renfro (John Grishim movie The Client)
    ZX has been revealed as Dominique Swain (they dated)

    LT is ScarJo--Brad filmed Ghost World with her.DD could be Bijou Phillips.

  5. Stephe962:33 AM

    No clue. Robert Downey Jr.?

  6. sandybrook2:38 AM

    And OG Enty sure loved Dominique Swain

  7. Nasty2:46 AM

    DD being Jenna Malone, she was in Donnie Darko.
    LT being ScarJo, She was in Lost in Translation.

  8. Sexual Vanilla2:56 AM

    Too long didn't read

  9. Ding ding ding on JG ZX and I think LT

  10. Tootsie3:19 AM

    DD could be Thora Birch

  11. Okay, I'm going to need a spreadsheet...

  12. Stuffandthings3:36 AM

    DD= Thora Birch
    JG= Brad Renfro
    RG= Brittany Murphy
    LT= ScarJo

    Takes place around 2002-03.

  13. Shorny3:59 AM

    Poor Brad. He was talented but so lost. I remember when they left him off the In Memoriam portion of the next Oscars. So sad, he wasn't recognized even in death.

  14. Nasty5:06 AM

    DD is Jenna Malone -she did American Girl with Renfro in 2012
    I think you are correct with RG. RG = Roman Girl, a Brittany Murphy movie.

  15. Nasty5:07 AM

    Sorry, I meant Ramen Girl

  16. Stuffandthings5:20 AM

    Maybe, but was Jena Malone ever poised for A list? Thora Birch was for sure after American Beauty, fell off the face of the Earth, is known for her crazy father who managed her, and she co-starred with ScarJo and Renfro is Ghost World.

  17. Dave S.6:10 AM

    Here's the confirmation that ZX is Dominique Swain, AND this particular story about Dominique mentions a costume fitting:

  18. Dave S.6:15 AM

    Brad Renfro and Dominique Swain appeared together in Happy Campers (2001) and The Job (2003). Ghost World was 2001.

  19. Dave S.6:28 AM

    Whoops! And forgot The Tart (2001).

  20. Dave S.6:32 AM

    And here Enty talks about trying to get Brad Renfro's good friend DS (presumably Dominique Swain) to write something about him:

  21. shakey7:07 AM

    And Tart.

  22. shakey7:07 AM

    Sorry, I didn't scroll down far enough.

  23. Innominate Dude8:34 AM

    Renfro died 15 January 15 2008, so couldn't have done anything in 2012. American Girl was a 2002 movie, in which Renfro played "Jay Grubb" - so JG might come from that.

    Jena Malone played "Rena Grubb " in that same film - so RG would come from that. Jena also co-produced American Girl - she was the ranking power in the car on that basis and other possible basis. She was big in "Saved", fairly high profile, for instance.

    DD would be someone else.

  24. Innominate Dude8:35 AM

    P.S. Have a festive February of glorious Kardashian references. Gotta love them hucksters.

  25. Innominate Dude9:05 AM

    Thora Birch TV show "Day by Day" would make her a sensible DD. She isn't terribly active these days.

    Kylie says hi.

  26. Scandi Sanskrit6:03 PM


  27. Sister Obvious4:43 AM

    Jena Malone was also in Donnie Darko DD?



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