Blind Item #11
This permanent A list singer who has already been in this space today was supposed to hook up with this oil baron/a-hole for mid six figures. She thought she would do something like she used to do with her ex-boyfriend and nothing would happen. Apparently our baron would not take no for an answer. He gave her the option of returning the money but she wanted the money so eventually went through with the sex.
MiMi it is and ex being Packer
Was Mimi here today?
But I don't get it, she is a very rich woman based on the fact that she writes her own lyrics (Publishing money) and gets some producer credits here and there. So i don't see her need to "hoe" herself out for mid six figures. I can see some of the poorer singers doing this but MiMi, really!?!!?
BI #6
Mimi is like Michael Jackson, no amount of money can pay for the crazy.
She has a giant ego and just gets off on the idea of men paying sick money for her services. She can't sing so what else is she going to do to validate her existence?
That discards madonna as the answer to that BI, nobody would pay to shag her.
cash is cash. real income has to be recorded, taxes paid, percentages off the top to agents etc. with her lifestyle i can see the appeal of a few "easy" hundred grands. besides, her manager has on a "tight budget". wouldn't be surprised if in a few years we find out most of mimi's money has disappeared along with her agent.
And like Jackson, she is probably cash poor. Or in Jackson's case, hundreds of millions in debt. She is drugged/drunk/crazy, so he people are probably stealing from her. And that divorce settlement took a lot of out her. No new money coming in, as her voice is shot. And the recording industry barely exists. Turning tricks might be her only option. Although I can't believe anyone would want her now.
I have to laugh. You gotta werk baby.
So.....butt stuff.
WTF? She CAN sing!
she could sing once. she was an AMAZING singer.
pills and alcohol addiction can take that away. did you see her NYE performance and the lip syncing? its very sad, bc she had undeniable talent. she's a shell of her former self (early 90s)
Well Packer seemed happy enough to marry her. Can't forget she was once upon a time a bit of a pin-up so I'd imagine there's a novelty angle there (see Lohan).
My guess is Mariah's heading towards MJ/Diana Ross status as being in he red financially and worth more dead than alive.
Seriously, What were you doing on New Year's eve? Myself and the other 249 million people in this country were laughing at MIMI.
Diana Ross in the red? She has never spent like those two and sent kids to college. Not to mention the men in her life be it husbands or lovers made sure she was always sitting pretty.
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