Monday, June 26, 2017

Susan Boyle Assaulted By Teens

"Britain's Got Talent's" Susan Boyle is reportedly being targeted by a gang of up to 15 teenagers who have, according to witnesses, gone to her home, thrown burning paper in her face and viciously threatened her.

The Mirror reported the 56-year-old Scottish singer has been harassed by teens in her neighborhood of Blackburn in Scotland.

Witnesses claimed the entertainer, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in 2012, was seen hiding on a bus while a group of people threw stones at the vehicle.

“Another time 10-15 of them were surrounding and throwing stuff,” one witness told the UK-based publication. “They lit a piece of paper and threw it at her face.”

Another bystander stated, “I was going inside the Mill Centre, Susan was walking out and they were all standing at the entrance and they said to her ‘Why don’t you get yourself a pair of glasses you ugly, old b---h.’ It’s horrendous.”

A rep for Boyle told The Mirror her team is reaching out to police to ensure her safety.

Boyle first rose to fame on "Britain’s Got Talent" in 2009 where she was runner-up.


Susan Boyle Assaulted By Teens | Celebrity Review said...

[…] “Britain’s Got Talent’s” Susan Boyle is reportedly being targeted by a gang of up to 15 teenagers who have, according to witnesses, gone to her home, thrown burning paper in her face and viciously threatened her. The Mirror reported the 56-year-old Scottish singer has been harassed by teens in her neighborhood of Blackburn in Scotland. Witnesses claimed the entertainer, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in 2012, was seen hiding on a bus while a group of people threw stones at the vehicle. “Another time 10-15 of them were surrounding and throwing stuff,” one witness told the UK-based publication. “They lit a piece of paper and threw it at her face.” Another bystander stated, “I was going inside the Mill Centre, Susan was walking out and they were all standing at the entrance and they said to her ‘Why don’t you get yourself a pair of glasses you ugly, old b—h.’ It’s horrendous.” A rep for Boyle told The Mirror her team is reaching out to police to ensure her safety. Boyle first rose to fame on “Britain’s Got Talent” in 2009 where she was runner-up. The post Susan Boyle Assaulted By Teens appeared first on CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS. Source: Susan Boyle Assaulted By Teens […]

david said...

Just plain bullying.
There's truly no need for them to invalidate her the way they are.

just sayin\' said...

little psycho-killers in the making.

Guesser said...

Seriously, where are the police? Will they be protected be cause they are teens? This should be a bigger story, even if it wasn't a celebrity.

hothotheat said...

The article I read said they weren't just targeting her, the teens did this other folks too.

Breaking news said...

"Teens" is usually code word for a race no one is allowed to say anything about. Another hate crime not reported.

Clive Lawrance said...

Bloody disgusting !

OKay said...

Oh, knock it off. You're clearly too dumb to know how embarrassed you should be by yourself.

OKay said...

Well, as The Mirror has a habit of publishing #alternatefacts, and as this has not been reported independently anywhere else (most are just copying the Mirror's information), I can take some comfort in the fact that it's probably all bullshit.

GiGi said...

You should be embarrassed for having your head so far up your ass.

Brandie said...

Get a gun susan, you have a right to protect yourself. Young punks.

hooha said...

Just as horrible.

Dee said...

It's the UK, not 'Murica. Citizens can't just 'get a gun.' You need a lot of permits that she probably would not be entitled to.


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