Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Blind Item #4

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress/celebrity offspring is undergoing outpatient rehab for an eating disorder but really needs inpatient.


Tricia13 said...

Lily Collins

Guesser said...

Probably her,since when is Enty an expert on treating eating disorders?

Tricia13 said...

Since he's an expert neuroscience and Astrophydics?

Tricia13 said...

On Astrophysics *

Santorini Greece said...

Zoe Saldana?

sandybrook said...

So now Lily talks about her eating disorders in People yesterday and Entern decided to make it a BI today?

MiMi said...

I liked Astrophydics better.

Phyllis Whitweed said...

astro fish dicks

kat said...

isn't that what he always does

Emily said...

I've been through eating disorder treatment twice in my life. Once inpatient, once outpatient.

Inpatient is not always best, some of the 'tricks' and attitudes seem to be contagious. If she's got a good, on call doctor and therapist and is being monitored medically, this is likely the best course of action. Weight is not the only indicator. Don't talk out of your ass about medical stuff, Enty. It's irresponsible.


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