Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 20, 2017

Apparently this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor had no qualms cheating on the former actress he calls his girlfriend or the frequent co-star with whom he hooks up. Our actor has been on a whirlwind of groupies on a press tour.

Ryan Gosling/Eva Mendes/Emma Stone


david said...

I'm shocked!
Shocked to find a threesome in this establishment!


Your mistress, sir.

Brooklyn Girl said...

He's too good for either of those two bitches.

sandybrook said...

According to you this week Entern, Emma has qualms and told him to GTFO.

Monroe said...

Think Emma knows the deal, since they were/are both cheating on their SO's.

Eva will put up with it though, Enty has previously stated she won't take jobs that take her away for too long bc she doesn't want to come home to find herself locked out.

kat said...

lol these "blinds" are such bs.

kat said...

lol these "blinds" are such bs..

Melissa said...

Eva is playing herself right now.
She could have a billionaire or really any man for that matter, she does not need this immature bs from Ryan Goslin, dude can't act his way out of a bag and he is only 'hot' cuz everyone else is so damn ugly.
Lets be real.
She is stunning and Emma just comes across as a whore in all this.

hooha said...

He's downright ugly, a momma's boy and weird as fuck. What's not to like?

OKay said...

How the hell is Ryan Gosling A+? He's an okay (NOT great) actor, but he can't possibly open a movie.

Sadie said...

Gosling and Stone were on Graham Norton a while back. She was embarrassingly all over him - and he looked really annoyed. She may be in love but he isn't.

sheepie said...


Lola_Blon8 said...

He’d only been in Barcelona (hardly a press tor when your scheduled to stay briefly in one city) one day at the time of this blind. So whirlwind of groupies is a huge exaggeration even if this had the possibility of being remotely true. These blinds contradict themselves often and are clear products of the author’s imagination at best. Kind of have it out for Mendes huh? Did she reject you somehow, Enty? As for the costar that’s fanlore that you’ve decided to participate in lieu of Rachel McAdams… be honest. I don’t believe Gosling is an innocent. I’m mean he just doesn’t look it at all. But this was a convenient write up.

Lola_Blon8 said...

Monroe, Emma has no SO unless you count that hipster blond boy that goes everywhere with her. Enty neglects to mention the fact that Eva own's her own home (2 until 3 years ago) and runs a successful clothing line that nets her in the millions and she is already worth as much. Nearly half of Gosling's worth w/o counting her businesses. Nor that Gosling lives with her and has driven her vehicle as much as his own over the years. Because that would go against painting her as the pathetic inferior who NEEDS Gosling. Not fit to wipe his boots and is never good enough for him. It plays neatly into some of his STANS racist and otherwise rants. You can't believe everything Enty says.

Lola_Blon8 said...

You can't lock someone out of a home they own and had before you came into the picture. That home is in the area he frequents and is listed under her name only. To do so would get him jail time. She owned one with her ex, but sold it years ago.

Marife yanga said...

Was infidelity the reason why Ryan Gosling's mom divorced his father? If so, wonder no more. The fruit does not stray far from the tree. Like father , like son. I hope his kids do not estrange yourselves from their father in the future just like Ryan does with his father now. Emma and Ryan, shame on you two.

Annie_Oakley said...

If you'd been paying attention to what you read. You'd know it was NOT the father who was accused of infidelity. Say no more though since it's clear you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. Don't bother to reproduce. Shame on you for being that gullible and an idiot.


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