Thursday, June 29, 2017

Blind Item #7

This weekly tabloid was offered exclusive photographs of a curvy B+ list mostly television actress on a hit network show. The tabloid said yes, until they discovered the photos were of the actress in a bikini. Then they said no. They have weight limits for bikini photos.


Tricia13 said...

Chrissy Metz/This is Us?

pk491 said...

Ariel Winter?

Tricia13 said...

Guessing it's US Mag

Norm said...

This publication needs to be named.

almondjoy said...

It can't be the National Enquirer--they use those shots to body shame celebs---OMG so and so has cellulite!!!!! (like celebs are immune from that shit happening to them) Or this one was mistaken for a beached whale---so I will go with Us Magazine and Ariel Winter.

Rose said...

Aren't the mags just lovely. This sort of thing doesn't help teenage girls cope with body image expectations.

French girl said...

Winter posts many pics of her in bikini on her Instagram so why to buy exclusive bikini pics ?

8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob said...

Good Lord, after googling her, I would not call her "curvy".

If this is her, I agree with the mag in order to save the viewers' eyes.

If this were Fatty Winter, I also agree with the mag, but not because she is not hot (she is not my interest, but she can be for a lot of people), but because she has been seen in all of her body lots of times in social networks, and paying for it would be dumb.

I need synonims to the word "but".

Renshaw said...

+1 on Ariel. She is not fat but people have contempt for her needy over exposure and the best way they believe to get back at her is to call her fat. The more she is called out, the more she does it. Her pics are all over the place so why buy.

Phyllis Whitweed said...

You need a lot more than a synonym! You're so secure in your own gorgeous reflection in the mirror you need to put d1ck in your username and point out ladies you would turn down? OMG! What a catch you are! How can we stalk you on instagram?

police dog said...

ariel winters on modern family. she's thick slowly moving in fat territory, but she isnt unhealthy large imo

Emmaf said...

I know this may seem an odd thing to say, but does anyone else think the tone of the National Enquirer has become more snipey and nasty over the past year or so?

I read it and even the fashion police pages- people used to get 9 and 10 out of 10.

Now even someone well dressed can just about get a 5 or 6.
Most get 1 or 2 with a pile of snark.

Every article is mean. It didn't use to be this bad. Unrelentingly.

Mazoo said...

How do they know someone's weight for a weight limit? they are basically just guessing.

Hortensia said...

It's owned by a Trump supporter. Explains everything.

Hortensia said...

You don't need a synonym for "but." It's fine the way you used it.

texasrose said...

You can bet it wasn't Horse and Hound.

texasrose said...

unless Hugh Grant was editor now.

Hot Cola said...

They should have f*cking Whight Limits on male, hairy, Directors too.

Hot Cola said...

For the record: i dont hate man, i enjoy thier company very much.
I just hate donineering duches who they they are all that but are just smug in reality.
Its fun to take the air out of balloons

Gbeezy said...

+1. I think this is Chrissy Metz

sd auntie said...

Yupp. Will not even look at it

Sharnon said...

That ain't exactly hard to do.

Sharnon said...

Really Enty??? You are saying those two women are the same size???????? Ariel is not perfect, but she is no where near the size of that other female.


[…] June 29, 2017 […]


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