Monday, June 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2017

This A list mostly movie actress who I always think must have an Oscar nom/win but doesn’t is having some personal issues. She does not want either of the men she is dating to know about the other so she is really freaked out when she sees paps following her when she is about to meet the one guy who is like her and who they want pictures of.

Scarlett Johansson


mariaj said...

" This A list mostly movie actress who I always think must have an Oscar nom/win" See, ya all ,Enty CAN indeed correct himself:)

AMartel said...

She is not a very good actress.

cebii said...

she was amazing in Lucy

Simon said...

I know a lot disagree but I thought she was terrible in lost in translation. Robotic

Mr. Wednesday said...

She seriously cannot go 5 minutes without needing a man. Now she's dating two at once? Sheesh. You know Scarlett, it's okay to be single for awhile. This woman just can't keep her legs closed.

david said...

Well, she's burning a candle from both ends.
She will end up being burnt!

Monroe said...

Sounds like the premise of a bad Hallmark movie of the week.

Renshaw said...

What's up with these starlets and singers being in a constant state of self created crisis. They exhaust me.

mistang said...

I'm not following this part - "when she is about to meet the one guy who is like her"
What does that mean exactly?

Patrick said...

She's dating one famous person, and one non-famous person. The paps want pics of her with the famous person (aka the one like her).

Patrick said...

I don't think it is about needing a man. I think she, and other actresses, want a partner they can point to as a reason to dissuade other people from hitting on them. Or, really, propositioning them.

Serendipity said...

oh get over your clutching of the pearls.

Serendipity said...

I KNOW! Adults having personal relationships and you ride a high horse in judging them.

sheepie said...

Im reading it as she doesnt want to be seen with Chris Evans. They make a cute couple but I think he's a bad boy

mistang said...

Aah okay, this makes sense. Thanks

Dannette said...

Really? Not always needing to be admired and the center of attention ?

police dog said...

they already got those pretty obvious grainy hand-holding photos w/her and her lawyer.

police dog said...

the environment they work in, plus the money allows drugs and stuff a normal regular paid person wouldnt dream of.

police dog said...

oh, and being surrunded by yes men

police dog said...

I refuse to believe 55 people voted down your comment. I agree w/it, honestly.

police dog said...

I cant with people who saw that. that whole 10% myth and ppl who swear its accurate...just reminds me of how many dumb people are in this world...breathing the same oxygen..

Renshaw said...

Thanks captain. Actually, I ride a pink unicorn and just laugh at them. let's get that straight. They've been blessed with so much and still major fvcks ups.

NYChick said...

fairly certain - being a woman myself and involved in media and entertainment - that this is the issue. they could get a bodyguard for that reason. she may be needy, or it may be for image reasons. she may just like to date, like men.

NYChick said...

meant to say "this isn't the issue."

Santorini Greece said...

She lost her looks.


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