Friday, June 30, 2017

Blind Item #4

This former entertainer turned A- list mostly television actor on a hit network show has been hooking up with a clone of his celebrity wife, but about half her age.


Tricia13 said...

Ice T/Coco?

snitty said...

oooooh...good guess!

Mediterranean said...

Ice T hooking up with Courtney Stodden perhaps?

police dog said...

"a clone of his celebrity wife, but about half her age."

this is practically a requisite for being a straight famous man in hollywood.

police dog said...

i agree with the Ice T / Coco / Courtney Stodden guesses below!!!

Sharper Teeth said...

But Coco and Courtney look the same age... hahaha

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Why do men do this? It's weird/creepy. I remember being in a Stanislavski class where the teacher constantly flirted inappropriately (like openly flirting during class was his pathetic idea of "defiance" or something) and gave special treatment to one student in class... I Googled his wife and found that she looked EXACTLY like the student he was fooling around with in class. Same hair cut, same skin tone, same type.

I get that humans have a type, but why cheat on your current wife with somebody who looks just like her? You already HAVE her. Same shit, just double the trouble. It makes no sense.

Tricia13 said...

Thanks Snitty!

shakey said...

Half her age, half the baggage? (Unless it's Courtney Stodden.)

I had a friend who left her husband for his brother. The brother is younger, but they looked almost identical, and their first names started with the same letter. I found that creepy.


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