Saturday, July 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 25, 2017

When you tell the guy you have just got back together with that you wanted to stay at your own place that night, it looks really bad when you get papped in an unfortunate situation in the middle of the night after hooking up with your latest benefactor.

Rob Kardashian/Blac Chyna


omaxem said...

What's even the point of revealing Kardashian related blinds? Everything these assholes do or say comes across as fake.

Like he doesn't know she sells herself for a living...

Sunspirit said...

Maybe that's how Rob got to know her...

sandybrook said...

Doesn't she have a kid to take care of?

Brooklyn Girl said...

I feel sorry for Rob. He doesn't seem to be as shrewd as the rest of that family. I think he is too sot hearted & too trusting. The same thing happened with Adrienne Balon, didn't it?

andi said...

Seriously, she has johns?! Who the h ell would want to touch her silcone implants in her but & chest, not to mention the diseases.

OKay said...

Benefactor...that's what we're calling johns now?

Hot Cola said...

Do we really expect anything else from these two

Hot Cola said...

Sicks f*cks who'll do whatever they want to her bcuz she took the money..

SnarkIsFun said...

Two, i think - one from Tyga, one from Rob K. (And I hate myself for knowing that!)


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