Monday, January 22, 2018

Blind Item #9 - SAG Awards

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress who has been known to beard happened on to a producer she had her eye on for a few months. He is casting for another season of a hit show and she wouldn't let anyone near him without being on his arm. She has no problems hitting the casting couch and she stays really busy because of it. She is also a diva on set because of it too and knows the producers won't say anything to her about it because of their history.


queenblair28 said...

olivia munn?

fustian said...

Her Munn-ness?

The bearding comment leads to her. Plus if you check imdb, she seems to be rather busy right now.

Gator said...

Barfbag Olivia strikes again

IanPhlegming said...

Munn is not even particularly attractive or talented. She was best on The Daily Show, when she was a quirky nerdy girl. Been all downhill from there. If she's in something now, I'll usually skip it.

Natasha said...

Katie Holmes?

Schneiderisnext said...

Remember the Blind about "The Church" helping to create a bioweapon?

The Mormons helped Apartheid era South Africa Manufacture race-targetted BIOWEAPONS.

We have court documents.

Check out the newest comments on "The Church's Investment"

Brayson87 said...

Yeesh, Munn works hard for the money.

The Woodman said...

Munn can't be the answer to every beard blind item ... can she?

Pope of Hollywood said...

Munn could say a TON about Ratner if she chose to....

Sd Auntie said...

Filler faced Munn has no charisma or stage presence. She needs the casting couch to get ahead.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has weird legs. Clearly she wasn’t a ballerina but still...

Anonymous said...

She creeps me out. Remember that scene in magic mike when they just had a quickie on mikes couch and he’s trying to make small talk and she called him Chatty Cathy? But said it in a weird tone of voice. Like she was making it clear she was using him but it felt too real.

SSDGM said...

Long time lurker, first time commenter. Munn doesn't seem to fit because she's not "mostly television" like the blind says. I don't have another suggestion but I don't think it's Munn.

BlissBoo said...

I laughed when I saw pictures of Munn with Scarlett at the Women's March. All of them, such hypocrites. They're not the type of women I want representing feminism, female rights. They're a bunch of whores who will lay flat on their backs to get what they want. Disgusting. You can only laugh at the hypocrisy.

When will H'wood "GET IT" that we don't give a shit about what they have to say? I certainly won't listen to them. I know what they've done to get roles/Oscars. They have no self-respect, only selfishness, awards, accolades, and dollar signs compute in their minds. They're no heroes, no idols, and certainly not to be looked up to.

Anonymous said...

Scarjo is pigeon toed. You know club footed? It’s hilarious the virtual army of female stunt doubles it takes for Black Widow.

hopscotch101girl said...

Agree, BlissBoo, well said!

Rosie riveter said...

No, sometimes Hugh Jackman is

overit122 said...

Pigeon toed & club foot are two different things

overit122 said...

They’re doing what they want. They’re using what they have to get a head. They are leveling the playing field. It’s always been that way for women. Always. Women have what men want. Women are in charge don’t you see? Men think they are, but as you can see with all the harassment and assault stuff goomg on, men will do and risk EVERY THING for a fuck.
Women hold the power.
You are no better or worse than them.
Nothing hypocritical about it. Just because they do something you don’t approve for yourself, doesn’t mean they are hypocritical. Hypocritical because the fuck when they want for what ever reason... and they don’t want to be harassed??
That makes NO SENSE.
That’s sounds like “you wear short skirt you’re asking for it.
Even “whores” don’t deserve to be attacked.

You need therapy

MichiganMama59 said...

Was she wearing her pink hat?

Bill Philly said...

Can't be Munn, she is mostly movie. Who else? Also, she is hot. The new face is a bit much, but she is hot nonetheless.

Spudmonkey said...

As a female you should just, Shut Up. There's something slutty hot about her where most red blooded males just TOTALLY Would!! (Now for the chorus of gay beta SJW males saying "oh no she's not...")

Spudmonkey said...

See my comment above you silly old whore...

Major G said...

Olivia Munn is definitely mostly TV. Newsroom, Daily Show, Attack of the Show... Besides X-Men, what movies has she done?

crackity-Mcgee said...

@major G you are right but shes been in a lot of movies lately


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