Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blind Item #16 - Just Stand Up - Mr. Hedge

This company saw their stock tank after causing a mighty controversy.  The company somehow didn't screen out an advertisement, which made fun of a very high profile domestic violence incident involving a major celebrity.  The celebrity was understandably enraged upon learning of this - and responded by urging a boycott of the company. Others have piled on as well. 

Was this simply an unlucky accident for this company? 

Alternatively, was the cash-guzzling, thirsty company simply desperate for more revenues, and purposefully lax on its advertising content filters? 


  1. This is not even a blind. Rihanna has already spoke about it.

  2. Very slow day. Already confirmed by Rihanna herself.

  3. Well Mr. Hedge has shorted Snapchat so he wants EVERYBODY to know what a POS company they are. Go fuck yourself and your rather transparent agenda here you money grubbing cocksucker!

    1. @sandybrook you really seem quite angry today. This is not the Wall Street Journal. Stock prices don't move because of a blind item posted here. We're all here to just have a little fun.

      The blind gets labeled Mr. Hedge, so you have a heads up to pass it by, if it's not your cup of tea. It's a courtesy to readers of the site, to organize things.

      The real reason I dropped by, is that I noticed your comment on #14. If that BI is about Selena, we should all be pulling for her health. She is a young adult with hopefully many years of life ahead of her. Sure, she has made mistakes - but she hasn't hurt anybody, except herself.

      You must be dealing with a lot of anger issues to say "fuck her" about a young lady like that, in a potentially life threatening health situation.

      Whatever is making you so angry, I hope you are able to deal with it better, and become a happier, healthier person yourself.

      Maybe put down the computer / phone and take a walk outside. Try some yoga or meditation. Call a friend or relative on the phone for that human connection.


    2. Huh. @Hedge, are you at all familiar with the recovery process from a kidney transplant?

      It’s not all that unusual to be angry at someone who receives a transplant and then doesn’t take proper care of it.

      You’re posting to “enty”’s site where the understanding is that Selena has egregiously failed to meet even the basic requirements of looking after her new kidney.

      While I wish her well and a full recovery in the future, I’m not going to knock someone who’s furious at her for wasting a chance other people are literally dying for.

      You’re not really helping your image with the people who already view you as a condescending rich dude with dubious motives* with this comment to @sandy, you know?

      *I neither confirm nor deny whether my opinion falls into that category.** My main beef is what your posts inevitably bring out in the tin foil hat brigade. Essentially, it’s all fun and games until someone who hates pizza starts calling everyone who disagrees with them pedophiles.
      **But whoa was this reply condescending.***
      ***And posted here instead of under Blind 14 for... maximum exposure to your fanboys?

    3. Anonymous1:40 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm waiting for the blind about how alternating current is a dangerous fad and can kill elephants.

    1. @Brayson That’s only a cover for the Steam industry’s plot to take back their global power.

    2. Brayson and Han Niam That interchange was great. I love the funny, smart people on here.

  5. Snapchat isn't the only company that doesn't do a good job screening ads. They all do it, they're all desperate for more money, Snapchat got caught with a really bad one.

  6. Go away, Hedge. You offer nothing of value here.

  7. This is not a blind. You guys gotta do better on this site.

  8. Netflix! Elon Musk!

    Mr Hedge just needs to go. No value in his blinds that are just public knowledge.

  9. I’m starting to groan out loud when I see “Mr. Hedge” at the top because those threads keep getting so nasty and paranoid. Even for 2018 CDAN standards.

  10. "Stop picking on Snapchat!" Uh, why?

  11. This has to be the most obvious blind item ever.

    1. Soooo agreed -Why even guess?
      Oh wait......🤔🙄😂

  12. @Geeljire, don't patronize us. We don't like Mr. Hedge blinds because they're boring and an insult to CDAN's readership. We're not being unkind, just honest.

  13. I'm happy I never figured out Snapchat. Sounds like a shit show.

  14. That's too bad.
    I like Mr. Hedge's blinds.

  15. "Was this simply an unlucky accident for this company?"
    Are you actually reading these blinds?
    No one gets this mad about Teen Mom

    1. So can you explain what's being missed. Is Snapchat realizing there decline in popularity and purposely sabotaging themselves? And then something to do with the stock market as the Mr. Hedge blinds seem to be themed.

    2. Their* does this have something to do with when stock value declined when Kylie blasted them to?

  16. This doesn’t count as a blind.

  17. It was a training blind, for newbie readers.

    1. Or old ones , under different names who got fired from their job so they back to post Frist🤡

    2. Ummm.... Glass houses, Lady.

  18. I ❤️ Media? by chance?

  19. I don't like taking photos of myself, so, I never really got into Snapchat. But, I know many users were pissed with a recent update and the CEO basically said he didn't care what users thought. And now, here's this "ad." Seems like a really slimy company.

  20. Smells fishy as fuck. If the SEC catches unusual shorts this could get quickly criminal. Everybody thinks they can get away with this kind of stuff, some do, celebrities get hard looks by the feds. Ask Martha Stewart.

  21. You guys realize the most famous shorts sellers are the Feshbach boys. They are also led by Matt Feshbach, a grad poohbah in our favorite faux church / cult.

    Snap is not a great company. It is a great product nestled in someone else's company. This is true of Twitter as well. They ate products, not companies. That is their exit but good companies will only pay so much for a product.

    Hey, it is better than Sears!!

  22. I hate Snapchat, I think it's so stupid. People really love putting dog face filters on themselves? I hope between Riri and Kylie the whole stupid thing goes the way of Toys R Us.

  23. I work in this industry connected to one of the big three networks and it is not about screening. You sign up with ad networks to serve ads. You specifically pick things you do not want but you cannot screen per campaign.

    Some of these adservers fill excess inventory with ads from lesser groups - and then all bets are off if the place is unethical. They take their chances due to volume.

    At least twice month, we have issues with ad-servers serving ads with a damn virus. Not even talking about shitty ads but virus! It's a wild west sort of deal, you never really know who is serving what inventory.

  24. This is utter rubbish. Total nonsense. Snapchat is #1 with millennials, which are the largest segment of the population. Snapchat stock will continue to go up. Losers are shorting it but the joke will ultimately be on them. Serious likelihood they will get acquired too. Stock is only going up over time.

  25. Snapchat is such a POS app and are lucky they have gotten away with not receiving such negative press until recently with all of the shady shit they have go on and allow on their app.

  26. Tomorrows Mr Hedge blind:

    "This marriage of this offspring of an A++ mogul/reality host/politician is in trouble. Publicly they will claim his busy schedule but the truth is his twitter s the cause. Apple doesn't fall far.

    A recent surprise in the mail was the final straw"

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. aww I really wanna read what you said here @mrhedge .do it again!

  28. Is this site for real or just clickbait?

  29. I like Mr. Hedge, too. His posts are interesting little side trips.

  30. I also like Mr. Hedge. I enjoy this site. I do not enjoy some of the posters, but I don't read their comments. Hey! What an idea. If you don't like something, don't read it. Don't respond. Just move on. It relieves stress. Have a great day.

  31. Everyone complaining:

    "I liked blind items before they were cool"

    "Everyone new is ruining the site"

    "Ideas I disagree with are Russian Propoganda!"

    "You're stupid and gay for thinking that!"



  32. @Mr Hedge

    Keep up with the blinds. Those of us in the tech biz and who also know finance inside out appreciate your stuff.

    To the rest. SnapChat is simply a classic pump and dump IPO stock scam. It is pretty much worthless. Not $20B. It loses huge amount of money and will never every make a real profit, not even EBITA, let alone make a real return of the almost $5 *billion* invested in it. The stories of the pumping done by Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs pre IPO were straight out of the late 1990's dot com IPO scams. The company is maybe worth $200M, maybe, given its revenue and appalling cost base and cost per user. Real users that is, not the notional ones, and the likely short / medium net revenue per real user. There is no long term revenue model.

    I'd put SnapChat in the same league as Theranos and Tesla as pure investment frauds. And Uber and Salesforce as guaranteed never ending money losers.

    And where is all the money being lost by these companies coming from? A big chunk directly and indirectly from pension funds. The rest is printed by the Fed. So its coming from your future standard of living.

  33. I had a lot of respect for Gabe and An Open Secret until I started following him on twitter. He is rude, snappy, arrogant and condescending. It put me off completely.

  34. I have to say the comments on here about Snapcrap are brilliant. Whoever thinks it's the future is truly an idiot & if that insults you, good. You must be a millenial wanting a hug at work for doing your job. The person that said it's a great product within another company, couldn't agree more, but to whoever said #1 with millenials, like that matters. The majority I interact with have their parents as their banks, so it's not like they can buy stock. Also, let's be real, unless snapcrap goes the way of facebook and trades/sells info on individuals, they'll never turn a profit. I agree with Mr. Hedge about this garbage stock, look at their burn rates & why they went public, sheesh SMH. When you're desperate, you'll do anything.

  35. I saw that Brown/Rhianna thing years ago on FB as a meme. It's hardly new, it's hardly anything to lose stock profits over. If I was snapchat, I'd be very nervous about having their stock price affected so much by flaky, bitchy, wacked out Hollywood types.

  36. Why is it that people always want bash millennials..... Most of you don't even know the real age group we belong in and keep continuing to group us in with Gen Z (which while annoying really honestly matter in the grand scheme of things) Its not our fault that those of you angry about our existence still have to ask us how to use your newest phone or computer.

    1. It's millennial behavior, that's why we bash you. I've been going to lollapalooza every year since it was still a tour, before festival. In the last five years of millennials, it's been such a noticable shift of assholism. You guys suck. You ruin everything. Your weak, whiney, overly entitled, full of bullshit excuses, always trying to have the last word. Sadly, I really have to blame your parents, for being your best friends, instead of being better parents. Now go ahead, start posting your dumb rant about how smart and cool you are. Ugh, so glad I didn't have kids.

    2. You're confusing millennial a with Gen Z. Millennial s are in their 30's and have been going to Lollapalooza for longer than 5 years.

  37. "Well Mr. Hedge has shorted Snapchat so he wants EVERYBODY to know what a POS company they are."

    b-but that's.. that can't be a conspiracy theory, r-right, sandy...?

  38. ^^^^^^+ 2000 I mean this is a capitalist society and Enty is just trying to put a new bigger pool in the backyard of his Hollyweird mansion but Geezzze getting paid so corporations can slander people they are pissed at on your gossip site is a wee bit nefarious, no?

  39. " Is Snapchat realizing there decline in popularity and purposely sabotaging themselves? "

    No. They are making people look. Millions will now visit Snapchat because of that meme alone. Some new customers will sign up who are not aware of the new operating procedures that anger so many of their old customers.

    Shocking, but I like Hedge's/Gabe's blinds. It's a new area for this site to explore. Yes, Hedge is so so wrong sometimes especially when he wants to be breathlessly incendiary. Still, his blinds force me to take on what I think I know and put it under review.

    The comments under a Hedge blind always provoke some good analysis. I like that.

  40. I like Mr Hedge.
    He's doing some great work.

    If you see a post from him,
    and you burn with RAGE when you see his name,
    Don't read it.

    When you lash out at people on a Blind Gossip site,
    it only brings more credibility to the blind.
    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

    MusicDSPGuy - Totally agree with everything in your post.



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