Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 6, 2018

It didn't take long for this A-/B+ list writer/actor to move on from his marriage. At a party out of the country, multiple models said he hit on them and tried to convince them to hook up. He also hit on this barely legal A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family who called him disgusting.

Justin Theroux/Jennifer Aniston


  1. Jennifer Aniston is barely legal? In what....elf years?

  2. Who was the actress? Elle Fanning?

  3. It's easy to move on from something you were never really committed to in the first place.

  4. "The Leftovers" was so awful I couldn't watch the second season.
    Damon Lindelof should be banned from writing anything ever again. Someone wasted his childhood telling him what a talented and clever writer he is and caused him irreparable harm.
    He should be scrubbing toilets.

  5. I feel bad for Aniston, because she gets talked about negatively when her first husband cheated and her second was an ass-hole apparently. Yet she's a spinster that can't keep a man when The ones she's been with should be shamed not her. Women's worth shouldn't be measured by whether they have a man. She's a beautiful successful woman that's attracted to asshole.

    1. @kim "spinster" means never married. She's been married twice, so not a spinster. A twice divorcee, though. She needs to date outside the industry.

    2. There is nothing wrong with not being married. Sometimes its best but not for the weak. Signed this proud spinster😁

  6. This guy was hyped just because he was dating and later married Jen Aniston. He's no great shakes, though I'm sure he thinks he is.

  7. tinydancer are you implying potheads can't get men? Because they're what? stupid and lazy? I'm a pothead since i was 18 and i've been married for over 10 years and make just as much money as my man, and we're doing pretty well in the suburbs of NYC. Don't judge what you don't know.

  8. @Geel, After Lost and The Leftovers I definitely don't trust Lindelof, after the first season just stop watching, it's only downhill from there.

    1. I didn't watch 'Lost'
      I watched others watch 'Lost'
      Him and JJ, man, what bullshit those two are
      "We got this great twist and mystery guys, you'll never see it coming!"
      *By end of S1, people nail that they're all dead and it's purgatory*
      "Uhhhh. Ummm. No! You're wrong! Totally not that! Keep guessing!"
      How many seasons of atrocious dreck after?
      Prometheus and Cowboys and Aliens in there as well.
      Just say no.

  9. I think he was always moving on from his marriage. I think he took advantage of the fact that she wouldn’t divorce him because of worrying about her image.

  10. Seriously @tinydancer you blame her for one hubby cheating and another just being a dick? Really?

  11. Divorces are usually the fault of both parties, unless there is something like physical abuse involved.

  12. How do you know for a fact that "most potheads live in a deluded little world"? Did you take a fucking poll or something?

  13. He is friends with Terry Richardson. All one needed to know.

  14. He's been friends with Terry since before he married Aniston.

  15. Are you guys potheads,or just people who smoke pot? I consider a pothead someone who is out of it much of the time,and Jennifer doesn't usually seem that way. She does seem to care too much about how others think of her,and I think she only got married because she thought she should. With Brad,he made it clear he wanted children from the start,the marriage would have ended with or without Angie.

  16. @Jack,yep, that would do it for me. But then,she is friends with Chelsea Handler.

  17. Let's see how Mr. Aniston career goes from here on. He's not a good actor, not that that matters anymore.

  18. @tinydancer if you think pot smoking is what causes Jen to not find a good relationship i suggest you take a little break from CDAN and do some research and learn something new :)

  19. A good part of Theroux's career is in writing anyway.

  20. Are we really discussing the inabilities of pot smokers to find the right guy, here?

    Jen won't date a regular guy with a regular job even if that makes him a regular rich person. She must have star impact and power. She wants the relationship played out in the tabloids or she'd have a regular old relationship with all it's normal foibles mostly hidden from the public eye. It's time for her Larry Fortensky.

    Fuck Damon Lindelof! He creates soap operas with a supernatural bent which never gets resolved. Why does everyone praise the acting on his shows? It's pure scenery chewing, Theroux being a marvelous example.

  21. Jen seems asexual. JT played a pedo in "Mute."

    1. Yep, one of the creepiest characters I've seen, but partly because I read the original (correct) blind guesses before seeing it and figured maybe he was "method acting".

  22. +1 AmericanPanda

  23. @Geeljire, I never watched Lost, but I watched a critique of the show that went into the scam it pulled, claiming they had a master plan and all the mysteries would be explained in the end, yadda yadda. Clearly Lindelof and Cuse were huge liars, but Lindelof is also one of the creepiest punks I've seen in a long time. He's obviously the kind of guy who thinks he's always the smartest person in the room (which is probably why Lost went the way it did; he assumed he'd be able to fix it all in the end). He should have been stuffed in his locker daily.

  24. C'mon, Entern.... post the name of the young one that Justin-The-Jerkoff tried to slime all over. Aniston a non-issue here. #Focus

    FWIW, Jennifer Aniston is an OK gal who deserves better. Much better.

  25. "He should have been stuffed in his locker daily."


    No doubt about it.

  26. @Kim, you said it. She is a good, solid actress, I loved her in We Are The Millers, let's cut the bullshit between her private life and her career.

  27. @Kim Fuck Aniston. JT was involved in a serious relationship when he started up with her, and she knows it. She deserves nothing less than what she gets. Except fame. Terrible actress.

    @tiny Sorry to hear the only potheads YOU know are losers, but you have a great deal to learn about such generalizations.

  28. He IS disgusting and his ego is out of control. Ew.

  29. I agree with Jack. Theroux is friends with Terry Richardson, so what more does one need to know about him? Not just acquaintances, but "good friends" with Uncle Terry, so Theroux has to be seriously disgusting.
    I think Aniston and Theroux used each other and it's done or always was done. Aniston got a guy who blamed the fame game with her, and Theroux got people to know his name instead of saying "Justin who?" Now they can say, "Jennifer Aniston's second husband."

  30. With that Terry Richardson connection and the house of cards still falling she'd probably be better off without him.

  31. Justin Theroux is a handsome man and definitely does NOT deserve the hate. What people ignore is the male sex drive. Thé straight women do not gay it. A man can love or gare for a woman but still want sex with a variety of women. Monogamy is heteronormative. I think Justin did love Jennifer but when you are a good looking solid B list actor women Will want you. I do not believe it is one sided. Justin Theroux can get and woman he wants. Jennifer Aniston seems very boring and plain Jane. Honestkt do not know what Justin saw in her.

  32. @Orville, your comments never fail to provoke LOL. Justin is average in looks and couldn't get any woman he wants. Any woman who doesn't have her own money/career/talent/brains/etc. But he's no prize

  33. barely legal A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family

    elle fanny



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