Saturday, March 17, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly television actor is the star of a very hit network show after starring on another long running network show for the same network. One of his co-stars is probably wondering if she is going to be back next season after leaking news of the actor's impending divorce to the titular head of the show's fan club.


Tricia13 said...

Janes Spader?


Gooooooooooooood morning CDAN-nam!


+1, US Office and Blacklist

Tricia13 said...

He has a longtime partner but maybe they did marry(Enty once hinted that?)

Tricia13 said...

Maybe Meghan Boone for actress?

I like the language in the blind.
Divorce from "titular head," not wife. Why's she the head of the fan club? Spader gets paid a lot for Blacklist doesn't he? No marriage. No prenup. Ride's over.


Yes "erotic artist" is a euphemism for making ceramic dildos, a time honored human tradition.

Tricia13 said...

Exit to the left please lol


Spader makes $300k/episode on Blacklist and it's the best thing NBC has going for it on its its notoriously abysmal lineup.

Anonymous said...

What about Michael Weatherly? Went from NCIS to Bull. Married to Bojana Jankovic since 2009, and was the rumored subject of a blind in which he was in a toxic on again/off again affair with his ex-costar Cote DePablo while being in an even more toxic marriage.

andrea said...

I’ll be sad if it is Megan Boone, I love the Blacklist and she’s great in the show. Maybe Mozhan Marno?

Tricia13 said...

That works ....

nancer said...

the way the blind reads, the 'wife' is NOT the 'titular head' of his fan club. whoever the co-star is leaked news of the star's impending divorce TO the 'titular head' on his fan club.


Krusty Demon said...


Thinkthinkthink said...

I got it- Michael Weatherly from Bull. Old costar sounds like Cote de Pablo. Wife does TV appearances playing a doctor. Annoying voice. He has a fan club? Can't help with that- the only fan club I know is 5 Seconds of Summer and only because of my 12 year old daughter.

Thinkthinkthink said...

TV star- Michael Weatherly
Shows- Bull, NCIS
Co-Star- Cote de Pablo
He is divorcing- Bojana Jankovic

Where the is smoke there's fire- been several blinds on them.
What's it with him and leaking co-stars? Enty had a blind that Paulette Pauley was leaking rumours about him and dePablo. Dude needs to watch those leaky co-stars.

Thinkthinkthink said...

What the hell is a titular head of a fan club?

Mem said...

Kevin James

"Titular head of the show" means their name is in the title of the show, i.e. Kevin Can Wait. Long running show was King Of Queens. Don't know about co-star.

Mem said...

Having said that, I've looked up "Kevin James fan club" and can't find anything relevant...

Thinkthinkthink said...

Mem- the second definition fits better

Titular: holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority.
"the queen is titular head of the Church of England"
synonyms: nominal, in title only, in name only, ceremonial, honorary, so-called;

Looks like it is a self-appointed fan who is full of BULL

T. W. said...

Michael Weatherly. There was a blind a while back about him having an affair with Cote de Pablo & that she lost his baby.

James Spader refers to Leslie Stefanson as his partner. When he was married years ago he referred to Victoria as his wife.

T. W. said...

@Geeljire - James & Leslie have a son, she won't be left out in the cold if he decides to leave.

James refers to her as his partner. My guess is Michael Weatherly.

Sd Auntie said...

Kevin is not going anywhere. He is lucky to have his pretty wife. No way...and ewww

Mem said...

Ah yeah, Michael Weatherly it is then.

SteveD said...

There was a blind though about Megan Boone almost getting fired a while ago. Apparently, when they did her fake-death storyline there was a chance it was made permanent.

Samantha Willow said...


T. W. said...

Megan Boone is not a good actress. She got fired from Law & Order Los Angeles yeats ago. To be fair, much of the cast was let go, including Terrence "Baby Wipes" Howard

The Black List is too dark, the plot is too convoluted, & Megan can't act. There is talk the show won't last too much longer even if it is renewed. I am a hard core Jes Spader fan & he can't get me to watch that show.

T. W. said...

I just had a thought. Would you consider James Spader a mostly television actor? I wouldn't.

BMBT said...

Yes, imho. Spader has only had two truly memorable movie roles (Pretty in Pink/Less Than Zero). He has obviously been in many but I only remember him from TV (The Office/The Blacklist/Boston Legal). I grew up in the 80s/90s fwiw.

T. W. said...

@BMBT - I am an 80s kid too. You don't think Sex Lies & Videotape, Wolf, Crash (the first one), Stargate, Secretary, & Avengers - Age of Ultron are memorable?

I do not like The Office or Boston Legal. Oh well.

Kate said...

James Spader was in Star Gate

dummypants said...

Yeah for the last 20 years Spader has been TV. Most youngins' probably have no clue he was even in movies unless they're into 80s nostalgia. Also, never leave "Tuff Turf" out of the Spader oeuvre. Never.

Tricia13 said...

You forgot “Pretty in Pink!!” Nobody did entitled douche better than Spader in that....

dummypants said...

Steff McKee lives on in our hearts forever! :)

T. W. said...

@Tricia - BBMB already referenced Pretty in Pink

T. W. said...

I would rather watch Tuff Turff than The Blacklist & that movie was a cringe fest co-starring Kim Richards.

He did a tv series in the early 80s, did a tv pilot with Michael Reisner, & had 2 tv movies that served as backdoor pilots.

He did some made for tv movies as well, the cocaine one is a classic for all the wrong reasons...

T. W. said...

... He deserves a producer credit & more than $300,000 per episode. Actors on 30 minute sitcoms make more money. He said out of his own mouth he can't manage money & doesn't want to. At best his management is incompetent, at worst they intentionally screwed him over.

He has an active involvement in plot & script development, therefore he deserves a producer credit. He actively promotes The Blacklist. I gave the show a chance for 2 seasons simply because he was in it. He is the sole reason a lot of people watch the show, you think he *is* Reddington. Not even Laurence Olivier can take over.

James Spader, if you are reading this please get new management and go get your money.

T. W. said...

@Steve D - Megan is on record saying NBC wanted to fire her because she was pregnant. She said Mariska Hargitay gave her tips on how to handle the situation.

Tricia13 said...

I see that now! And Less Than Zero.... the ultimate sleazeazoid he played. Always wonders how he played them so convincingly; then I heard he was a total asswioe/elitist and it makes sense....
But the the ick factor still boggles my mind. It’s almost -Dahmer-esque

Tricia13 said...

Poor “Julian”— amazing character beautifully played by Mr. Downey Jr.... as always😉

Yeah! said...

A list TV Actor- Michael Weatherly
Shows- Bull, NCIS
Former Co-Star-Cote de Pablo
Current Blabbermouth Co-Star- Geneva Carr
Leaking to- Bull Fan Club Head
Divorcing- Bo Jankovic

Unknown said...

And why does her "titulars" even matter in this #timesup environment?

T. W. said...

@Tricia13 - Forgive me, I have not seen Less Than Zero but I would like to. Spader considers or considered RDJ a friend. I started looking at him differently when I found that out. The blind about the star that lost friends if said friend didn't sleep with his dad made it worse.

T. W. said...

@Empath - Bull has a fanclub. The Black List has several.


I saw "Supernova"
More than once

Anonymous said...

"Less Than Zero" is one of thee most depressing and sad movies I've ever seen. Once was enough. Beautifully acted. Heartbreaking.

B626 said...

Spader played twin Brothers in Jacks Back
Late 80s
He had a nice bod and plenty of hair back then

T. W. said...

@Geeljire - They had like what,12 different directors? What could have been a good film got ruined with all their rewrites, editing, and input. Too many cooks in the kitchen as they say.

LK said...

@nancer No, it says that the info was leaked to the titular head of the show's fan club' about the actor's impending divorce. Not divorce to the fan club head. :)
James Spader has more movies then shows. Calling him 'mostly TV actor' doesn't make any sense. Maybe dual, but not "mainly TV".
Michael Weatherly fits perfectly.
The co-star who leaked the info might be Geneva Garr.
Funny coincidence: Weatherly's ex-co-star David McCallum leaked about him leaving NCIS before an official announcement. The guy should really stop sharing info with everyone around him.

Salted Caramel said...
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Salted Caramel said...

He didn't say titular head of show, he said head of show's fanclub. The costar leaked the info to a fan.

Salted Caramel said...
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Salted Caramel said...

Costar that leaked isn't Cote de Pablo. It's a current costar on his current show, Bull, not NCIS.

Yeah! said...

Geneva Carr is the leaker

Yeah! said...

With co stars and fans like that who needs enemies?

Yeah! said...

Who knew?

Court b said...

I fucking love Spader, always have. Love him in interviews as well, he has the best stories! He played douche bags, because the rolls we're more fun. "Secretary" is one of my favorite movies of all time, I highly recommend it.

Thinkthinkthink said...

Salted Caramel- I do believe it's his current costar Geneva Carr who is leaking to his titular fan club head. Who makes themselves the head of a fan club? And don't these people sign NDA? I would so fire someone that stupid.

Yeah! said...

Fantastic point. The behavior is unacceptable. Catty woman hurt professional women.

Salted Caramel said...

I agree, now that I have done a little more research. Geneva follows @seleya8 on IG and vice versa. Most likely on Twitter too. @Seleya8 is an Admin on the FB group, Bull, with Michael Weatherly. What's ironic is that @seleya8 is an avid Cote hater and must be terribly depressed with the news (smiles gleefully). Someone who makes themselves head of a fanclub prob possesses some narcissistic traits, and is prob overcompensating for felt insecurity and sees this as a way to feel important, lol.

Salted Caramel said...

Agree. My guess is, Geneva is disappointed and had to share it with someone like-minded. Most of the time when one feels like something is positive or a good thing, they're less likely to feel the need to rope inappropriate ppl into that knowledge to have a bitch fest.

Thinkthinkthink said...

Great research Salted Caramel. Where is this whackado fan club located? how can they be fans of Weatherly if they hate Cote de Pablo? They don't sound like fans to me and who over 12 is the head of a fan club? What kind of co-worker gets pissed someone is getting a divorce? Cray cray cray cray Get a life people.

Yeah! said...

Unbelievable. What’s wrong with people?

Salted Caramel said...

There are some pretty interesting older women who ship Tony and Gibbs and call it Tibbs. They are pretty out there. I think this Seleya8 is one of them. This group of fans are convinced that Michael "hates" Cote (rather they project their reality onto him). I believe there might be some racist feelings against Cote as well.
Right? It's none of her business to share info about someone else w/o their permission or a decision for anyone else to judge, not being Michael.

Thinkthinkthink said...

Salted Caramel: SAY WHAT?

Salted Caramel said...

Search Tibbs on Fanfiction,Twitter, or Tumbler. Warning: this may induce vomiting.

Thinkthinkthink said...

They aren't fans, they are mentally ill. What co star associates herself with that shit and gives out the 411? Jesus. They make Cathy Bates in Mercy look sane.

Salted Caramel said...

They have their cats and Michael That's what they live for. I think you mean Misery, lol. But yeah.

Yeah! said...



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