Friday, March 16, 2018

Blind Item #4

This foreign born initialed last name A-/B+ list singer/songwriter says she is not apologizing for using the N word and will say it when she wants. 


  1. What, NyQuil helps a lot of people with cold and flu symptoms.

    1. I'm high as a kite and my teeth are green. Merry fucking Christmas.

  2. Till she meets the WROOOOONG one and they beat the bitch senseless, LMAO

  3. Did she say nigger with a hard R or soft A? Saying nigga instead of nigger is fine, as long as you don't aim it at a black person. I call my homies nigga all the time, and they're mostly white. Also who's to say she doesn't identify as transracial? If we're going to pander to mental illness and fantasies, and pretend that made up shit is real (like dudes putting dresses on and getting fake tits) I think we should do that for everyone. Transracial people can definitely say nigga, hell they can make even say nigger if they've fully transitioned. This kind of transphobia really isn't OK, it's 2018, we've hopefully moved past that.

  4. @Montanna Why is bitch acceptable, but not nigger?

    Civility and manners is for everyone.

    (For those about to post condemning me for actually spelling a word, I didn't use it as an invective or insult.)

  5. Because the n word has weight and history behind it, no matter what white supremacist assholes want to believe.

    My sister and I call each other bitch all the time, but we both know it's a term of endearment between us. If anybody else called me a bitch, I'd rip their balls off and shove them up their asshole.

  6. I learned from MLK that when I insult people I want them to know that it is the content of their vile worthless character that makes me despise them, nothing else. When you use racial slurs it just sounds like you dislike them for their appearance and whatever stereotypes you might harbor about them.

    1. You’re on fire this week, @Brayson. That’s generally my approach as well.

      Also, I figure if I’m not willing to put in even a LITTLE effort for a truly personal insult that conveys the depth of my feeling, an insult is just not called for.

    2. @brayson87. Excellent.

  7. Replies
    1. 😂😂😂😂😂LMAO!!!!

    2. My grown children have been saying “whad up my ninja?” to each other for 15 years.
      I forbade the N word in my house when they were growing up & to this day, their eyes go wide when anyone else uses it. It’s their pop culture workaround.

  8. No one with any class ever uses any variant f that word.

    That's why I use it all the time :)

  9. The only N word I will say is notablind.

  10. Madonna charmingly calls her son that. Classy.

  11. Good for her, enough with the word police bullshit already, castrating everyone's thoughts because people can't get fucking offended.
    And the same liberals want me to believe they understand and wet their pants for someone like George Carlin who despised and ridiculed political-correctness and these stinky, pathetic linguistic expedients and euphemisms.

  12. If people can't/won't exercise commonsense and civility then we end up with speech nazis like barstool (above) and the ridiculous ever-changing individual case-by-case microassessments of when/to whom/how sounds can be deployed. Better alternative: Grow up!

  13. @atoukzug You're right. Neither the n word nor bitch is acceptable. Both are abusive, intentionally degrading terms. One is no better than the other.

    1. But there are Soo many raging Bitch's in this world... would be a shame not to acknowledge them properly

  14. I like Ernie's N word.

    My ninja. Say it like Denzel. It works.

  15. That's a classy one right there.

  16. I can't hear her saying it on the video though. I will add that.

  17. That sounds nothing like the N-word wtf... and I suppose if it was the fans in the audience would have shown some kind of reaction... what kind of bs..

  18. I would love for the day to come when you can say the n word and it doesn’t have a horrible connotation. But it does and it probably will for a long time. The pervasive stain on that word is equal to the suffering it has caused so many black folk for so many years. So yes, they get to reclaim it for themselves. And no, it’s not for anyone else to use outwardly. It’s use in black culture is despite other communities. So when it’s in a rap song, it’s cuz they are speaking to their own, not to anyone else. Does that make white people feel excluded? I guess so. So be it.

  19. ancoranonhocapito: By all means. Lets just destroy all standards of decency and see how long society survives.

  20. @Shawn, Step way from the PC bar. You drinketh too much..

    Oh, and BTW, some people consider"black folk" racist as it's condescending and dismissive.

    PC linguistics is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play (along).

    1. Okay, okay...yeah maybe I was just a little teed off by some of the comments...(tucks tail between legs and crawls away)

    2. No you were absolutely correct. Not that long ago black men were hung from trees for " looking at" a white woman. And today driving while black can be hazardous. Words have power. Which is some ppl reclaimed the word and use it as a family greeting. ( I'm mixed race black/white btw)

    3. Shawn has his thinking cap on...

  21. @cc423: Are we sure that the words and thoughts of us desperate, lost, little humans down here on the blue planet, living out our short little spans without a clue, should be censored and controlled? Isn't enough the shit we swallow every day?

    And: how a word gains so much power anyhow? How's that happen and why are you playing along? Do you even know what exactly a "standard of decency" should be? Isn't your every day surrounded by paramount, hypocritical, offensive indecency that everyone accepts, praises and celebrates?

    And: By giving so much power to a word, by tabooing what's otherwise innocent, don't we make it eternally, inevitably, offensive? How not to see that the word is irredeemably racially charged BECAUSE IT'S SELECTIVELY FORBIDDEN?

    And: coveting our thoughts, correcting our facade, painting over the ugliness, does this make everything nicer? Really?
    Ever looked behind curtains? It teaches all sorts of things.

  22. words only have power when you give it to them.

  23. Think of it another way. That word has power when white people say it, but it's powerless coming from others. Some can say it all day long, doesn't mean a thing, they can even make songs with it, powerless. But one white bim says it once and the world stops. That lets you know the power dynamic hasn't changed as much as progressives would like to pretend it has.
    I personally don't get why some white people are obsessed with saying the so called "lighter" version of it. Uh, many different people find it deeply offensive and it is unnecessary to use in any conversation, just leave it alone.

  24. Boo fucking hoo. White folk want to use a word and play victim when they can't and have it be socially acceptable. We're the victims here!

    tiny violins...

  25. For the 1000th time : If you want white people to stop using that word- stop selling music and movies to White kids WITH that word!
    It`s a racial slur. U prove nothing with this insanity.

    I don`t see my Jewish people going " Yo K*** ! How is it going?"
    U see how stupid that sounds?

    Enough with that word all together.

  26. Are you people actually this gullible and just believe EVERY blind Mr enty posts without making up an own opinion? Cause dam... this is the biggest piece of fake news lol You have a serious imagination if you actually think she said that with an audience full of phones and a black featuring artist on stage with her. I pity those of you who believe this crap

  27. @Red, haha +1
    Denis Leary used to crack me up before I heard about that whole Bill Hicks thing, now I don't know what to think.



  29. @vessimede I would like to compliment your comment, especially focusing on the second to last line. Thank you for your contribution.

  30. Picking and choosing who can and can not say the word doesn't change the fact that it's a racial slur.

  31. Truth is the vast majority of whites stopped using this word decades ago. It was rap music and black pop culture that kept it alive so that a new generation of kids (of all colors) who dont know the bad associations of the word and only ever saw it as cool in music and movies are now using the word, leading to its unfortunate renaissance.

  32. Ahhhh, identity politics, the refuge of the alt-left.

  33. Heh. All the people asserting “it’s just a word, why so PC”... I’m going to walk up to your mom and call her a cum guzzling, dick sucking cunt of a whore.

    It’s just words. No reason to get mad. LOL

  34. To be fair black rappers made the word NIGGER popular. I blame rap music for the sensationalism. White kids think it is cool to use N word since all the rappers except Will Smith use that language. And white people still use the N word behind close doors. I think it is better for people to know who is a racist is. Richard Spencer is a white supremacist but he is not hiding his racism. Most people do.

  35. "Ahhhh, identity politics, the refuge of the alt-left."

    Is that right? Who are we supposed to identify with?

    At least it isn't a troglodyte that shits in gold toilets, mocks the handicapped, and proudly says he could shoot someone dead on 5th Ave and still have his supporters. There's someone to identify with, yes sir.

  36. @Halloweenie - proof? that black men were lynched for merely looking at white women. I've read/heard this stated before, but nobody has ever been able to provide any evidence that this specific crime ever occurred for this specific reason.

    1. Emmitt MOTHERFUCKING Till asshole Are you kidding me..

  37. @Pickle Rick google Emmett Till

  38. @Pickle

    The essential reason for most lynchings were the protection of white women by white men from black men. Since historically not a lot of records were kept on lynchings, since they were vigilante activities, it's can be assumed from the rhetoric of the KKK itself.

    I was cleaning out all the drawers in my grandmother's house, which she lined with newspapers, and came upon several instances of teenaged black boys who were executed for unsubstantiated rapes of white women, one as young as 13, back in the 1950s. I say unsubstantiated because back then the papers in the South were scant on details or judicial procedures.

    It wasn't only lynchings. It was the whole judicial system bent on killing black men.

  39. If you are insinuating Charli this is not true. Evidence 1 with video -

    Evidence 2 from a concertgoer who was there -

    Evidence 3 -

    Also, I'm black and I met her. She is also a woman of color being half Indian and she was sweet, warm and nice. This is pure bs.



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