Friday, March 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 8, 2018

This streaming behemoth says they are a supporter of women's rights on International Women's Day. It doesn't really seem like it with what is going on in this European country right now. Several productions of shows and movies have been shut down for the day by women striking on those shows and movies. All have done so without a hitch. All shows except one. Can you guess who owns that show? The giant streamer. Producers on that show have threatened any woman who goes on strike with being fired. The women backed down and are working.

Spain/Netflix/Paquita Salas


  1. WTF, how many people work on this little show that nobody, including I'm guessing most of the staff at Netflix, has even heard of?

  2. The tip that led to this blind was the extent of the show's marketing budget.

  3. Doesn't say why the women were striking.

    1. @Amartel Women were encouraged to strike for Women’s Day. To demonstrate how much the world would miss without women. (At home as well as at work)

  4. I knew this was the going to happen, the larger they get, the more they will become just like all of the other networks

  5. I don't think immediately of human rights and equality when I think of Spain, sorry.

  6. Yeah Spain is like the summer Germany, just ask the bulls. I think SJWs would not enjoy living in the regions they glorify during their five minute vacations.

  7. I see Enty's bought some Hulu stocks or Amazon is paying him. Get that money, hunnie.

  8. They were striking to protest against gender pay gap in Spain

    1. Striking against myths seems pretty useless

  9. If you are taking a day off to protest, then you have to accept the consequences. They arent striking against the show but the wage gap in Spain. This idea that businesses and schools should just shut down for activism and take the financial loss is ridiculous. Protest in the evening or weekend (but that would bite into personal time, which goes to show just how much these activists care)

  10. Meh. Netflix will reap what they sow, just like everybody else.

  11. If you're going to strike simply for a movement that has no bearing on reality I would fire them too. So stupid. I'm sure there are morons out there right now protesting for the right to vote and own property. LMAO



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