Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blind Item #2

This MTV star was in town yesterday and her significant other is now going to have to find a different place to get the special drugs he can only get here. Why? Well, he found out his significant other hooked up with the dealer a few times and tried to start a fight with the dealer who promptly pulled out a gun along with several of his associates. So, for now, no more drugs.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The one on Teen Mom with the drug problems. Yeah you know that one!!

  2. That's one way to get sober

  3. "the special drugs he can only get here."

    The what is as interesting as the who. Maybe more so...

    1. Fentanyl most likely. These soulless opiate abusers start with Molly & Zanny, wind up on heroin, then click clack that Fentanyl in for the death's door rush. At that point, your a walking dead man.

    2. A lot of opiate abusers start out with pain pills they usually get prescribed out of necessity then can't afford the habit and move to heroin because it's cheaper. They get desperate and do whatever they have to do to not be sick. They aren't soulless and I hope you never break a leg, because it could very easily happen to you.

    3. Where can’t you get Fentanyl?

  4. I think the doomsday clock ticked a minute closer to midnight when "MTV star" became synonymous with "reality star."

  5. Replies
    1. Things are going to end very badly for those two.

  6. I thought fentanyl was pretty much everywhere. And usually without the user's knowledge (hence the spike in OD deaths).

    But if someone going straight to a fenty high, might as well start writing your obit now.

  7. There was a huge bust of F coming in from Mexico ($22BN was it?) so I'm sure that's impacted ability to buy from small dealers.
    Good thing. That shit is death.

  8. LOL @Brayson ... too true!

  9. Just say no, kiddies!

    Lethal dose comparison (average adult human male, ~200 lbs.) between heroin, fentanyl and carfentanyl:

    Carfentanil or carfentanyl is an analog of the synthetic opioid analgesic fentanyl.[1] A unit of carfentanil is 100 times as potent as the same amount of fentanyl, 5,000 times as potent as a unit of heroin and 10,000 times as potent as a unit of morphine.[2]

    The toxicity of carfentanil in humans and its ready commercial availability has aroused concerns over its potential use as a weapon of mass destruction by rogue nations and terrorist groups.[3]

    Carfentanil was first synthesized in 1974 by a team of chemists at Janssen Pharmaceutica which included Paul Janssen.[4] It is classified as Schedule II under the Controlled Substances Act in the United States with a DEA ACSCN of 9743 and a 2016 annual aggregate manufacturing quota of 19 grams (less than 0.7 oz.).

    1. @itttt Thanks for that! I didn’t need to sleep tonight anyway.

      I can’t believe I hadn’t considered weaponized carfentanil until I read that. Goddamn. Kim doesn’t even NEED nukes. All he needs is a crop duster.

  10. Please. There are always more drugs.

  11. After a relative died there was a whole box of fentanyl patches left over. I, being young and incredibly ignorant about drugs decided to use one to treat a migraine (all I knew was that it was a painkiller) I ended up unconscious for 2 days and was pretty lucky to wake up at all apparently. Never messed with it again. Those were the pre-Internet days, now I research any meds I have to take beforehand!

  12. Kristen C and Jake Cutler



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