Monday, April 23, 2018

Blind Item #15 - Stranger Things Have Happened - A Himmmm Blind Item - Part 8

I saw the clock - it was just past 1pm that Wednesday afternoon.  He'd slipped away gently…quietly.  With almost a smile of peace on his face.  With my own blood pumping through his heart.  My blood pumping through his veins, beating those last beats of life through his body…was my own blood mixed with his.  Brothers…til the very end.

All I could say to Cissy, over and over was: "I let you down…I wasn't there."  She never felt that towards me, but it was how I felt.  Like, If I'd stayed there to see to every detail.  If I'd not supported pushing the team so hard.  If I'd offered to get investors to buy it and go slower.  I would have given every fucking worthless dollar my family and friends and companies ever had, just to have him back.  If I'd just swallowed my pride and asked my people for the money to buy the film outright, to buy us more time to shoot slower.  Not to push it to "eleven" like some cocky kid.  Then maybe he'd still be here.  If I'd never brought the film to this studio…to this state.  Now he was gone, just like I'd last played with that legendary iconic actress on those same sands in my childhood; those same beaches…now I'd lost Buddy too.  It was my fault, somehow.  I was cursed.  It had to be.  I couldn't shake the guilt…that heavy weight…that all I'd done had led up to this.

I spent that tragic night with a shocked, inconsolable Nin. We holed up away from the world in a place on the beach.  Sealed off in shock and hurt.  Anger.  Guilt.  Fear and burden.  Even losing my own family member months before hadn't hurt like this. Replaying every single word, each second of our lives together.  Nin stared for hours at the darkness and the moon out across the balcony.  The winds blowing us, holding and rocking each other like babies.  Hearing the waves, seeing the moon glow off the water.  Up until that moment I'd never in my life considered suicide as an alternative to anything.  But then – and there, I knew how low a human could go.  I knew how deep the hurt could reach into your breath and choke the life from you.  All I could rationally think was that he was gone, and I wanted to be with him.  Nin knew it too.  I didn't want to be left alone to endure this life without him.  Neither of us did.

We held each other tighter – as if we were afraid the other would slip away if we let go.  We very well might have slipped away had we let go.  We gripped each other until we passed out, holding and rocking each other on that balcony all night.  We woke sometime the next day on that balcony, covered in the other's tears. No more wedding; no more birthday party.  No more plans or futures for all of us together.  It was too much to feel at once. Another entire day and night, we never left that place except to go to the ocean and back.  We yelled.  We cried like inconsolable children.  We loved and hated, and embraced.  We raged and screamed – until we had no tears left in either one of us.  Our voices gone hoarse; our eyes sunken hollow.

We loved and we hurt.  We tried to bury our hurt beneath our love.  It would be the last time we'd hold each other like that.  Tragic pain can strangle even the deepest love, until it's all you see and think of.  We became a constant reminder to each other of all we'd lost – and all that would never be.  A trauma and tragedy so overpowering that it even physically effects the human body.  Our love growing inside her body would never survive the trauma of that week.  One more soul gone.  One more unfulfilled dream snuffed from our lives; stolen away from us again.


Joel Theriot said...

I'm so very sorry for your losses.

Jeff Weimer said...

Deceased A+ list legend - Natalie Wood, I'm almost certain. Brainstorm was filmed in NC.

lucy said...

I hope you wouldn't still feel guilty. as an outsider it's 'easy' for me to state as such. but really it was not your fault and you know your friend wouldn't ever want you to carry that burden, ever

Dusty Fairy said...

So sad. I am so sorry.

Kelly said...

These are the posts I miss so. I'm so sorry, Himmmm.

More Cowbell said...

I can relate to you, this Himmmm. I have harbored guilt about my dad's death for almost ten years. He was paraplegic and developed an alcohol and opiate addiction to deal with his pain and depression.

i should have gotten him into a rehab. I should have gotten him out of the crappy Medicaid hospital he died in. I shouldn't have agreed with my step-mom to take him off the blood pressure meds that were keeping him alive.

I will never forgive myself for not doing enough to save him. I know I have to get past it, though, because it has affected my relationship with my husband and daughter and led me done a self-destructive path.

i haven't been able to forgive myself, but i hope you can forgive yourself. :)

Much love

Himmmm said...

@MoreCowbell: I'm heartbroken for you as well and I hurt for you. It is a massive burden to carry. What I've had to do is to avoid the road of self-immolation over what I could've done. As you must. It's our nature to ask what we could've done. Perhaps it is fair for us to be tattooed with that inside ourselves. But it does no good. Buddy would whip my ass for doing that, as I'm sure your Dad would not want you to ruin your life. I was lucky enough to have Nin hold me together. Allow yourself to be loved by those around you, and it will scab over. It'll never disappear but you will learn to embrace your own survival. Nin's mom told me: Be strong enough to earn his love. (Meaning Buddy's). I think of that every day. Best of love and luck to you my friend - find your strength.

Himmmm said...

...and THANK YOU, humbly, to each of you for all of your kind and warm words.

Mary Lamb said...

More Cowbell, don't feel guilty. Your step-mother had final say on any and all care for your father.
I don't know how old you were when he passed but if you had been in charge, things might've turned out differently. Be well.

Stupidpervs said...

Skipped it

amelia said...

All of these are so beautifully written. What a gift to be able to write in a way that can emotionally touch people. Even tho I knew what was coming I found myself crying and feeling so much of your pain.

My best friend for over 40 years recently died. I have never experienced pain, anger and guilt like that. Guilt because I didn't do enough, anger at her and her family because THEY didn't do enough (drugs were involved).

So sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing with us.

Itttt said...

I am so, so deeply sorry for your loss and his family's loss, Himmmm. Some bittersweet songs of tragic loss, death but also hope have always helped me work through my painful losses.

As you said, even the deepest wounds will eventually scar over and "heal" with time, but we must all find a way to persevere, persist, resist, and endure. Never stop! Never stop fighting, living, loving, and giving it your best effort, until the fight is done (and won).

Get yer box o' tissues out

Death Cab For Cutie original video of I Will Follow You Into the Dark

Airborne Toxic Event Majordomo Version of Sometime Around Midnight

Pearl Jam Just Breathe Unofficial Video

ExMod1990s said...

This is heartbreaking. Bawling like a baby right now. I was a low-level model during this time, right out of high school working in LA and NY. I had my first real relationship with a great, amazing guy(guys I dated before were horrible) who absolutely worshipped Bruce Lee and then his son Brandon and loved comics. He was obsessed with The Crow being made and literally cried tears when Brandon died. We listened to that soundtrack non-stop for over a year and to this day is one of my favorites....and saw the movie countless times. It was the first time a celebrity and someone I didn't know effected me that way because my boyfriend was absolutely devastated.
I am so sorry for your and truly the world's loss. He would have been just as big as his doubt about it.


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