Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blind Item #4 - Old Hollywood

Every person has a picture in their mind how this former A list mostly movie actress must have been the best mom ever while living what some saw as a fairy tale. Nope. She regularly beat her kids and was known for abandoning them for months on end to live her own life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I pick Grace as well.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Liz Taylor?

    Btw there is a CDAN reader on DM talking about MM "yachting" days. I was not delighted...

  4. Grace was stuck in Monaco and basically retired. She did not have that much of a life and left the kids with the nanny. As far as beatings, well most of us boomers had corporal punishment inflicted. That was the norm unfortunately.

  5. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I would say Grace Kelly. (+1 Tricia)
    Kids raised by nannies.
    She died at 53. A stroke while driving.... so they say

  6. Grace Kelly was known to be unhappy,if she stayed in Hollywood,no one would have cared if she divorced, but being married to a head of state, impossible. Good that the kids were away from her if they were beaten,but it may just be spankings,exaggerated for effect.

  7. "Regularly beaten" sounds like more than corporal punishment, unless the kids were regularly getting in trouble.

    1. Grace's own parents were supposedly abusive. So there is that.

  8. Welcome to our generation, snowflakes.

  9. @SD Auntie: Spot. On. As baby boomers, our mother regularly inflicted corporal punishment for just even popping a bubble from bubble gum. Unfortunately, we'd learn decades later as to the why's of it. Luckily/miraculously, me and my 3 siblings NEVER repeated to ours.
    There's always a story behind the why's of it all.

    1. Yup. And if you went to Catholic school the punishment was double. Boys had it the worst.

  10. Grace Kelly for sure.

    Btw on a side note, I so dislike her and the fact people are praising her as some greatest legend ever. She was one of the first proper known gold diggers in my opinion. She met that ugly short fat prince and after like 2 meetings with him if I recall well ditched Hollywood where she was like superstar at the time , agreed to marry him and went to Monaco before never seeing it...

  11. and yeah I agree with SD Auntie,being a kid before this snowflake generation and new age of raising kids where they cannot do wrong, always meant some slap here and there...
    Still love my parents and have close relationship with them and think that almost every I got did deserve :))

  12. @just: Her story was more complicated than that because of her domineering father.

  13. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I don't believe in hitting children. You are the adult; you hold the cards. There are other ways of handling it. It only teaches violence. Too easy to lose it and really damage the child.
    Never hit mine, no matter how tempted I was.

  14. "snowflake generation"

    Haha! Yes :)

    I got out of line and I got the belt...

  15. What is DM Laura?

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Daily mail.best junk british tabloid, home to escorts and PR agents

  16. I think Grace Kelly is more "permanent A+" than "former A list." She went from Hollywood royalty to actual royalty.

  17. Agreed. If Grace Kelly isn't "permanent A+ List" -- above the title movie star before such things were common, Oscar winner, ultimately "Royal"--nobody is.

  18. "You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all a part of the same compost pile."

  19. It only took a couple of times of getting my butt busted for acting up/out in public before I stopped.

    No Time Out, or Naughty Step, or whatever new age hoodoo hokum parenting came after the mid 1960's.

    Thankfully, I never had to go out into the back yard and pick my own switch with which I was swatted across the back of the legs (which stung, because it was summer and I wore shorts) - Mom would march out into the yard, me by the elbow and my feet barely dragging the ground in protest, and snatch one from the closest forsythia bush that lined our fenced yard. The fresh, young, green ones hurt the most.

    But, thankfully, she never gave me the "oh, you think this was bad? Just wait until your father gets home." She handled it, she dished out the swift and just punishment, and all was well in the world (except the sting of pain and feelings of guilt).

    When Dad was handling punishment, it was a spanking - open hand across bare butt cheek. Never anywhere else, and never any object other than the hand. No belt, no fist, no smack across the mouth...

    As I got older, and the brain fade of tween-dom and stupid early teen girl stuff kicked in, the switches and spankings stopped. They had much more meaningful things they could withhold from me besides no dessert or no playing outside after dinner. Things like having your telephone cord ripped out of the wall and thrown into the trash can outside, or coming home and discovering your stereo and ALL your 8-track tapes and albums were now living in the family room. Think you're gonna watch 'Happy Days' after you backtalked your mom? Think again.

    So yeah, snowflakes have NO earthly clue. And the first time I heard a friend's child shout at her that he was going to SUE her for being so mean to him and keeping his Gameboy when he used his own money to buy it, I thought I was gonna lose my shit.

    Spare the rod, spoil the child.

    1. +1000

      And people wonder why we have so many problems with our youth today! And if spanking kids caused them to be more "violent", why wasn't there problems with teen violence and school shootings back then ? Hmmmmm

  20. Shirley MacClain's daughter said she was basically abandoned in Japan and her mom was really horrible to her, yet everyone thinks of Shirley as super spiritual and nurturing.

    Or maybe its the other old Hollywood actress who married royalty, Rita Hayworth? She married Prince Aly Kahn. She came from poverty so truly had a fairy tale life.

  21. I don't think a Princess would be allowed to disappear or abandon anyone to live her own life. She would probably almost never be alone for one thing with bodyguards and staff following her.

  22. Didn't enty call her out for being the original yacht girl?

  23. I think this could apply to a LOT of Hollywood kids back in the day. Could be Lucy's kids, Judy Garland's kids, etc. etc.

    I remember reading Aretha Franklin's autobiography and losing RESPECT because she left her kids behind with her parents from the time they were very young.

    Unfortunately, I think quite a few in Hollywood chased careers to the detriment of their children.

  24. Not getting beaten = "snowflake". 😂

  25. grace kelly

    too bad she wasnt alone in the car when she died. no surprise she was a raging c*nt.

  26. It says KIDS plural. Audrey Hepburn only had one.

  27. These blinds aren't blinds at all. Enterns just take recent tabloid stories and blind them. No scoop here at all. Just a guessing game, answerable with google.

  28. Grace 'abandoned Hollywood..' LOL. She got a lifetime free ticket out of the pit to live a life of glamour, luxury and wealth in one of the nicest places to live in the world. Was it a 'deal'? Sure. Was she trapped/kept, sure. But a very easy choice compared to slugging it out in the cesspool and knowing things would fade in a few short years.

    Her kids did seem to love her, but there's no way to know what the true dynamics were.

  29. Even in her own time, no one saw Grace Kelly as a "perfect mom" She was famous for being icy cold and aloof. She was a get-them-to-boarding-school-ASAP mom.

    It is well reported that she was miserable in her marriage and felt stuck and isolated in Monaco after being so independent. She wanted to go back to pictures but wasnt allowed. She was never flying around the world solo living it up.

    I agree that this could be just about anyone from Donna Reed to Debbie Reynolds to Judy Garland to Shirley MacClain to Goldie Hawn....any perfect storybook girl next door sweetheart type.

  30. That bitch Doris Day.

    Kidding. I love her movies and "Pillow Talk" in particular is hilarious. Every year a few of my friends and I would get a couple of bottles of wine, some pizza, and have a girl's night watching it. Rock Hudson was gorgeous and there are many hilarious scenes in the movie; one in particular has Hudson, playing a love 'em and leave 'em womanizer, uses what are supposed to be gay mannerisms to mess with Doris' head. Knowing what we know now about Hudson it adds another level to the movie. Highly recommended.

  31. Guys if you think becoming princess of Monaco gives you happiness ASK PRINCESS CHARLENE ....

  32. Joan Crawford aka Mommy Dearest ;-P

  33. Albert turned out pretty good, as far as I can tell. (He's a friend of a long time friend.)
    Of course that could be from the tutors and nanny's efforts in spite of GC.

  34. June Lockhart. Well known troubled woman in Hollywood movie circles. Her daughters autobiography, "She Done Beat Me Til Morning", gets into the details. Nasty woman real temper.



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