Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blind Item #6 - Mr. X - Easy Easy

Even though they always deny it, this royal used the same surrogate she did with her other kids. The surrogate will be a very wealthy woman, she gets paid upwards in the millions to pop out those babies.


  1. Replies
    1. @TrapQueen +1

      People will believe anything these days.

      Over on DM some ridiculous trolls we’re going on about no post-partum wobbly bump and no swelling in her ankles... under an article which, like all the others, showed both. 🙄

    2. I'm gonna say it. There are rumors & YouTube videos claiming Kate is a biological male.

  2. Well dayum is every celebrity using a surrogate lately!!?!!? #surrogateisthenewblack

  3. Oh, please. What bollocks.

  4. Is that why that nurse "committed suicide"?

  5. Anonymous8:08 AM

    This is the first time hearing this. Kinda not believing this one

  6. If true it's really sad if the media doesn't catch this one. It's not like somebody jetting off to a foreign country and coming back with a baby. Then again maybe there's some medical issue and that's the best option.

    1. @Brayson

      If anything, she could be forgiven for using a surrogate since she does have a medical issue which can be fatal during the first trimester, and she’s had it every time.

      But given the need and preference for uncomplicated direct lineage in the royal family, I’m calling utter BS on this one. And I will call BS when it comes around again targeting MM & Harry in a year or so.

  7. I thought it was placenta soup that allowed her to look so fresh and energetic a few hours after giving birth but a surrogate makes sense too.

  8. Ridiculous. The Cambridges did not use a surrogate. Please, if you print stuff like this, then I won't believe other blinds.

    1. Exactly. The whole site isbin question. Making isht up out of any recent news story. Probably getting paid to seed bad blinds too.

  9. Yeah, right.

    To make this even remotely possible there would have to be at least 20 people involved and there's just no way it could happen.

  10. I think there was speculation (definitely with George her first), that she was as super thin again in like 3 weeks eg her same exact figure but I agree it sounds ludicrous (although she did have hospitalizations for complications? )maybe a way of staying out of public eye?

  11. Globalist eugenics project

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Riiiight... And they've managed to keep it a secret from the entire supernosy British tabloid press for years, but somehow Enty has his sources. ROTFL :D

    Oh, and BTW, wasn't there a BI here a few months back claiming that Willim keeps knocking Kate up so he can enjoy life outside of his marriage? Seems like a wee contradiction, doesn't it? :P

  14. @Lainey. Ha! DM bragged yesterday about having 20 people attending to a normal, uncomplicated birth.

  15. Ooooh, you touched a Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Goldschmidt-Rothschild-Bauer sore spot look at these shills flood in!

    1. Ha! So absolutely true! I can't believe people outright to refuse to believe anything negative about the precious "royals".

  16. I'm getting images like The Handmaid's Tale birth lol

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. If it were true , she wouldn’t be rich, she’d be dead to keep it quiet. I totally don’t believe it. My mom worked for an OB /GYN office for 20 years and said there were very thin pregnant people who delivered and looked very thin again 1 week later. It’s genetics.

    1. Some people can be back to their pre-pregnancy size/shape in just a few days. I know several.

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    @Geeljire +1000 They doth protest too much...

  20. This is bullshit. My mom walked into the hospital in labor at full term and was still so skinny the nurses asked if she was really sure she was pregnant. It happens.

  21. God this site has gone downhill over the past six months. The obviously made up blinds, the tedious reader blinds, etc. At least Enty's backed off the WORLDWIDE PEDO CONSPIRACY blinds lately.

    So it's spring now. When's that Don Henley indictment coming down?

    1. @Krab, I worked my way back several months on CDaN from the Weinstein story date (early October), and the daily routine was pretty fluffy before the story broke. After it broke, the site got interesting. But more recently it has gone back downhill, back to almost all-fluff. In parallel with the recent lack of high-profile takedowns. Back to where we're all supposed to get misty-eyed about what a gentleman Himmmm is when he supposedly dances with 92-year-old screen legends.

      There is definitely a worldwide pedo operation, or several, and I would like to see them illuminated (pun intended). But CDaN doesn't seem to be too closely involved with the big factional power players in the world. I now accept that that CDaN is a clickbait business which might, once in a while, get info from higher up. Maybe you and others will get your wish, that CDaN go back to the good old days of writing about nothing but hookups and bearding. I would not want to be preoccupied with these pathetic celebrities and their perverse behavior. But I'm still clicking through the site every day. Click-click-click-done, most days.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Watch the news the pedophelia and sex rings are sadly/ heinously real and have been for years. There was an investigation made public (then hushed) last year in Britain connected to those high up in British government as was/ is Prince Andy’s old friend Jeffrey Epstein (who I believe is under investigation again)

  22. F’ing Ridiculous. No way they could get away with that 3 times. Come on, Enty!

  23. Could it be Zara Tindall? Shes not old, but she's older (36), so she would have been 33ish when Mia was born and 35ish when they lost the second baby. Its not unreasonable to believe she had difficulty conceiving or carrying.

  24. I agree with @Neil and bollocks :) She is on anorexic diet usually by being wife of english royal, it is visible on MM too now, she is like not 0 but -4 since the engagement. However, every time Kate was pregnant she gained weight and one does not have to become an elephant just because of it. Plus since she is aging badly, as most with all do respect English not seeing sun people do, she stops using botox during pregnancy and it is super visible....just compare her photos from presenting the baby and in 3 months from that with clean wrinkle face suddenly again.

    1. @justanother

      Good point about facial treatments and pregnancy. She also stops covering her grays and eats more. That says to me she’s trying to give her babies a healthy start in life. Nothing wrong with that.

      And yes, lots of women do walk out of the hospital slim and go back to their pre-pregnancy weight quickly. It really is down to genetics and commitment to fitness before, during, and after.*

      *Not ALL down to fitness, note.

  25. This is what a eugenics program looks like.
    Royals have interbred themselves into such a genetic cesspit they need to perform selective breeding with themselves (see: culling of the Romanov dynasty, fascination with horse breeding) and since they have a substantial portion of the world's looted wealth, they went weird with it and decided to engineer golems from composite genetic material.

    Makes you look at the purpose of professional athletics twice.

    Altered Carbon and Jurassic Park were screaming this theme at you, hope you're paying attention at home!

  26. Don't worry, CDANers, I will be more than happey to get to the bottom of this outrageous conspiracy!!

    The spouse and i are heading to London in May.
    While there, I'll swing by Windsor Castle(is it?) and demand they come right out with the truth!
    (If they don't arrest me before knocking on their door!)

    I'll demand: Did you use a surrogate! OR, no surrogate!
    'Tell me the truth!'
    If they can't handle, I'll ask politely yo lie in a meaningful manner!
    But, convincingly.

    If that doesn't work, I'll just go to a local pub and have a pint and truly not care either way!


    *** If you have any recommendations for with spouse dining/pub date place that you know of in London, you can email them to me; or Follow me on 'Twit' and DM me.

    Much appreciate!

    1. I was in London last April. Absolute heaven. There's a fabulous Korean restaurant called Bibimbap around the corner from the British Museum.

      Take an extra suitcase so you can stock up on Mr Kipling cakes. I'd kill half my Twatter followers for some of their lemon slices.

  27. I was thinking Zara!

    1. Definitely not with her first at least. She was at horse events and was definitely pregnant with Mia!

  28. I really should proof read before posting....


  29. It's always shady when infrequent or new commenters start popping out the woodwork.

    That's why Beards'R'Us only uses established commenters on various sites to promote your "relationship." Nothing raises more red flags than a bot army of shiny new names screaming how normal you are. Beards'R'Us maintains connections with several degenerate alcoholic gamblers who regularly comment on sites when they aren't dodging their bookies. For a five spot or a fifth of rotgut whiskey they'll type paragraphs about your "true love."

  30. @Geeljire, yeah, I don't really get why people seem more personally offended by gossip about the royals than about anyone else. Isn't that basically what royals are for these days -- tabloid fodder? And if we believe Hollywood actors and directors have the power to cover up serious crimes, how much more power do the royals have to cover up something that's not even a crime?

  31. Maybe it's true. After all, Diana used a surrogate father for Harry.

  32. Speaking for me, I'm not personally offended by gossip about the British royal family. It's just that the gossip seems especially made up bullshit.

    FWIW, I don't think anyone killed Avicii either. Or Mark Salling. Guy with known health problems dies? After several suicide attempts, guy dies? INTERNATIONAL PEDO RING. Or maybe the evil widow who murdered Chris Cornell for some reason did it.

    Hell, even the Kartrashian blinds are better than these. They're just so obviously fake.

    1. What is a Devil's advocate except what it is?

  33. Some royal in Monaco just had her third child. It could be them.

  34. The Royals are monsters held up as admirable authority figures. Would they do something like this? Of course they would. They hate the profane rabble and love telling lies that are so eagerly lapped up by a naive and trusting populace desperately looking for someone else to tell them what to do and how to live because they don't have the courage to live their own, independent lives.

  35. I would be more inclined to think that the Monaco royals have surrogates, especially Princess Charlene.

  36. As I was reading this, an article popped up from the Washington Post discussing how "flawless" she looked, and discussing the fact that she left the hospital early. To me, she looked tired and a bit puffy. Not enough botox on her brow, either. They literally stood there for all of ten seconds before she said maybe they should go to the car. No doubt, she'd rather be in her own beautiful home and bed than the hospital. Not buying the surrogate story.

  37. My post did not show up so here goes. This is nothing compared to other things covered up,Prince Andrew? This may be BS, but certainly not impossible. If it is their biological child,no big deal. The Royals are hardly paragons of virtue, doing this would likely be for health reasons,so nothing if true,compared to other Royals. @Brayson87,ShillsRUs maybe?

  38. If this were true, it wouldn't be Kate.

    Maybe one of the Swedish princesses could get away with it. Even then, slim chance of it not getting out.

    Has any "she wears a fake belly!" story EVER been proven true?

  39. The Alchemist https://g.co/kgs/fbPkz7

  40. Think we're talking "Royal" as in Queen B

  41. A surrogate in this situation is more likely: http://people.com/royals/monaco-royal-baby-andrea-casiraghi-wife-tatiana-santo-domingo-welcome-third-child/

    They shied away from public appearances (including the top event of Monaco’s social calendar that every Monaco Royal is expected to attend), and the wife is from a wealthy South American family (so she would probably have issues with the idea of letting pregnancy warp her body).

  42. Agree with the comments that this blind really invalidates CDAN. Some seem credible, but some are just straining credulity. And, if he really were sitting on top of some of these huge stories, at some point they would surface publicly. Bummer, bc this site is entertaining, but I am less tempted to visit it as frequently.

    1. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    2. Yeah! And what about the nurse. Cant let the princesses bag get all stretched out from a pesky pregnancy. Pressure is high for these lady royals and their philandering husbands.

    3. I mean bag not bag. Damn spell check.

  43. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Well, Pippa's pregnancy will give us more info. Most women carry similar to their mothers, so Kate & Pippa would likely look similar, esp since they have same body type.

    If Pippa gets blown up, well Kate prolly used a surrogate. If Pippa carries like Kate, then either they both carried their own children...or they used the same surrogate. Stand by until Pippa pops!

  44. @Doug, this is a celebrity gossip site, not muckraking journalism nor Conspiracies R Us. If I wanted to read ridiculous conspiracy theories all day, there are other places to go. I want fluffy, believable celebrity gossip, not made up shit about how such-and-such was murdered on the direct orders of Chris Cornell's widow. I don't even want 10 parters about how The Crow was the bestest movie ever.

    I want MV. I want Coke Mom. I want Timmy and Shimmy.

  45. It is not Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. No way- too many photos of her looking puffy and plump with all of her pregnancies. Remember the famous photo after the birth of George and she was wearing the thin summer dress and she still looked pregnant?

    This blind is about Princess Madeleine of Sweden. She is 35 and just had her 3rd child. She is married to an American and the first child was born in NYC. Perhaps Princess Madeleine can't carry a baby to term so they used a surrogate. Hollywood types do it all the time. Less stigma now I think.

  46. This site has always been so fucking fake but it's getting more ridiculous by the day.

  47. Not buying this one lol

  48. There are other Royals people. Don't get all stupid. Monaco guess sounds good to me. What about Sweden or something? I am too tired and lazy to google and also I don't really care about this one, ha ha ! Also I wish I could "like" people's comments. Some of you all got me laughing this morning, thank you!

  49. @krab,MV,Timmy Shimmy were very long,drawn out blinds filled with red herrings. Go back in time,some days Enty has no blinds,or only a few. Sometimes it was clear he was doing OR for some clients or friends. The pedo/human trafficking conspiracies are real,and many people in the entertainment business were involved. Some of them have died. Some people whose names most don't knew died as well. We can't separate celebrity gossip from news when crimes are committed. Enty reported on Weinstein and Spacey for years. It was almost a running joke,that this blog ran too many pedo and Weinstein being a rapist blinds. Then they became news. We wish it was a joke. Enty still puts out fluff blinds,as many of more, than before.

  50. Wow, people sure got defensive over a rumor that's been around forever! Chill out and defend the defenseless, not elites that could care less about you and your family! People act like their mom just got roasted!

  51. Actually,I like the Monaco Guesses too. I would pay millions to not have sex with that sleaze,too.

  52. @the solo activist, +1million

  53. @Guesser, yeah I know Spacey/Weinstein blinds were true. Those aren't the kinds of blinds I'm talking about. You seem to think because Enty reported on what was common knowledge that that means his more farfetched crap is true. (In fact I know plenty of it isn't because it's laughable from a scientific perspective.) That is a logical fallacy, sorry.

  54. This is absolute rubbish

  55. this can't be the dutchess of cambridge. no way that all of the people involved could stay quiet. she's just one of those women with awesome body genes who will keep her athletic figure no matter what. look at her mother. no more fake blinds please!

  56. "Enty reported on Weinstein and Spacey for years."

    So did every gossip comment board going back the the Usenet. Enty didn't dig up anything new there. The activities of Weinstein, Spacey, Rattner, et al, have long been a staple of gossip sites.

  57. I don´t think Enty is talking about Kate. I would guess Letizia, because in Spain there are some rumours she was unable to have kids because of multiple abortions in the past. I´m guessing her because she is the only royal I heard these rumors about, but it could be someone younger who is still having kids.

    1. Abortions do not affect fertility. Not safely performed ones, anyway.

  58. It's all for you, Damien!!!

  59. Oh come on, it's Easy Easy and the blind is printed the day after the new baby is born. It's obviously supposed to be Kate.

  60. @krab,I knew from the beginning much of the gossip was just BS,it even says so in the disclaimer. Most other sites do not allow dissent, or real conversation. Many of the others print BS and don't get challenged. I miss the random photos and news bits, but who knows, they Could be back.

  61. Kate & William aren't the only royals, ya know. My guess: Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo. They had a baby this week, too.

  62. OK I think the Monaco Royals sound very plausible: Andrea Casiraghi and wife Tatiana Santo Domingo. They just had third child April 19th.

  63. This one is a bit nuts if is meant to be Kate - did MM's people send this in to discredit the blinds about her? Did she put on 3 stone to cover up the story? I'll consider believing it's Kate is the subject to this blind if she's stick thin at H&M's wedding in 3 weeks. You know she will want to look killer to try to outshine the bride

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. McGregor11:23 AM
    Maybe with a first baby but not necessarily with subsequent kids - I left hospital 3 hrs after having my 3rd who was born in the morning and 7hrs after the 3rd and 4th who were born at night as I had to wait until the morning for a paediatrician to check them over before I could leave

  66. I agree - I had a friend who had 9 kids in the family - he said after the last few his Mom got off the table and walked back to her room.

  67. This is not the British Royals, Kate defnitely was pregnant.

  68. Not in the UK. Back in the day (up to the 80s) you stayed in with your first but nowadays they get you home and out their bed asap.

  69. This is fake. Not Kate, the Swedish princess, nor Queen Letizia of Spain. Gaia, get your facts straight, you liar.

  70. Absolute bullshit if this is revealed as Kate Middleton.

  71. Some people think that Knowles-Carter used a surrogate, and she is royalty, so maybe this blind is just that tired old chestnut ; - )

  72. Its Madeleine of Sweden

  73. I know that women's titties get bigger when pregnant, so I will be looking at royal titties during 'pregnancies' like this in future.

  74. everybody needs to chill out - this isnt about the william/kate baby.
    its about the other royal that had their baby on the 19th. monaco, i believe? cant remember.

  75. Re: all those “people taking offense” comments. The only offense I’m taking is at the notion that we’re all that gullible.

  76. Come off it. She has not been "skinny woman with bump" she gained weight all over, and had a deflated bump when she brought the baby out. I'm sure some of these blinds are real, but for some it's like you just scan the Daily Mail and see what you can make up...

  77. BTW, this surrogate was not just any surrogate! To keep the lineage as pure as possible Kate also sacrificed her uterus. That is, Kate transfered her own uterus to the surrogat's so the surrogate could carry in Kate's uterus. See there's this famous couple operating a fertility clinic that peddles uteri and the royals own a share in it....(to the dimmers, this is sarcasm)

  78. Why does everyone think this is out of the realm of possibility? Do you really believe absolute power doesn't corrupt absolutely? A surrogate would still carry the genes so why is this so "offensive"? It would be more of a crisis if she couldn't concieve , right? Maybe she couldn't, so they used a surrogate and there's no way in hell they were going to let that secret out, they're supposed to be able to pick the best of the best right....? Geeljire is onto it

  79. Well it would explain how she was able to pop out a baby and leave the hospital a few hours later. I know ever birth is different but damn, after I gave birth, standing was challenge and she didn't even have a hair out of place.

  80. I would say it isn't Kate, because I don't think they ever would have allowed an heir to the throne to marry someone who hadn't been thoroughly vetted and who they weren't positive would be capable of providing an heir and a spare. However, would they allow a future King or Queen to be born of common stock? Kate is a commoner, which I never really thought about before. It's not far fetched to think folks who most likely employed wet nurses somewhere in their history would have no issue with employing others to carry their children...or the children of some distant bloodline relative to keep things kosher, and the future King.

  81. I knew the surrogate stories would come out after Kate gave birth. Is this because Kate left the hospital 7hrs after having the baby? Gee I had a 45 minute labour with my first baby and just made it to hospital. I was showered, dressed and makeup within the hour after giving birth. I was walking around the hospital within 2 hours after having the baby and chatting to friends and family. The only thing I put that down to was because the labour was so rapid there was no time for pain relief and that I had a wonderful midwife who ensured there was no tears or stitches. I think people need to look at this logically and realise that if a surrogate was used, Kate would not be supposedly giving birth in a Public Hospital, especially after the leak and death of a staff member after the first baby. If Kate used a surrogate she would be supposedly giving birth at home away from the public's prying eyes.

  82. "However, would they allow a future King or Queen to be born of common stock? Kate is a commoner"

    So was Diana. So was Elizabeth the queen mother. "Commoner" does NOT mean "doesn't have a courtesy title." It means the person is not a peer.

  83. Are there really people stupid enough to think Catherine wasn't pregnant each of those three times? Are these the same idiots who keep insisting Harry, who looks exactly like a Windsor man, particularly young Phillip, is James Hewitt's? The only resemblance between those two is the red hair.

  84. Harry, William's half-brother? That Harry?

  85. Did the poor girl starve her ovaries into stones and they couldn't jump start em w/ estrogen?

    At least Willie still gets tight tight w/o having to leave the house.

  86. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The whole thing is a show. When are people going to accept that?

    Do you honestly think they bring a vulnerable baby, less than 24 hours old, onto the hospital steps in front of a gadzillion cameras and total strangers?

    Do you think that the woman gives birth, whips off the bed, throws on an Emilia Wickstead creation and heels, and beckons her makeup artist?

    Do the men in charge of this charade even understand that childbirth is a major medical event? For many women, the biggest medical event of their lifetimes? That there is recovery involved? In some cases, mild shock due to blood loss (happened to me)?

    Would a caring mother subject the new baby to all of those thousands of international cameras and exposure, within three hours of birth?

    People view something like "Avatar" or "Star Wars". Do they think that those effects are limited to the film business?

    The same tricks are used in mainstream media, every single day. Green screens. Doubles. Animation. All of it.

    Come on.....Wake UP.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Agreed. The Firm like any other wealthy/ famous family (if not more so) have alot at stake in terms of image/ brand/ relevancy etc. abd will do what it tajes to protect the the truth vs the carefully curated image. Incl using BOTS and paid trolls/ mouth pieces to refute/ downplay or dismiss any whiff of the truth getting out. Why no pictures of Kate smoking up to incl her first pregnancy (lets play along) but around the same time clear pics of her naked on a private balcony were released. Negotiated deals with so called rags and media outlets are common both to suppress and leak info. Watch doc series like Empire etc if you wsnt to see how ruthless the BRF can be.

  87. It's been my experience that most women are up, walking around, even putting on make-up and nice maternity clothing within three hours of giving birth.

    It's not surgery. It's a naturally occurring event that women can go through because our bodies are built for it. Yes, complications occur and we are lucky enough to live in an advanced enough society to screen and protect both mother and child in . But for the most part, birth does not render women comatose or handicapped.

  88. Anonymous1:15 PM

    IVF can still allow direct lineage. Watch/ read enough history on royal and old weslth poweful families like the Rothschilds and you’ll see surrogates were/ are very common. IVF also allows for control of due dates, gender, health etc and surrogacy allows for a quick recovery. There have been valid questions/ doubts around Kate’s pregnancies each time. To label them all simply trolls or haters etc is convienient and, silly. There could very well be truth in any/all of it. The BRF puts public image/brand/ the Firm ahead of all else. Why would a roysl surrogate not be tevealed or tipped to someone like Enty? Some of the biggrst scsndals/ rumours have been later proven TRUE. So why not this. Let’s be real, of course they’d do this. The truth will come out one day. It always does.



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